The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Thank you sir :blush: If the already curing plant is any indication these will be awesome. It was a steppe looking thing, very close and compact. Did not like the monsoon. Fought rot until I gave in. Itā€™s a nice silky high now, will no doubt improve with age.


yes they will be nice. aged and cured, the best part of waking up


Ooo la laā€¦ Really pleased with how my outdoor plant is doingā€¦ its all cedar candy terps.


I also realized that flash makes plants look prettierā€¦ so thats how they do it. Hope you guys dont mind me spamming the thread with my Zacatecas. :slight_smile:


now that is looking really nice , you did a great job cause im wishing i had some of that @TopicalWave


Almost all of it has Colombian lineage, Santa Marta gold, Punta Roja etc etc


Lambsbread is supposedly Ethiopian. A gift from king Haile Selassie, who began ruling Ethiopia in 1930 and ended his rule in 1974 . Other Jamaican varieties are certainly part Indian, genetics of which were brought by the Coolies, ( Indian sailors hired by the British) but also some Colombian genetics in there due to its position between Colombia and Florida.
@FattyRootsā€¦i didnā€™t realize you already answered LOL. I fell asleep, woke up and hit sendā€¦


Hi guys, and where do the Colombians come from? Any hypotheses?

edit: Because they are so distributed, they must be interesting,


Good morning @Gugumeloā€¦Some Paraguay seeds showed up at my house on FridayšŸ˜. These are very special genetics and I hope you take good care of them. I will send them this week. I had to give up my left arm for these genetics LOL.
I havenā€™t been able to figure out where Colombian genetics come from originally for sure. In 1810 Indian genetics were brought to Venezuela and it was recorded that this happened. Itā€™s possible thatā€™s what Colombian is. Itā€™s also possible Colombian genetics came over earlier from Africa with slaves, or that they were brought by Portuguese or Spanish sailors. I donā€™t recall the dates anymore, ( earlier 1900ā€™s)but American pharmaceutical companies brought genetics from supposedly Borneo and mixed these genetics with already existing Colombian genetics, and in my mind this is where the more powerful Colombian strains come from such as Santa Marta gold. It seems like punto Rojo is most likely related to the other red varieties on Earth, such as Panama Red, Angola red Etc.
Itā€™s possible some genetics descend from Chinese broadleaf hemp, selected over the years to become a potent variety. Many possibilities. I look forward to finally learning the truth someday. Certainly is a special gene pool in Columbia


Iā€™m obviously not far along my collection journey but thatā€™s more and better information than I have been able to glean this far from the interwebs. Thank you very much!

I was thinking along those lines, that the Columbian lines had to be there somehow. Having seen Rojo and golds before I knew they werenā€™t likely in the two I have going, theyā€™re definitely Indian in background judging by what Iā€™ve seen lately. Goodness my mind is churning. :joy:


Source : Wikipedia so it is what it is butā€¦

The Spaniards brought industrial hemp to the Western Hemisphere and cultivated it in Chile starting about 1545.[26] In 1607, ā€œhempeā€ was among the crops Gabriel Archer observed being cultivated by the natives at the main Powhatan village, where [Richmond, Virginia](

/wiki/Richmond,_Virginia) is now situated;[27] and in 1613, Samuell Argall reported wild hemp ā€œbetter than that in Englandā€ growing along the shores of the upper Potomac. As early as 1619, the first Virginia House of Burgesses passed an Act requiring all planters in Virginia to sow ā€œboth English and Indianā€ hemp on their plantations.[28]

Extracts were used in medicine all over the US until banned and certainly many apothecaries would produce their own I suspect.


I have so much fun thinking about the possibilities of where the worldā€™s landraces/ heirlooms originated a part of me will be sad when I learn the truth. A little bit of mystery makes it fun!
This morning I spent an hour picking Bananas off of Old Silversides. Last week we had a day of heavy rain and I decided to put her inside under an HP S lamp. Huge mistake! I will never make that mistake again. I was trying to protect the resin from the downpours, and at least in that regard I was correct in doing so. An unexpected storm a few days later hammered old silversides for 2 hours. I lost a lot of resin, Iā€™m sure. Lucky for me old silversides can afford to lose a little bit!

this is an inner "bud":grin:. Certainly some well timed pruning would increase Bud formation, but I just love looking at this crazy plant au 'naturel.


