The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

That looks absolutely prime! You’ll be having a productive winter! Glad you are hooked. Its been great having you in the thread. What’s up on deck?

Disgusting, but its a trait that makes me smile. Gotta love that sticky flycatcher weed.

Thanks @Upstate !

Most of my landrace are from a snowhigh order. He gave a bunch of freebies and I also bought some of the older beans which have been tough to germ so I’m going to prioritize them - next is quicksilver - (c99 x metal haze) x ( acapulco gold x c99) and im hoping to do a seed run for the community.

Next landrace will be one of these:
Old Mexican bag seed if I can get it to pop…
Snowhigh El primo Mexican punta roja
Snowhigh Michoacán GPB x torreon
Snowhigh Panama red
Snowhigh Double panama red - (peace corps PR x red hair PR)
Snowhigh High mountain southern Mexican (Chiapas) x Michoacán gpb
Snowhigh Acapulco gold purple stem bx

Let me know which you think I should prioritize?

I’m not sure I have the space for panama red although those internet me the most, so I’ll probably stick to the Mexican strains, and most likely wait until next season outdoor since the patio gave me more space for the streatchy sativas.

Fly catcher weed :joy: it’s good to be sticky but bad to be killing bees…


Sooooo many seeds so little time and space available

But if I had to choose


Isn’t that the truth and a good problem to have :joy:

Is it the Torreón line that has your interest?

I guess I’ll have to work my ass off to be able to afford a little yard and greenhouse to get things going full speed!


More the Michoacán! I remember smoking that as a kid wow :star_struck:


This sounds good too. Chiapas borders Oaxaca…


No doubt. I started keeping honey bees this summer. Its a lot of fun watching them. I could do without being stung in the face but aside from that it’s been great​:rofl::joy::rofl:.
I much prefer to see those annoying fall time cluster flies stuck in a Bud than to find a bee there…


Sometimes it seems like plants know when they’re pressed for time. I get the impression some can sense not only how long days are, but also how quickly the days change. We may never know exactly how many factors come into play, and to what extent. About the time you think you’ve got it all figured out, nature throws yet another curve-ball.


Let us hope they are tears of joy and that the locals will be the growers in the end.


I think i let my oaxacan go too long…they seem to be high in cbn. Makes damn good sleep weed this.
Smoked a pinned and I was drunk on my ass.


Wierd. Sounds about right. Picked late they are a bit stoney sometimes. Yours were seeded too? That changes the nature of the high as well.


Was it a pearly one? They can be kinda narcotic later. Mine was anyway.


Thomas Jefferson (a fellow pot-head, I might add) said: “I’d prefer a dangerous freedom to a peaceful slavery.” That said, a problematic legal market beats the hell out of prohibition.


Perhaps for the indigenous farmers a legal market will be a form of peaceful slavery. I hope not.


Colombia may go back to being the source of pharmaceutical cannabis like it was prior to 1938. The difference is now we have “fair trade” guidelines for coffee beans (and other things, I’m sure), so those will be, hopefully, also applied to cannabis. And there is hope for that. Things have changed quite a bit since the turn of the century, often for the better. I can see “fair trade” cannabis being the standard.


All of mine were string of pearls phenos…this was the ‘short’ pheno only 8 foot tall. The others were taller and one was a split stalk …two complete stalks the same height approx 10 foot.
I cured then slightly different from
I was in a hurry …washed…hung them for 24 hours
and cut them into short sticks then put them into brown paper grocery bags folded and duct taped. I then put the bags in a ‘dorm fridge’ and put a humidity gage in there. Once they reached 90% I opened the fridge and left it open for several hours. After that they slowly went to 74% the jarred them after about a month. They slowly climbed to 80% and I open the jar for a few hours each time they reach 80. They are still slowly climbing to 80% and are curing slowly.


My cannabis is fair trade certified. I have paperwork.


Good on anyone who goes with fair trade voluntarily, especially given cannabis’s legally ambiguous status.

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What color trichomes? Get some Amber in there?
I don’t know if you remember way back in the thread I had a couple plants get hammered by rain Right as they reached peak potency so I left them out for another round of floral production to try to get something at its best. In the end it turned into a very stony pot, picked way past prime and not like What I’m used to with Oaxaca. When I looked at it with a magnifying glass I noticed many of the resin heads are gone. This isn’t like your typical polyhybrid covered in useless white hair. Each resin stalk should have an actual head on it😁
Some of the Pearl Stems can be done at week 13 or 14. Hard to judge outdoors.


At the risk of sounding like an idiot I have to ask if you’re serious or not?