The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I’d like to thank @Upstate for sharing his Oaxaca seeds with me. It was a bucket list strain for me and it certainly met my expectations. Although the two females i grew have very different highs, they’re both extremely potent, extremely long lasting and extremely enjoyable. They were also extremely productive. I’ll be toking on those for years to come. :grinning:


The thing that strikes me the most about Colombian is how “average” it looks in veg mode…i mean, I’d never look at a vegging Colombian and think " wow, what an epic looking Sativa", nor would I expect such a long flowering time. It’s a surprisingly :open_mouth: normal looking sativa.
But when they flower the magic is revealed…


I was happy to share. I’ve always been the type of person that can’t wait to share a great discovery with others. I’m happiest making others happy. I feel fortunate to have found another group of growers that were eager to go exploring with me and to share there own explorations with all of us. I guarantee that everyone reading this will find a pot of gold if they walk this Sativa rainbow with me.
@Panamajock I don’t think we’re going to have a problem reaching 5000 posts. I have off from Christmas to New Year’s😁 and those Colombians are looking extra juicy! Can’t wait for the next update!.
@Tejas it must be nice to see some PCO germinated. Getting to see the Preservation seed grown out makes it all worth it.


I have to say, watching you start growing long flowering Sativas with a 15 week Double Panama and now getting into Colombian at 24 weeks has been extremely rewarding. You just can’t beat Growing a sativa in its native climate!


Yes and thank you @Panamajock for letting us see them! This is priceless information really. What they look like in native circumstances.


It’s been a very rewarding grow…A amazing plant and watching it flowering now is exellent.

It strolled through the wet season here…which was very high humidity for weeks.
The big plant hasn’t shed a fan leave and they are just starting to fade to yellow on the smaller girl.
The width of the grow had to be controlled or they would have went as wide as they are high

No nutes …couple of root feeds and one feed of raspadura (molasses) watering nearly every day with rain water.

Ye I’ve enjoyed the grow and thanks to @upstate and others for fueling my Sativa addiction. LOL




Gorgeous plants PJ! Between the columbian and the acapulco gold your patience will be rewarded :drooling_face: I’ve enjoyed following along, no matter how long it takes!

I second the sentiment about this thread - thanks to @Upstate and everyone else that’s kept it so full of info and first hand knowledge. I’ve learned a ton and my interest in long flowering sativas has grown as much as this post has!

Also commendable is how on topic it’s been.

I have a few options in the pipeline for next year and until then I have some hybrids starting out that will keep me busy. Hopefully the 25% acapulco gold in them will satisfy my sativa bug for now!


Thanks for the kind words…ye been a great learning curve.

Anyway whatever you grow…a good luck.




I have been talking with Panamajock and wonder if anyone would be interested going in on a group purchase? I can’t say what it is just yet , only that it is very rare and it is a long flowering Colombian. Price is $200/ 10 seeds. The goal would be to spread the seeds amongst the lovers of this thread. If no one else can do it I’m sure I can manage a small reproduction this summer using a couple 10 gallon containers with all the plants in them… But obviously a full reproduction would be infinitely better. Any takers?


Depending on the investment, I would be interested!


I could participate and hold out for the seed increase!


I can provide funds, but not able to reproduce them. Let me know.


I can help out with the purchase. Just let me know @Upstate


It is great to see others enjoying to fruits of my labor!


I would love to run something special like that for sure !


Just throwing this out there, my buddy in Denver grows some of the best Colombian weed I have ever seen. He has strains he has been working on for generations. His Punto Rojo is world class, and he has Red and Gold Colombian also that is nothing to joke about.

Anyway, not saying don’t get whatever you are talking about, but without spending any money I bet he would be willing to share with the community.

I just get “rubbed the wrong way” by expensive seeds. I just don’t believe in it. I am sitting here broke as a joke but I would rather be broke then be selling seeds at highway robbery prices. Bad Karma.


1 Uttarkland The land race team
2 Punto Rojo The land race team
Just planted I’ll get some photos shortly lights off now.


Message inbound. Let’s see what you can rustle up! :grin: I’d be lying if i told you I didn’t have a big shit eating( wierd expression, right ) grin on my face right now. Your buddy must grow indoors?

I might still have to hop on this other strain too, but i will wait for now. @Panamajock you seeing this?


I see you just joined OG. Welcome. Looking forward to seeing the punto rojo grown. Please post pics when you are able. There is an Indian Landrace thread on OG as well for the Uttarakhand.grow.


Cool I’ll look for it