Prior to the 1930s, it is estimated about 80 to 85% of all medications were made from cannabis.


yeah man we can all imagine who brought the seeds i mean pirates may have played a roll as well than your ordinary sailor. i would think they would bring them over for a good time, plant them in around the coastal areas of s America, the crew would come back later and find the stash, doing the same year after year, during these years birds could eat the seed and pop them out inland somewhere and the natives would most likely consume for medicine or religious reasons, the tribes would move around grow some stash, find local stash and mix the two plant those seed and find out the new stash is better.
or we could say cannabis came from in around china, perhaps this was carried over when the earth was still in the ice age at the bearing straight, this was supposed to be a frozen sea where natives would walk across from russia to alaska, bring the seed planting it there and some of the tribes moved south bring it with them, would have been an Indica coming from the north, seeds get dropped and they do their thing birds eat more seed and pop them out. ect.
nature had a play in some strains as well, but yeah we could go down the rabbit hole for sure. i am just glad i live in the now where we can share our thoughts, but i really like learning the true history. you guys have some knowledge and thanks for sharing

4 Likes ā€ŗ zheā€¦

Good point about the possibility of the Chinese potentialy bringing genetics with them in the 1400ā€™s. Personally I believe cannabis genetics were in the Western Hemisphere before Europeans came here. The proof will come with pollen samples taken from soil samples, but you have to look to find it and I donā€™t know that anybody is looking. Right now all we have is anecdotal evidence any drug cannabis was grown prior to 1810, but Iā€™m with you in thinking the natives or escaped slaves selected potent plants from broadleaf hemp, or grew cannabis brought over during the slave trade or by pirates. Iā€™ve long thought that pirates must have been cultivating along the edges of bays or mouths of rivers. I know i would haveā€¦AAAARRRRRR, me Matey!


you bet they came from all directions with the seeds, i even bet they were traded here and there too. they say hemp is an adaptive plant. we have different landraces every where in the world.
from sativa to Indica to Ruderalis, each one adapted to the needs and surroundings, from cold and short faster flowering to the opposite sativa longer flowering times.
these plants can grow though a variety of conditions, with our help as humans, we brought them from and to the four comers of the earth, nature and the elements played a factor too.
we live in a time now where we have science the internet to share stories and photos, and we even understand how the plants make thc, cbd, ect.
we are also the ones now days that have been chosen to be the care takers of strains we do not wish to see bred out but in fact kept as whole as when can.

the possibilities are endless, but this plant is like a weed as in a sense back then they probably just let the plants go, a male here and there, not all the plants would be seeded.
but i promise you during the times men like you and i would have taken our seeds with us.
i know would have and i know you others would have.


Iā€™m curious which property of cannabis first drew early manā€™s eye to it. Fiber? Resin? Chicken? Egg? :joy:


Good news manā€¦ Glad you arrived, they are guaranteed for the futureā€¦ Were they sent in regular flips? I need to send some to @Corey, but I need a secure way to sendā€¦


Much of what you said is true, but let me help you out here. Ganja probably came from Africa BEFORE the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Mansa Abubakari II, the ā€˜Voyager Kingā€™, arrived in South America 200 years before Columbus left Europe. The kingdom of Mali was built on trade. Mansa Abubakari II probably brought Indian ganja with him when he arrived in South America and traded with the local tribes.


your halfway right, they let plants go. Atleast they did not select that hard like we doā€¦

Also: i heard Hemp was separated in SE Asia. It was Hemp grown in one half of Year and Weed in the other.

So, this is an interesting Anekdote (only Anekdote), that these people were probably organized and strict when it comes to crosspolination.

It is also interesting to do math about how far Crosspolination between two Strains would reach, If everything would become a sea of the same Strain? . My calculations showed, that small Amounts of one Strain get eaten up by predominant strain