The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

would defiantly love some. im going to run some 70s Colombian gold for a preservation run but only have 5 seeds to work with that ill start in the next 2 months.
im glad to see you ran some though cause the strain is really nice with some good history in those genetics.
in any case though great job for sure and thanks for running them


Thanks. I choose this strain because it takes me back to younger years. :slightly_smiling_face:

I had 10 to work with. 8 popped. 6 died. All you need is 2. Got lucky. Had one of each. Cloned them and then left the adults to have fun, then the clones had fun. May not be a variety, but that will come with the next generation.

I will be watching for your thread. Maybe we can get you a few of these before you start to add to the mix. I took those seeds from her early to see how they were coming along. She will be 18 weeks tomorrow.

Here are her clones



Old Silver Thai x OST , Panama Haze, Old Ass, Grade A skunk, WhiteWidow x Sk18, Hoodoo 18, Silver Haze x2 phenos. chainmailfukvest as well making Ost beans. Should be several nice hybrids to share. I had to chop the male he was becoming a living dust storm.


very nice. they look happy. yes for sure keep me in mind. i am running some 1973 durban sativa right now in hopes to have a male. time will tell.
back to the Colombian gold, you did a nice job, how long was your veg time, and looks like they will stretch some? thats is very true, all you need is one of each.


Hey buddy. Start a thread and see if anyone else has some they would grow at the same time. Better chance of a male that way


@upstate, very good idea. i will do so when im ready to pop them or right when i do. see what happens


Oldtimer’s Haze here after about 5 months of flowering in a greenhouse. Smoked some tester nugs and this is the best pure haze I’ve ever grown (yet to test the Annapurna stuff and the Acapulco Gold but I don’t think they will be as good). 100% haze effects on this one that lasts a long time. Smells coming from the jar are watermelon like but rubbing the buds smells like lemon pepper.


copper canyon

Panama 74


Mom vegged for about 6 weeks maybe more. The clones only 2 weeks they vegged for.

They are all done stretching. I kept mom in a smaller pot until around week 12, then moved her to a 5 gallon to cut down on the watering frequency.

If you flip them early and keep the container smaller, you can control them some.

I topped this one a month a go. I just moved it to a 5 gallon bag about 2 weeks ago. Now she is about 10 days into flower. She will stretch a lot.


Now THATS the pure Panama @Panamajock. Look how much more narrow the leaves are. Beautiful plants @gmike. Curious to see any differences. I would imagine Double Panama will be more potent, but it’s a guess.
I’m liking the looks of that (Chihuahua did you say?)Copper Canyon. Flowering time should be 12-14 weeks?


Oh …ye they look amazing @gmike …really beautiful…there is a difference….
Leaves are definitely much more thinner (sativa like) than the double Panama.


@Panamajock Doesn’t take much Indica to fatten leaves I guess. Gotta be less than 10% Indica in the Double Panama. Your plants are beautiful too my friend😁. We’ll get you the 74 Panama someday. This run is a primer.


That Panama tho… :green_heart:


O1 is out of the race, literally every branch…

They’re not together with the female flowers at bud sites but I have no hope of getting them all.


Another cracking Oaxacan stud. That makes 3



yeah, i think 9 posts above, there it is

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or do you need a link for a panama74? I think someone i know has it.


@Upstate u got mentioned in dispatches. 4th in Overgrow annual awards…

Well done…this thread is the fourth most popular.

Give yourself a big pat on the back.
My favorite thread…and some great guys on it…like a kind of social club.

An way Kudos Upstate, and thanks for the knowledgeable posts you scribe.



@Gpaw …Lol you got mentioned as well…830 hours on OG …f**k man that’s incredible…if my maths are k that equates to 1 month 13days of your life last year was spent on OG …brilliant…I like your posts…and you deserve your award…LOL