The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

@Grayeyes there must be many cultivars from Michoacan. @Elchischas can give us a better idea


@Upstate- Yes, I think there may be quite a few not to mention individual growers tweaking.

I am finding that there seem to be wide variations in Oax and Huix as to when the express sex, whether male or female and definite size differences between sex. Did you find red stem purple Oaxacan? I donā€™t recall seeing you mention it.


Still some interesting pure MichoacƔn Strains but not really easy to get. Those just are produced on small crops for private farmers use
My recent MichoacƔn Discovery its one of those rare Strains that sometimes barely can get out of its village.


Yeah I find that too. Males kickoff a couple weeks before females and there are both tall and short phenos in both Huixtepec and Oaxaca. The shorter plants should be uppotted into your finish container once you know you have them. Once you have sex to the plants anything obviously short should get up potted. Oaxaca will likely sex before Huixtepec.

I havenā€™t but there are pink leaf stems and plants that turn purple and other colors in flowering. I think @GREANDAL found a purple stem pheno with a racy buzz. Oaxaca goes 13-20 weeks, but mostly 13-16 and I would guess the bulk of the 20-week phenotypes have been about bred out. Huixtepec flowers around 18 weeks from seed. With a veg they are definitely both faster to trigger. All of my Mexican plants have sexed for me by week 3. This is the first time Iā€™ve grown any with some veg time. It definitely changes the entire potting schedule and the plants donā€™t stretch as much when they start flowering.


Is that the one I have now? The one from the village? Iā€™ll get some pictures later on this week.


Curious what kind of scents/aromas youā€™ve found associated with Michoacan lines? Also flowering time? Is it like Oaxacan where thereā€™s a range of various from lines where thereā€™s both skinny long timers and denser/fatter/fuller flowers that flower faster? IE cryptic labs vs BOEL or others


Yes there were two skinny upright ones with purple stems and kerosene terps. They will definitely raise your heart rate!

They were all what one would call ā€œworking weedā€, that is to say motivating and pain relieving but the purple stems would probably freak out a first time smoker.

Oaxaca was my first attempt at a landrace and Iā€™m forever grateful to @Upstate for that, I had craved it for years. I managed not to kill them and they turned out alright but not 100% perfect and still itā€™s right up there with @slain ā€™s Viet as my favorite smokes.


Sounds lovely, will be on the lookout for that one!

@TexasTea Your Oaxacan clone is coming along this season and Iā€™m looking forward to trying it seedless. Really like the look of her.

I did flower her out over the winter as well but it was just to make some additional seed using some reserved pollen I had. Here are some of her offspring growing now and they all look pretty similar to mom. All unsexed at this point.

They do so well in small containers too

@Upstate Four of the Oaxacan 3 sisters offspring getting a late start but should finish just fine.

Next four pics are from the last Oaxaca seed I had from the original Cryptic Labs repro you did. Still unsexed.

Below are some Santa Marta Colombian Gold (Kolbyā€™s Organics) reproā€™d by @YoBigdaddy


Everything looks great but I gotta pop some of those Santa Marta!


Thanks! Yea for sure now that you have that greenhouse setup seems like thereā€™s still time to veg them and keep relatively small. Do it! :smiley:


Wow the Oaxacan is impressive!!! Curious what your soil mix make up looks like, impressed with their health in a solo cup. Can you comment on how many weeks the solos have been going with the Oaxacans that are further along?


Thanks @US3RNAM3, the soil Iā€™ve been using lately is pretty inconsistent but itā€™s often a base of homemade compost (primarily horse manure) as well as reused soil from past grows and then equal parts (roughly) of coco coir. Then I add in feather meal, bone meal, bio-fish for the macro nutrients. Then add some leftover juniper wood ash from the past winterā€™s indoor fires along with some perlite. With this batch I then also added some vermiculite and #20 silver sand. Thatā€™s pretty much it and itā€™s been working pretty well.

The Oaxacans started in seedling cells for the first couple weeks and then were potted up to the solos for the last 8 weeks. Itā€™s been terribly hot this year though so growth has been somewhat slow and they are light feeding plants which also makes a big difference. I just potted them up to half gallon after those pics were taken.


Dang! Thatā€™s a LOT of Oaxaca! :partying_face: Your plants are looking great. :grinning:


Wow, killer lineup Deez! Those Cryptic Oaxacan look nearly identical to the cut I sent you. Such a great line and never disappoints. I canā€™t wait to see how you make out with them. The Santa Marta also look amazing. Weā€™re all getting very spoiled with these rare Mexican and other central American genetics especially.


So these were females? The purple one Iā€™m describing is a small male. Sounds like my next grow should be something.


Yes both females. I had three good males and a hot mess Frankenfurter I let do itself just to see what might come of it. None of the three good ones had purple stems sadly.

I had seven females with 4 distinct different phenotypes.


I would use that male not only for the purple stem but the short stature. There is a short frame pheno @Upstate found that I didnā€™t have.


I chucked in a whole bunch of Oaxaca from @Upstate looking for the perfect one to cross with another plant from cape tribulation, I didnā€™t find a purple stem pheno unfortunately, but I did have a bit of variety on their node length and leaf width, interestingly the stockier ones didnā€™t necessarily flower any denser than the taller ones, the shorter ones I had were pretty much all pearl phenoā€™s, with a few that were taller showing more flower density; which was exactly the opposite to what I was expecting. I had sort of put the shorter ones aside thinking they would be the ones I would select, but it didnā€™t end up being that way.

The stockier ones also for me didnā€™t seem to flower any faster either. Sometimes with the tropical varieties Iā€™ve found that the purple stems will only show up if itā€™s a bit cooler, and also Iā€™ve found running lower nitrogen levels can bring it out. Thatā€™s especially the case I found with the purple stem vb, but the png gold Iā€™m running atm also seems to behave this way, though this didnā€™t seem to be the case with the Oaxaca.
They are not particularly ā€˜goldā€™ in appearance either, as in some varieties like the png gold are lime green and then yellow out when nearly done, and sometimes they will shed nearly all their leaves as well.
There may well be phenoā€™s like the to be found in the Oaxaca, I might just have to do some more hunting next season. The Oaxaca is amazing smoke though thatā€™s for sure and I canā€™t wait to grow out the Cape Trib/oaxaca.


Wow. 4 weeks in half gallon fabric and my Huixtepec are in need of a transplant. Nice job keeping them happy so long in a solo. Glad you are going thru more Oaxaca seed.
Note to any and everyone reading this. If you want to try a Sativa and you want a 100% chance of finding a standout plant, grow Oaxaca and youā€™ll find it.

Im surprised you found no gold phenos. Nearly all my plants turn gold. The shorties are the exception.

I must have given you the same batch of seed i found the midget OSS in. I might be accidentally growing several myself this summer. I made so many different mini batches of seeds my second grow its a crap shoot what i send sometimes. If you can remember how i labeled the seeds I can mark that batch so i donā€™t send it again. The Offspring will surely have tall phenos again, but Iā€™ll make sure you get the 3 sisters line when its finished. That will be all tall gold phenos only. Doesnā€™t look like that will happen this summer.
( Iā€™m having a flashback. I may have saved pollen.)


No doubt! Had I known about OG Iā€™d have joined years ago. Weā€™re all spoiled rotten. Truly spoiled. I love it!