The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

He’s an artist; maybe this will be his big break :joy:


Hybridization with Lebanese genetics :crazy_face:

I do have plenty I’ve kept pure, but I prefer to work with more options. There’s only so much you can do with traits that are largely already fixed into the line.

I like to work on things that are regionally representative, but not necessarily pure lines. There’s usually a lot more to select from, and probably some shared genetic heritage in most cases, but much less variance than say crossing Syrian with an Afghan or Colombian. Plus then I never have to get involved in the endless speculative purity conversions. It’s a lot easier to just say I’m no true Scotsman and move on :joy:



Bro I grew out your Panama haze x Lebanese wow
It became a favorite quickly

Great jog on that one


I love your idea of hybridization within “the greater family”. It’s a great way to improve vigor and likely potency too while still retaining everything about the original landrace. Personally i think that the best of the best ganja of the seventies came about precisely in this manner. American and locals that got around country ( drug smugglers) much more than local growers could collect the best genetics from a whole region and gift them to one( or more) farmer he was friends with. The result would be hybrid vigor from outcrossing. Over time the hybrid vigor disappeared as genetics became more and more intermingled and the differences of genepools less and less. Just a theory of course but for sure something seems to have happened…a climb to greatness and a subsequent fall afterwards. Could boil down to stoners smoking better weed continually and gaining tolerance, but i think there is more to the story.


Think it’s time? I just checked the calendar and they’re from clone but I think only 11 weeks of actual flower so far so now I’m second guessing…


The Michoacan in your Michoacan x guerro is said to flower 10 or even just 9 weeks said my experienced college.

So, its entirely possible that 11 weeks and done.
However i cant judge if its finished.


Pull a small sample and try it.


Not quite Central American but close. Brazil:

Forgive the shitty pics.


Twist my arm why don’t ya! Great idea

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Good to know, thank you!

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Working out the kinks on my new :camera_flash: set-up and delivery. What better plant to test than one of the short(er) pheno Jalisco :mexico: Landraces!

Deciding to grow these out was a fantastic decision and I look forward to growing out other :mexico: darlin’s. :ok_hand: :fire:



@Pigeonman very cool, I love the 360 rotation!


Thanks! I’m gonna build a cage and have an overhead mount so I can be metal-as-fuck like Bugsy Berkeley.



Rock on :metal:

I’ll have to check more of his stuff out; it’s mesmerizing

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Look at our human population. We had waves of immigrants from various parts of the world who came here and mingled genetics. For a while it was immigrants from various parts of Europe, and now it’s immigrants from Latin America. Our wealth and power cannot be attributed that alone, but it’s definitely a factor.
Immigrating to another country requires courage, strength and adaptability, the nobler traits of Man. People possessing such traits met here and made this country what it is. That being said, the story of cannabis here in the USA has a familiar ring to it.


A good atrticle for anyone interested about the status in Colombia…this will all end in tears

A wee bit dated…But not much has really changed…still the locals are waiting on licenses…


Don’t go by flowering time. I’ve done so and regretted it. I’ve thought…"hmmm it said 16-20 weeks on the package and its only been 14. I better leave it. " mistake. Done is done and forget the known or suggested flowering time. Take it when it looks done to you.


I can’t wait to read this. Thanks for the link.

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Think about the genetics that will come out of the woodwork. Think about all the IBLs that have been cultivated secretly for decades…


Pretty sad actually…

Always the Indigenous people who get stuffed in Latin America.

Producing a gram of cannabis in Colombia costs 5 cents, compared to about $1.50 in Canada

Minimum wage in Colombia approx $1.60 …big Pharma wins again.