The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

November 11th brings the Honduras x Panama grow (Ace Seeds) to an end. Still amazed we made it this far.
Its hanging in the garage only to get weighed and organized. All 8lbs of wet main branches pre-hang.
Pictures are scheduled for this aft, especially now that I can look the Top-Cola in the eye.
She is the last of my 2022 outdoor efforts. And its been amazing.
I’m in new territory all the way.

Hope you enjoy


Nice plant! You’re either short or that’s a tall plant :joy:


Getting close. Small bud rot or caterpillar damage on one but overall looking good. About to bust out the magnifier to take a closer look.

What do y’all think? Another week weather permitting, or pull em?


My Buddy, the home owner, is a shortish fella, 5’7” would be fair. And Yeah, she went Vertical


I would be guessing from where i sit, but Its/they are a beautiful plant ! Nice to see the Fan-leaves Fading…
Could not help notice the woven “grass-fence” what a great (organic) wind-block


Colombian Gold …latest 10-11 @Alta.Gama weeks from flip.

Firsts pics …took a clone from each plant…flipped four weeks ago… I had to get rid of the big male I had in quarantine…got to big and was starting to release pollen…ain’t ready for chucking.

The female clone from the big female…is just starting showing bud sites…the mother is huge.

Anyway Amigos the mother and sister are still stretching throw slowing down ( thank fuck) …I noticed some Calyxes forming today…there on 10/11 weeks in flower.

I think maybe I vegged to long (11 weeks) I’ve been manicuring best I can to keep uniformity…ie. Would like to grow these out side without restrictions they would be real big.

I’m pleased and still loving the journey…No nutes except a root feed…ye I’m sure the goats shit and the worm compost…I mixed seem to be holding up.

Happy Growing



Crazy how delicate these wonderful weeds can look.
You’ve done a Beautiful job


Thanks for your kind words.

Ye it’s a experience and a connection with Landraces…
I am truly enjoying the experience…it ain’t easy …but I bet it be rewarding when fruitition.

I love watching them grow….thinking this might be the way.

I’m all for preservation…Lots of OGrs have got these seeds in the Fall box…Be great to see how folks get on with them…

That big female and me are on eye level, I’m sure looking at each other…ye if you have those seeds in your fall box that @Old-Ron preserved for the freakers. OG is a unique place.

Ye 11 weeks in Veg + at the moment 11 weeks since flip = 22 weeks + proximal 11 weeks till harvest = 33 weeks… = 7 months…

  • I got to say in that time since out of veg wee have been in the wet season here…torrential rains occasionally, drop in temperatures regularly…been no problem.

Few weeks now in future we into the dry season…and I’m sure the girls will show there stuff with beautiful sunshine temperatures.

a challenge for growers,

But got to keep the landraces alive

Go for it.

Vivar la vida




Hey I’m loving this place. I’m Sure to keep in touch. Thinking back to early March, it’s been quite a ride
Thanks for the info, thats where its at…
~ d


Spot on.
Working with landrace and LR hybrids taught me so much about soil, nutrients, subtle energies, and how the plant gives you exactly what you need


Beautiful plant! :seedling::+1:


As Upstate says, growing landraces with love its an eye opener, literally I can say my best plants have been either landrace or LR hybrids, so much unexplored potential! I also wish more people could join the fun, but meanwhile I try to do my part. But I also have to say, that getting into landraces its a bit difficult if you dont know where to start, like there is some exclusivity to some landraces, either by price or by being in a private circle.

Anyway, I would love that in the near future more people get into it, and I think that OG is one of the best places to start, so lets flood the world with landrace ganja!


As you say, there is a bit of exclusivity to this facet of weed culture. True a lot of it is financially motivated but also consider lots of us interested in it are older cats. I for one am glad these prizes still exist and that they have been somewhat protected from corporate interests by their obscurity. It takes a deep dive to find what you want, or think you want, and an investment in time and effort with the plants to the degree you really have to just love the plants for themselves.

So I guess if I were to take a position I’d say it’s sad money has to have anything to do with it. These things are accessible, we just have to find them. The maze we walk sifts out the lazy and negatively oriented, good things in my opinion.

I might add they are accessible without oneself having to ride a yak up Annapurna but still requiring effort. Politeness and honorable behavior go a long way.


They’ve got a couple weeks left but I’d be worried the plants will begin making leaf rather than flowers due to the fading sun. Here at 42 north the sun is not strong enough after next week and this makes the plant give up on flowering…at 49 north nov 1 is the cut-off. If you see dark green shiny new mini leaves start up in the flowers, yank it.
Looks like a little dry rot to me.( yes it feels mushy.) Dry rot is my term for bud rot that does not easily spread. Of course this is not a different species of mold, but rather it shows that these plants have good resistance to rot and the flowers do not make a good home for it to spread quickly or even to go to spore.
Funny story. While growing out in Washington State I got a late start flowering my plants and they were not quite finished November 7th. I was determined to stay until they were done but my cousin was smart enough to know that the season was over. He Started teasing me about my unwillingness to give up…“No! NO! … Don’t pull them yet! In just 5 more weeks the days will begin getting longer and the sun stronger again!” Lol. Sometimes you gotta know when to fold em.


It’s been fun watching your journey into full on Sativa land😁. I hope you are an inspiration to others living in the tropics that have been wondering about the possibilities of growing local genetics. I can’t wait until they get a little further into flower!


Dont get me wrong, its good because of that reason, it gets out the corporate people just because of the research involved, this is good too because that means if you know what you got, you will value it more.


I’m old. I think a long game though I’m well past half done. There is nothing I find redemptive about corporate anything. Corporate activity is actually anti human in results regardless of what is said about motivation.

Profit as a motivator presumes, often intends abuse of the buyer.

Any other diabetics here understand what that means.


My Manipur are already droopy. May come down this weekend.


Without getting too political …I have to agree with you @GREANDAL


Same here, I have to completely agree… @GREANDAL
Anyway, bad vibes apart, how did those Manipur behave??