The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

The most legendary would be one of the clessics from Mexico( i know, its North American. Close enough tho)like Acapulco Gold( a Guerreran),Michoacan or Oaxacan. Panama was also well known for some rollercoaster weed, but usually dreamier. If you think about it, experiences varied so much depending on luck of the draw. Whether the weed came from master growers or from someone gathering feral or inferior.plants. When a bag of weed was bought, unless it was a large amount, it was probably just from one plant. It may have been typically representative of the landrace, or it may have been a poor or excellent example. I think those best able to judge the old varieties smoked a hell of a lot if it from many sources to get a good rounded idea of how good it was. Ie. Drug runners.


I have to pack up Oaxaca beans for the Freaker’s next and then will pass out more for the rest of OG. You won’t be forgotten.


nice thought, only people with much experience can tell. interesting

thats why i spent alot time reading forums. There was a similar discussion where the trippiest came from on icmag…
I was watching for agreement, its hard to find, but most impressive sounded Mexican and Columbian fighting head to head for “the trippyest” rank.
Panama not much behind if any.

theyre all superb


They will be gladly accepted. And highly appreciated.


Lots of older heads on icmag. I learned a lot there while lurking. Talking to or reading about the golden years from older folks is the next best thing to being there and experiencing for yourself. One of these days i need to get some books about BOEL. Probably some great sources in there too.


yeah that makes sense as all of us have grown out plants before where one was better in one way or another than the other of the same strain.
i also think it all comes down to how it was cured as well., where we have brick weed that was compressed into blocks and then another was hung dried them compressed in block
i think i had brick once or twice that was like wow i should have gotten more.
then i had some that got seeded up as no one cared, back then i tossed my beans in to the ground everywhere. i know a few grew but i never went to check on them cause they were by parking meters and some city buildings, police station ect.
so perhaps the holy grail we all search for is in the end,
how well it is grown and cured, and i would say have a solid strain as well


ok, thats possible, however, if you read much you will see how Bud from legendary Regions always is preffered, you can hear soliders, or people having experiences at the Origin aswell, rarely someone comes up like: “oh i smoked something from non legendary regions, say Chile, and it was better than any Columbian that ive smoked”

After years of reading you will hear people with compleetly different backgrounds saying: and the columbian was soo good , and the mexican was so good.

There are still some Regions , wich less people report about cause nobody was there, but if nobody really mentioned Chilean Weed as the absolute perfection ever since, but just one person , then… not shure ,

Really, im chatting on Youtube, or Reddit, talking to “Hippies” to DEA agents, haha , to heavy smokers, to One-timer-young-smokers, they all tell the same
(sorry Chile)


isnt sam skunkman a DEA Agent? haha, just joking


im not saying chilean is bad , just not quiet as promising for me, and what do i know… but i try to find a conclusion, finding the trippyest

Brazillian per example, pretty few have smoked it, but those few tell it was quiet special . Also lambsbread, fewer reports, but those few sound quiet promising.
Not to be forgotten aswell.

I would always go for a "Legendary " Region.

I name you a few Lines i think are the best , who are still aviable:

Snowhighs Panama Red, the pure one
Oldtimers Haze - Tested at phylos as 100 percent Landrace
Columbian72 - Cannabiogen
Snowhighs Mexican Lines, but he has quiet a few Mexicans, many you cant get just by saying “hy” the first time, but i heard one of his michoacan Lines, or even the BigSurHolyweed is good. Have no overview wich is wich there.


El Primo - Mexican heirloom landrace


i i just got done running a lambs bread and wow it was nice and was the first smoked and gone really fast, incredible, but it herrmed, lost so bud to that but what was left was way worth it, and ill grow that one again


When you think about it, if you take the known landrace strains from back in the day. Colombian, red, black or gold, Panama red, Oaxaca ,Acapulco( guerrero),Michoacan, Jamaican Blue mt or Lambsbread, Moroccan, Thai( SE Aisa in general)Indian…there will be somebody you will read about or meet that will swear the best is any one of those, except Moroccan. (Never heard anybody say that was the best…).
There was weed coming in from the rest of Mexico and some other areas i didnt list, but the point is that just about any of the well known landrace strains of the 60’s/70’s, if well grown, dried ,cured and shipped in a proper package, have the potential to be special. No doubt the ones you listed are credited with potency most often.
@royal…what exactly is el primo genetically? I hear its excellent.


How long did LB flower? From Exotic Alchemy?



no doubt with the best Mexican - Columbian weed you can blow mind. Those werent famous for no reason, Marroco, probably its overrated, nobody said you will trip on Marrocan, people say it was just a good smoke, a relaxed deluxe experience. Yeah probably overrated, and just well known cause it supplyed half europe.

I think thats the exeption of an “overrated” Legendary name.

Even from regions like Kerala India, you hear how people get exited once they heard someone talking about. I never heard any report, just the exitement, but lately i think it has been approved to be good cause a Insta college found an old Kerala, and i could hear shear exitement for the smoke.

Im really lead to believe, most regions were famous cause they simply were the best, not always, but most of times.

Cause i hear people collecting this days all over India, and the come up with most promising smokereports always from Northern India, and Southern India. (Nepalese , Kerala) it matches exactly with “the Legends”

If i remeber right, the most exiting India smokereports , i lately found come from a “Lolab Valley” , and from an “Idukki” . Those match exactly this legendary regions. Northern and Southern India, or nearly , sometimes its atleast close.


I have Punta Roja heirloom that Snowhigh calls “el primo”. Not sure if same source as @royal.


I dont mean to claim anything , I DONT KNOW, but i want more talk about the real thing, “what was the best” . An interesting question.

3 Likes the Columbian red :heart:


It’s an interesting question, perhaps, but there’s no answer; or at least, we don’t know enough to comprehend what “42” means in this case. We aren’t even close to knowing the effect of all the cannabinoids we’ve found, much less all the other chemicals, and even further from knowing whether there’s some sort of interaction between them that could be relevant. We haven’t mapped the cannabis genome to be able to analyze the strains genetically and come up with meaningful information. All we have are subjective anecdotes from people who had a pleasant experience with certain strains - enough to inform us on which ones have interesting genetic potential usually, but not much more. This is the upside of legalization and big money entering the space; the downside is they’ll only study all these things to be able to better homogenize a “perfect” cash crop, and the research will be closely guarded for decades until there’s no more profit in keeping it close. Even then, there’s likely to be enough subjectivity about the experience to make “the best” a meaningless concept. Find 100 people on anti-depressants and ask them which one is the best, you’re likely to get as many answers as there are drugs out there… because everyone’s body chemistry is different, and the same chemicals can cause different effects for different people.


no i got the seed from pev seeds, i flowered her for 10 weeks, real nice strain that hits fast. taste good and i smoked it really fast. like all good strains its hard to keep. ill be growing it again soon, i was really impressed with it, that is one reason i was trying the shashamne so i could do a side by side to see how close the two were


indeed it is :slight_smile: !!!