The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Thanks Panamajock. I think i might have accounted for a few of those replies lol, but I’m still honored. This has been a really fun thread for me and i hope everyone enjoys it a fraction as much as I do. The people interacting in this thread are what make it special.


Definitely one of my favorite threads here on OG!

All these new pics are looking lovely guys.

That OTH looks exquisite @mantismedgrower were these seeds from exotic alchemy?


Thanks Api. Seeds are from Ace Seeds.


Or it’s the answer to the question “Who’s retired and has too much time on his hands”?
:wave: :rofl:



I’m particularly grateful for this thread @Upstate. You already know and I’m happy to express my thanks for your generosity in seeds publicly. This the OG ethos in practice, to my mind.

As important to me as the coming flowers and seeds is the challenge of difficult horticulture. None of these are easy to grow for those of us so far from the equator but look at what we’re doing here, it kinda blows my mind to see so many tightropes being walked simultaneously. I’m prattling like a novice but I’ve grown a few plants in my life, THAT’S a nice feeling.

One other thing is the depth of interest that appears to run through many of us coupled with genuine curiosity. Weed is not a hustle for me, it’s a deep interest. I understand why some folks might obfuscate or bs their way through technical discussions to protect something they think they have, reputations primarily, but I don’t get that vibe here.


One of my favorite threads too. There is some excellent knowledge being posted here. I enjoy reading the history lessons from the old timers (and I say this with respect).


Far left OST , Panama Haze, OST ,Panama Haze all carrying loaded buds. There should be some interesting F2s from the OST. That male flowered super fast. The other plants all female taking alot longer. Several OsT very small still relatively speaking.

2nd photo is Old Ass x OST just sticky as can be and huge seeds a growing. Should be an interesting hybrid with some seeds to share.

Thanks to all involved these are all member generated plants. Love it.

OST seeded and Panama Haze top bud w beans on board.


You’re an animal buddy! How many hours on OG?


Just to be safe you might want the male to completely finish flowering and make sure it doesn’t produce pistils afterward. There was one very fast Thai plant, that budded as a lady for 10 or 11 weeks, and then stopped flowering as a female, grew new branches, and these were totally male branches. Strangest thing. I didn’t use that plant, but those genes aren’t bred out yet, either. Since that male you have started dropping pollen so fast, I think there is a chance there could be some relation.
Coming along. Lookin forward to seeing what you can create with these!


Hey Upstate… TOO many… (830?)
The only redeeming thing this year is the gap is a lot closer than it was last year… Thanx Doug! :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



:rofl::joy::rofl::rofl:2 years in a row?


Just in time…


That was getting close lol. He was all dressed up and ready to pick up his date!
Surprising % of males in this line. I had 60% myself.
Those 2 bigger ones…you won’t believe how they change in the next 4 weeks… they will get plenty big enough if you need them to fill some space. Just up pot them.
I like “long fingers” in the photo. Looks like a good one.
If you look at the short plant, its a miniature replica of the plant to the right. A Dwarf version


Old SilverThai x G13 we got about 10 seeds growing. OSTxHoodoo18 as well. Many seeds growing on this plant. Panama H and Ost neck and neck full of beans. I may get 1 joint off this plant.

Plants seem to love the phillips CmH bulb im running now.


I smashed some of the tops of the trichomes and rubbed the stems a bit to get some smells off the Sativas. I have to say these are some amazing unique scents the OST and the PH are supremely delicious smelling.

OST beans with frost coming on. No skunk or kush smells. It’s something totally different I have never smelled before both are different. The OsT is like sweet frutiy rotting incense (very nice tho) if you can imagine that and the Ph is super unique I cant even describe it. 5 stars so far


You have some nice resin going on those plants. Interesting smell descriptions. The smoke of Oaxaca is very incense like. The Thai i guess i haven’t walked back in a room after smoking.
So the Thai has been curing several months now. Its a very unique, strong high. Kind if otherwordly or trippy. Intense pressure at lower back portion of my head. Almost unbearable at first. Its a very wierd feeling, (like what I imagine headband strain might do). This is coupled with an intense rush. I can’t describe it well. Kind of like just before acid kicks in. It’s also energetic, but in a different way than Oaxaca. Its going to be a powerful combo, combining the two of them.
Everyone says how tasty and high quality Panama Haze is. Which plant is ost and which is panama haze?


It goes OST OST PH OST. and the Panama smells so electric it makes my hair stand up on end and my eyes bug out on the stem rub sort of description. The Ost has this weird crazy amazing funk its so smelly good. I hope it stays into the flower.

OST seeded, ost tall and Funky!
pH long tall Sally


Which one has the red leaf stems?

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Well I think we’d need to start 1k+ seeds to get a real idea of the ratio but I started 12 and have 3 males one dud and an induced herm. I say induced because I haven’t seen anymore male flowers on her. (Yes she’s still around, I couldn’t kill her) So still at least 25% here. Again though I think I got lucky or at least can’t make a mathematical argument otherwise. lol

I started 6 of the T/O and have two males, one culled herm and three females. Again, won the lotto.


In praise of myco…

Sad to cull the beautiful T/O hermaphrodite but an opportunity to see where the roots are at. These are after about five careful minutes thumping the soil out. That’s all root.