The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Looks like your male plant might be into sadomasochism LOL. Seems to be enjoying the abuse!
Love the close up picture of the dog. Labs and lab mixes make the best pets. Outdoor plant is coming along nicelyšŸ˜


very nice, and the dog seems to know what is up as well


Short Oaxacan. Nearly ready to be picked! Taking cuttings off flowering plants really does knock down the flowering time by 2 weeks. I read that info long ago, but now see it is true. This one went from 13 weeks down to 11 weeks or so. Much better yield


Zacateca pollen has been saved and storedā€¦

and a female in the tent covered in pollen and ready to produce seed.


super nice


Iā€™m loving the work with the Oaxacans. Now, Iā€™m hoping you do get some extra beans. Just happy to watch the grow atm. Do you have them in pots incase you need to retreat inside because of winter weather? Hope they all finish well for you.


Seeds arenā€™t lacking my friend. Its motivation to package and mail them atm. Been a looong, hard couple months. Iā€™ve been working wet nearly every day . Thereā€™s just no way around it with all the rain . Sucks the life right out of me. My old ass doesnā€™t normally drag like this. The season ends here in a couple months, and then Iā€™ll pass some seeds out, and make some available for a limited coop run like I did with Malana.
With that said, if there is anybody that is motivated and has the time to pop seeds from these immediately upon receiving them, I will get my ass up off the couch and mail them this week. @NIGHTMAREā€¦i know how bad you in particular want these little cannonball seedsā€¦you ready to sprout them?


@upstate i would love to pop some but right now i would be able to get to them til around december, but i am still interested in seeds as you know, the shashamne is 100% female as she is starting to show bud sites. i was able to get a few cuts so i may try reversing one for female seed of this strain. once i see roots and get some veg time ill let you know when i start the spray, im thing sometime next month ill start spraying the sts, fingers crossed


Yes they are in pots. The original old silversides plant was dumped out of its two gallon container onto the ground and left there to live out the remainder of its days. It has begun growing vegetatively and will be my source of clones. The others have been flowering already for about 10 weeks, so I have about five weeks left at the most. The cuttings I took for outdoors were taken off of flowering plants. Itā€™s definitely the way to go.
I gave one of the Dwarfs a tea a couple weeks ago, and flowering has exploded. The plant is only maybe 12 to 16 inches tall without the pot. This one went 15 weeks indoors . Looks like it has at least a couple weeks left. Maybe it will go the full 15, but i think 13 will be the majic number. None of the plants stretched the way they did when they were grown from seed.


Pretty much anybody that has been contributing to this thread is going to be getting seeds if they want them. Iā€™ll give a heads up here in this thread when the time comes.
Glad to hear the Shashamane is a lady! Hope its a good one!


Yeah, Iā€™m in no hurry. Iā€™m like you, and Iā€™ve heard a few others mention it as well, but Iā€™m just dragging ass this summer. Sort of down but no real reason other than the nightmare we all live in every day. Last winter took a toll on me I guess.

My Malana male is starting to open pollen sacs. I was thinking about topping the flowers off but wonder if I should just take it to an area to let it start and collect pollen if itā€™s early. I hope it finishes flowering if I do that. The female is flowering but itā€™s already looking like this is gonna take a while. I want to hit a few flowers with the Kashmir pollen and same with the Malana; I want to hit a Kashmir plant with Malana pollen which I donā€™t have yet.

Iā€™m enjoying watching your Mexican stuff. None of my plans went as I had hoped this summer, but maybe I can have some indoor fun this winter.


I have fresh Zacateca Pollen I can send to people if the want. I already sent some out to @Trowertripper.


This fellow here would pop them immediately. Just sayingā€¦


Seems to be the summer of ass dragging for us older folks lol. I guess Iā€™m sort of down as well. I have this nagging feeling the country i love is in serious decline. It wears on me. I just try to concentrate on what I love, and try to spread that love around when I get the opportunity.
Malana seeds took about 6 weeks to fully form if that helps you at all. Your male is spilling pollen about two weeks earlier than mine did, too. I would use that pollen just as soon as the kashmir cooperates. The hybrid between the two is going to be special! If you are not ready for pollen, rather than picking off the whole top, just pick off those male flowers that are the furthest along. Sometimes I pick all but one cluster off the plantā€¦ makes it a lot easier to spot the flowers that are ready to open when thereā€™s only a few on the plant. Donā€™t forget to check down low along the main stalk for flowers. Those can be sneaky, and are easily overlooked if youā€™re not careful.
Flowering time for Malana for the faster plants is in the neighborhood of 12 weeks, sometimes a little faster. If itā€™s already throwing female flowers, you are probably about a month in to the flowering cycle or so. The month of October is Harvest time in India. Should be about the same for you.
Keep visualizing those harvested seeds and it will be sošŸ˜ summer isnā€™t over yet my friend. My plants continued to form seeds until the end of October when the plants looked dead. As long as the stalk is alive, seeds will continue to form. Keeping roots warm will helpā€¦


Nice of you to spread the wealth! Iā€™ve got my hands full already, but Iā€™m sure others will be interested.


I am really looking forward to spreading my f2ā€™s and raising some money for a good cause. Its a dream come true. Is it still a good deed if you do it for the selfish reason of making yourself feel good?


would you send me sum? ill send seed later in return, please


oh and dont worry ill be passing out some of these seeds im working on , ive got a few things in the mix and i have my fingers crossed. ill know soon enough if my efforts on this run pay off.
they wont be landrace but sativa type stuff


I think thatā€™s why we all do itšŸ˜ we need good deeds to balance this world


Yes send me a PM :slight_smile: