The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

its like a sap, not sure if its resin but i had it happen to me one time since ive been growing, thats 20 years now, i had heard it is just sap the plant makes and that it is rare.
way to go cause either way you will be happy on the harvest


Greetings folks! I have just found this thread and I’m approaching Nirvana. I had no idea these lines were still out there. I have a couple Jamaican Berry super autos in the yard just to see a couple bushes and hope.

I know these are a funky mix and won’t be what I’d really dig but a boy can dream. Anyway, I’m stoked just to see what all of you are doing. :v:


Seems like somebody else asked about that and was told it could be plant sugars. Maybe someone has a better memory than me. So, I guess it’s not really resin. You’ll know if you squeeze it, heh.


Early in my father’s engineering career he (we) did a lot of surveying. Lots of it of drainages and undeveloped land. So many times standing with that pole in sh*t 3ft over my head in the summer heat I begged for a breeze. :joy:


I gave it a taste, it was pretty sweet so sap is probably more appropriate


It must be some sort of sap or something, I tasted it and it was pretty sweet


yeah i dont think it is thc, more of a sap thing, but pretty cool non the less


This is Old Silversides last weekend. I gave them some tea and they have really exploded in growth. I’ll get a picture today to show the difference. It may be a difference only I can see, I’m not sure…but to me it seems the plants already have bigger/better flowers at the end of week 9 than they did at harvest week 17 indoors.


It took me 4 years to find a male/female line of Oaxaca. I always had my eyes/ ears open. Most genetics can still be found if you put in the time and know where to look.
Nice looking plants. Autos have come a long way!


Oaxacan today…starting with Old Silversides…

And the dwarfs…
For those I have committed to sending some seeds I really apologize for taking so long. I end up with an hour work free during the work week each day, and maybe a few hours over the weekend which are spent going to farm stands this time of year… so not very much extra energy at all. I guess I’m getting a little bit old to be carrying plants in and out everyday.
For others of you also looking to get some seeds, be patient and stay on the lookout for an announcement…:grin:


im in no hurry my friend, im hoping to grow some when you send them, no worries again. i know you will send when you can


It takes so much time having Weed to care for.

Thats a reason why i dont even think of learning how to breed.

Man, think of how easy it was in a Country of origin, many similar Strains around, all legal, the Strains very adapted. Plant some seeds and watch it grow.
Its crazy what were doing, but weve all smoked some good stuff once and want it again, right?.


We are most definately crazy! Lol. Chasing that magic high! I just picked a premature oaxacan bud today to see if it is trippy at all… I am microwaving half of it because I’m impatient LOL and the other half I will let properly dry…
Thanks for your patience @blendmedmedman…it will be worth the wait🤗


Sorry I forgot to respond buddy. Yes I still have oaxacan pollen and within a week or so we should know if it’s any good or not. I’m going to keep using what I have until I find something viable to hit my Thai plants with. Once I get done what I need to get done I will be passing out the remainder. The pollen has been in a freezer and it’s my first time doing such a thing. Hopefully it’s still good. As far as the Mexican red hair goes, 1 reproduction is all you have to do this year for the Freakers… you still have that Congo going don’t you?


That’s fine, if you end up having enough, let me know. I have some HOG seeds so I can just pop those and hope for a male if all else fails.

Oh, I only need to do 1? I thought it was 2, that’s a relief? I may just do that then. I had said I was going to run the Ukhrul after the Tuna but I think I’ll work on the Afghan considering what’s going on


I am with you…I sent my order for kandahar, Tora Bora, and ghazni to Kwikseeds last weekend


Could be a while before we see any Afghan genetics from in country.


You are exactly right. This is the only way I see of having such a pure smoke, that thing we remember so fondly. Certainly worth the time investment to me. I enjoy plants just for themselves and the closer to actual naturally evolved the more fascinating (read demanding) they become.


My poor abused Zacateca Tribute males dropping their pollen and my outdoor plant with Luna for scale : )


Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: