The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

I’m loving it too, a real dream come true to have access to these amazing plants. I’m really stuck on the Red Snake and these pure Oaxacans. I have crossed with Red Snake both ways and I’m super curious what the progeny will look and smell like. :wink:


I have long since rehomed them into plastic vials unfortunately, but definitely no negatives with them, quite the opposite. I found some super nice plants, and the variation was expected and appreciated. just I found the stockier pearl stem pheno’s a surprise when they started to flower. It was the more apical Xmas tree pheno that I had pegged as the ones I expected that style of growth from, but I got entirely it back to front lol.
Actually come to think of the
the stockier ones might have also been more pale green/gold🤔

Obviously going to have to dig some big holes and revisit them this summer🙏


That has to be from that pollination I did hoping to get some short silver sides. Once I got them I wondered why I wanted them lol. I’m sure they will be great to breed with but not so great if you are looking to smoke them


I did get one “wheat” plant, not as sparse as a full SOP pheno, that went longer than the rest and was good smoke. At first I thought it was going to just be a curiosity but it actually produced a lot of flowers.


Thanks @PineTarBastard and @TexasTea.

Yes very thankful to those that have kept these going and now it’s on us to do the same!

Are these growing right now @TexasTea?

Great info @slain, pretty diverse line for sure. Any pics of your grow? Love seeing the different expressions.

I still think a big part was due to the slow growth in the beginning, they really only started taking off in the last few weeks. I had to double check my notes too cause 8 weeks is a bit absurd.


So being analytical about it, your OSS, is probably a hybrid between the pearl pheno and regular Cryptic Oaxacan. Ok, with my string of pearls seeds and hopefully this oaxacan I can have an OSS too.

It would seem a success after you growing it, what four times, in the last 2 or 3 years.


Honestly it was not like this. People were much more paranoid, seed trading happened under the table, and way less people did seed runs.

It really is just the current culture of the site. There is nobody “pushing” anyone to make seeds and share them for free, but when you see how many people do that here I think it encourages others to do the same.

The demographics of OG have also probably been skewed by a decade. It is a lot more mature site than ever before. All the kids are on social media. It’s mostly just us old farts that still have conversations on message boards.


Unfortunately no pics of any value for that run, it was mostly for seed making so they weren’t the most spectacular examples to look at. I’ll definitely be logging the ones I grow in the coming season though. It’s a great line that’s for sure; it should love the tropical summers we get down here🙏

Fark yeah, and how much better does that make it lol.
Old age and rat cunning will always overcome youth and ambition.:joy:


RAT CUNNING, damn I’ve never heard that. Wonderful diagnosis @slain


Yeah I’ve grown it at least half a dozen times now. The first year I did an indoor run and then an outdoor summer run and then a winter run with the PS Oaxaca and then a Spring Run with old silversides and her offspring and then a winter run with one of the keepers, then another outdoor run with a bunch of oss babies, then the 3 sisters run…
I promise you you’ll find something you like if you grow at least three females…maybe only 2. You’ll definitely find tall stretchy plants in The Offspring of short phenos and vice versa.


Michoacan keeper males. I’m loving these 2.


Love those skinny ones! Wheres the Michoacan from provenance wise? have you run these before? curious on the scents/aromas


Well, out of 15 I got 3 total. 2 males and a female. But I hope to make seeds then be able to explore. The PS I have 6 seeds. I’m hoping for more of the Oaxacan.

Right now with a small red/purple male I’m leaning that direction. There might be regular in the seeds but Grendel told me to breed this.


Not much is known yet about the Michoacan. Genetics have moved around alot within the state, so its hard to say where its from, only where it was collected. I know @Elchischas has some info about the plant in veg, but not the buds yet maybe. I’m liking this male too.

3/4 gallon pot for a month now. Nice vigor.


Couple Guadalajara males in one gallon pots. I’m seeing Zero trace of any Indica. This one is pure.🥸🥳. End of week 4 of flowering.


How come yours aren’t all eaten up by caterpillars like some of my outdoor stuff this year? :smiley:

My Guatemalan females are all getting chewed up. But my Cryptic incensey cuts that I revegged are very bushy and happy so far. I may have to take some cuts pretty soon and bring some inside if I want to keep this particular plant going. But I have so many seeds now that I may let this one go. Glad that Upstate and Deez have gotten to grow her out too.


I have to say great taste! I grew out @deeez99 red snake x Oaxacan and it’s a real treat.


Getting hammered this year huh? That’s no good. They are hard to spot.

I have never had issues with caterpillars on weed where i am for some reason. Once in awhile I’ll find a bud worm. Couple a year maybe. I think its because I feed a crazy amount of wild birds and they are all over the property patrolling. Caterpillars don’t stand much of a chance . I have two resident wren families that patrol the area around the plants. The main outdoor pests for me are green and black striped (cucumber?)beetles and Hemp Flea Beetles. Used to have slug issues before the truce😆 Maybe it’s because of their speed that beatles are able to do better here? Both cause really messed up growth in whatever leaves they chew and they hit the top shoots, nailing 3 leaf sets at once. They’ve only hit a few things this year. I only break out photos if someone needs to identify a pest😁

I have one going now. Its a great plant and worth keeping awhile. The strain is so consistently good I’d recommend any cuttings be abandoned after a few grows. There’s more gems to be found. Every time I grow it from seed i find something worthy enough to keep and grow again. I’ll get some cuttings again. Definitely a slow growing pheno that you found. She needs a good veg… but the branches really stack and the buds are really nice quality and pretty dense, so the extra weight pays off. I’m going to veg one more week, and hope to pick at week 12 or less to beat hard frosts. I’m hoping to keep The Cutting long enough to see it grown big. Then I’ll find another one


Got catipillars here as well.


Green and black striped beetle damage. These leaves were already grown when hit. Still screwed them up.