The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)


What i tried to etablish is how exact their “sharing of the best” was. Of course i couldnt get exact Anwsers.

It greatly would determine how STONG this “sharing of the best” was… And like said if they probably etablished separation between Strains…

Thes Insights would anwser alot about how to breed most potent Weed on earth…

If say : the thurst for good breeds was very high, and the best seeds were shared therefor more widely… Like bringing them into a regional Market, or even bringing them to traders who spread them. Thats may be an important difference.That would mean more far-outcrossing in scientific Therms. It also would mean a stronger featuring of “the one of a thousan” killer phenos… Wich Seeds would be featured and spread more widly., Would mean stronger decimation in the selectionprocess


Yeah, khalifa genetics said me that about Morocco…
Since some people say marocan was a pretty wild mix of Leabanese, African and Hemp…
So, if even those “unconcentrated” Maroccans selected their breeds… This etablishes the idea of selection being a regular thing, exactly


They are selected for a variety of reasons. Most southern Viet is animal feed. The highland people grow for hash and flower production plus use hemp seed flour.

Thailand has been cultural for millenia and used for a multitude of purposes including smoking. However again highland folk have the better genetic material aka chocolate Thai.

Laos isn’t as prevalent a traditional cultivator but some regions are dependant on cannabis and opium production for currency. As they have for millenia. Different sub groups of the population.

Cambodia farmers have been (illegally) cultivating large amounts for tourism. Most farmers will have a number of plants. Each region of SEA has their own varience, much like afghan or Pakistan. However Kandahar farmers will utilise genetics from other regions obtained through trade to modify or improve their crops. This has been ongoing for millenia. So it is in SEA.

However China Yunnan isn’t going to be found in Vietnam or traded with. Reasons: the China Vietnam war in the late 70s. There is tension going back 1000 years at that border.

Now this is from my own travels, my friends travels, conversations (sometimes very basic) with local people and old heads that were involved in the war in Vietnam or as the Vietnamese call it “the American war”. So it’s only my experience and opinion and my take on what others have told me.

Have a great day and hope I answered some questions with the limited Knowledge I am able to share.


One of my sources is the Thaistick-book Author. He just said Thailand was pretty high class breeding in some regions…

Probably it really differs alot from region to region…
Like bordeaux for Wine (alltho there it has to do with Kaliumrich hills)… In some regions they might be much more aware and advanced, but in some regions they select rather randomly multipurposal…

If people give Weed to animals, i guess they probably dont select for it, cause they dont especially care wich breed the animals find tastyer.

If it is selected for kindof medicine, then there is selective pressure .
I heard they cook with Ganja alot, trow it mostly into Chicken-soup. Yes as kind of a Medicine to make your stommage well balanced. Kinda as medicine, well being-purpose…

I heard also they like Ganja for working long shifts… Se asians like to work when “high”
, cause they are naturally very hardworking people. Hence the very uplifting but also kind type of High, that makes you just feel well? Wich Vietnamese Cambodian is…


Thank you for taking the time to share this. It really brings home the insular nature of life in the usa. Multiple cultures cultivating for centuries and here is where I find proof it happened at all. My mind gets blown here daily lately.


I assume it is grown for seed as animal feed?

Nope animals eat and LOVE the whole Plant. And tonns of it…
They must been very blasted eating it kilowise,


I’m sure they do, but if I grow a feed crop in a limited space I want as much nutrition as possible and seeds are where that’s at.

I could be wrong, it depends on what sort of animals they’re feeding.

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I Thanks for the Info: Lowland Vietnamese used as Animalfeed.


Ha! Lucky cows. :rofl:

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Probably boring Reasoning of me if Vietnamese is stemming from Thai. Please skip if want

But if we agree vietnamese is THE strongest Weed . Stronger than Thai.

And we assume the Vietnamese neded the import of Thai
There whe have two scenarios:

1: They discharged all their own vietnamese weed and just straight grew Thai. BUT why was Vietnamese then different than Thai? Probably cause it acclimatized, ok thats an explonation. but why , if their acclimatized Version was the strongest on earth , why was it not just kept? (therefore beeing simply vietnamese) probably cause it emideatly was pollinated by weaker vietnamese, ok thats an explonation, but hold on then how could we find weed in an acclimatized state (like said we assume vietnamese is stronger than thai, hence different), if threth from weak vietnamese crosspolination was existent. Probably some few Plants stay unpollinated from weak vietnamese , but sooner or later it happens to all of them, and new thai needs to be brought in… Ok thats an explonation, and the ones we rate as "most powerful " are the ones not crosspolinated yet, but already well acclimatized…

2: They interbreed Thai x Vietnamese. But why was Vietnamese then more ultimative then Thai itselve, when it consisted of weaker Vietnamese Weed x strong Thaiweed. The cross should be weaker than pure Thai itselve… Probably cause outcrossing is a Key in breeding… ok thats an explonation. but doesent 100 percent resonate with the beleve that the Landraces are inbreed… But this is anyway a generalized statement.

So, we can find explonations.
The thing is: when i hear that Vietnamese was the strongest Weed, wich i sometimes do , then i automaticall try to find out why. And those two scenarios , are hard to approve/or debunk. And i dont have to.

