The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

No I’m just lying.


Lol. Ok good. My first reaction was to laugh


Good news about the Loon my wife and I rescued. She was driven to one of the Universitys in Boston for a quick rehab and was already released in Prime shape. Makes me happy.


That’s good to hear. Beautiful bird!


I am glad I read this again. I read a book about the French and Indian war and it appears that foxfire was used to make a path that could be visible at night to artillery men setting up cannons aimed at a Fort at Kingston, Canada. I was under the impression that it was a plant. No wonder I couldn’t find it. This fungus is said to grow on the stumps of hemlock trees. I have to look for it sometime.
The Ouachita National Forest sounds like an enchanted place. Ever get back out there?
@gmike Did you ever tell us what this one was? Is this Huixtepec or something different?


That photo was sent to me as a native of the state of Guerrero, I don’t remember or they didn’t tell me what area it is from. Im now vaping some early flowers from my guerrero xD


It’s been a few years since I was last out there. I’ve found some places here in Georgia that are just as amazing, in some ways even more so. The mountains in north Georgia are actually larger, as are the creeks and trees. Oh lord, the trees in north Georgia… I’ll put it this way: you could have dropped me in there and told me it was Oregon, and I would have believed it for at least a little while. It was a stand of eastern hemlock, many of which had a diameter of over 5 feet. I also caught juvenile rainbow trout. Most people might have been bummed out by only catching small trout, but small trout means there is a breeding population there. The only trout in the Ouachitas were sterile stockers.
One night, a family showed up there and occupied a campsite a good ways from where we were. We heard them arguing…until a whole pack of coyotes began howling. The coyotes were at least 1/4 mile away, and the wife and I were unafraid (she’s as woodsy and loves nature as much as I do). The family, on the other hand, stopped arguing, threw everything into their car as quickly as possible and hauled ass out of there. We were amused but we made sure our little dogs never got out of our sight. One night I went looking for firewood, and saw no fewer than 6 copperheads in about as many minutes. A few years ago, a flash flood killed 22 people camping there. Between that, the snakes and the coyotes, people avoid that area. It’s called Albert Pike, and I highly recommend it.


Maybe grow them in a heated greenhouse. You could just grow them normally outside, but keep them under two meters and be ready to cover them up to protect them from frost. I’ve covered plants with clear plastic and put jugs of hot tap water with them under the plastic. Because VA is a legal state, you don’t have to be expend resources or make compromises in the name of stealth. Such resources and effort can be used to keep them alive long enough to mature.


Who has time to sprout some Mexican seeds right now? We need to get this thread fired up again and i have some good ones. I need Mexican bud porn in my life. Any interest? @Panamajock I will be mailing you those mystery seeds shortly and I will include the peshawar with them. Send me your address again please. Perhaps the mystery seeds I send you will still pertain to our favorite region😉


i know how to make an ultimate Mexican, atleast i guess.

It will be across of

  • the Mountain… Guys Mexican (dont wanna reveal name)
    Snowhighs Michoacan x Guerro .

I had actually a guy who said he will repro the Michoacan x Guerro.

These Seeds would been sent to the mountain guy with his lone 70 Mexican femal. The cross would be ultimate…
Problem: The guy with the MichoacanGuerro seems to not been on the forum since months.

So, if anyone has this MichoacanGuerro strain, we can make the cross happen. I predict a trippy pretty authentic mexican experience. Pretty ultimative actully,

And yes i alredy orgnized all parties, but again, one guy dissapeared…


is this Strain labelled sierra madre mexican? if yes, thats a good one.


I’m almost certain somebody just offered me some of these. It might be in the mail.


I’m pretty sure @Guitarzan has that one himself but I definitely been talking with someone that’s grown those and made seed. I’ve been on Instagram a lot lately and it could be someone from there. Maybe here too.
I clearly remember chiapas was in there too. It was this one. I think I’m trading some Oaxaca seed for it


If you find it, tell me! this would be relatively trippy/ trip level i think.
I told even a secound person hippy____ to hold on to yet another 70s mexican female only Line , i have hopes you can find them upstate, wanna do this


I think there are two 5 packs left here.

I’d love to grow them out with ya @Upstate
I’ve been wanting to get the last 2 here, not sure how legit this site is, but there it is. :dove:

If you get taken I’ll help recover the loss. Could be the real deal. :100:


I would call it Mychoacan


I believe this one is different from the sierra madre. I’ll paste the description from snowhigh below.

Also, I just finished snowhigh guerrero green x Michoacán GPB. I’ll send you a PM, it’s looking great and i’d love to see your project come to life :blush:

Here is the snowhigh description of the other one:
SOUTHERN MEXICAN HIGH MOUNTAIN SATIVA (CHIAPAS x Michoacán): A narrow leaf sativa from the Mexican highlands of Southern Mexico bordering Guatemala. A special delicate Mexican sativa which produces long floral clusters with good amounts of resin. Due to its southern proximity it has a longer flowering time then its Central Mexican cousins. The male was a Michoacán heirloom which bleeds purple sap, it is a heirloom variety from the past and produces long colas and can be extremely potent, psychedelic, happy and euphoric. Flowering time 16-18 weeks plus, this line does best outdoors, as some people running her indoors have found intersex traits. Like many Southern Mexicans light feeding and well draining soil is needed, as well and providing a large pot size for growing roots. BEST GROWN OUTDOORS.


@Elpolloloco You’re who I was thinking of lol. The universe has a way of helping good projects happen😁
Best grown outdoors…


Packaging looks original. My guess is they are…or its a repro and there are many packs available…and not just 2. Common tactic to sell more seed…


Oh, nope thats the wrong one.

i need these ones, theyre called: guerro x Michoan, and sierra madre mexican.