Its just when i hear stories about vienamese Making process, i hear so much of Hemp, forgein seeds, my initial reaction is: how is this possible.
Well your forgein-explonation is somewhat justified. And it stands on the idea that either acclimatisation to different Region is somewhat benefitial / Or that hybridisation of weaker X stronger Weed equals the strongest weed…

PS: (and i dont wanna fight wich Strain is the strongest, but thats what i feel heard, i also heard the opposite, but lean thowards …)


Let’s assume that you are right and that Vietnamese is or was at one point the strongest cannabis. What could explain this? The Vietnamese gene pool would be pretty closely related to other Gene pools in Southeast Asia. The Thai people have been cultivating and breeding ganja hundreds or even thousands of years while Vietnamese people are not known to be cannabis farmers. They are more like you and I… regular people that happen to grow cannabis, growing whatever happens to be handy, or selecting plants from whatever patch they happen upon. So you have one gene pool that has been heavily worked and another one that has not. A similar scenario occurs in eastern India. The Meitei people of Manipur, who are related to the Thai people, have been cultivating and selecting ganja for a very long time. The neighboring Naga tribes from Ukrhul, also in Manipur, have only been growing a short while relatively speaking. Cannabis cultivation is a new occupation for them. They’re grow style is a lot more rustic, where male plants are left to do their thing, and wild plants in the neighborhood are left to do their thing as well. Meitei people grow seedless and always pull wild plants. So you have this same scenario of heavy selection verse semi-wild. While manipuri pot is generally considered more potent, when you get a kick-ass plant from Ukhrul, its very kick ass, more so than even Manipur…its just much rarer.
Perhaps it is this Union of wild and cultivated plants of a similar gene pool that makes for the adventure weed. It’s very much like a back cross. The heavily worked version crossed back to its wild self.
@Justanadachuka it’s nice to see you here. I can see your input is going to be very valuable. Stick around!


yeah, cool that somebody read my last post.

So you also find the Hybridisation to be an explonation for potency…
Has this been discovered, that Hybridisation causes a rise in potency (i mean real potency, not just Thc measures ).

I know that per example Chilibreeders outcross some of the strongest Landrace Chilies to win the strongest-Chili-Challenge…Its probably same principle.


Probably some traits got lost in the “more selected” Thai. And reunited with “unselected” vietnamese it just gave the best of bouth worlds. The highest achievement.

Biologist sometimes compare Geenes of very rustical Landr. VS most loved Landraces , and dicover that some of the most love Landraces still have lost some traits on the way… Sometimes just two or three Genes…

So, these are two examples that speak for this Theory.


I definitly apprechiate @Justanadachuka s info.

Are there other Examples of Legendary Landraces that stem from a Region with less selective Practises?


you see this is why i like this thread
from what i understand is that at one point Thailand where the strongest at some pot Vietnamese and thailand were bred together making a stronger strain.
i also have read that there were certain providences or different sections of Vietnam north ,south, west, east there are weaker strains, as thai strains are stronger.
could this just be because the farmers bred out the week and kept going for the stronger, taking the thai and making it their own, as well as knowing how to grow the seeds and in turn bring a high cash crop of strength. so one is to assume that the breeding going on was intentional and not by mistake.
these farmers are most likely involved in opioid production as well , more so the drug trade, underground stuff since the government is really strict.
so with all the trading, smuggling, ect. of the seeds from these regions, se asia, then why arent these strains more around like in other countries, as well as some other land races. i would have to guess that these strains were held really tight by the farmers, perhaps traded to just a few locals. some prob. more selective than others or perhaps some used it for different reasons and the selective seeds were not what they wanted to use but the weakest stuff to feed livestock with.
speaking of some of these strains,
where would one find some seeds from the Vietnamese black strain? is that the one that’s strongest?? as i wouldn’t mind growing them in the next few runs


From what i heard Vietnamese is more livechanging then Thai
Deeper emotions, stronger visuals

from thai i only hear people telling me its very, very very strong. but not as spiriual feeling and no visuals of DMT-degree. Atleast more rarely reports reach the heights of a Vietnames report. Just what i heard


i wonder then it comes down to how its grown and perhaps how the sun hits it compared to other regions. i am growing a wild Thailand now see smells real nice but seems to have more of an Indica look small compact looking buds ect. ,and i have a feeling it is just that wild stuff that just grows that world of seed used to bred out something they called wild Thailand, so i am not sure if the seed company advertises this as a 100% land race but it could be the land race from the ditch.

so also speaking of land races,
what do you know about a good authentic Colombian gold? and where i may find sum of these for my growing pleasures, but i am also looking for more than just that from that area


Well as one been to both countries Thailand and Vietnam and have many expat friends, no Vietnamese is generally not stronger. It’s more haphazard and not selected for, unless you visit the hill tribes. They have farmed cannabis and opium for quite some time and are an older ethnic group then the lowland Vietnamese. By quite some time I mean at least a few thousand years.

So perhaps someone smoked highland Vietnam cannabis, which is much like Thai northern highlands and the mountainous laos border region. All they had to compare it to was lowland Thai, which is what most seed banks sell, lowland Thai.

Cambodian is strong. If you get a good sensi grown Cambodian it’s very psychedelic. However I’ve smoked Balinese cannabis grown indoor under hps in Dutch trays and it was mind blowing. Ok so it was 28 years ago almost but I’ve NEVER had such extremely psychedelic cannabis since and I love that kind of weed. Probably mostly subjective as I was a teenager back then.


And besides generallysation, where did one get the strongest sample of weed?
Cause thats what im after, cause my Experience was out of this world, and i dont care for Amounts, just for beeing there again. From what i heard that kind of Experience you get in vietnam.

Yes, what you say matches what i know: Highland was the strongest. Yes, in relatively remote areas, thats what i heard too. So probably Tribe Stuff.

(no man im not comparing to Seedbanks modern Thaiweed) Im comparing the best reports after 6 years of reading the net)