The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

It was collected by friend of mine on a small village in the North Mountains of Michoacán
He told me that tye buds was really good


@pigeonman here’s 2 Jalisco doing their thing.

@deeez99 string of pearls Oaxacan starting to look like living plants lol.


My Jalisco is at day 82 and I’m stoked on this plant. Actually I’m bummed because I popped two and Gerry at Colorado Sativas asked me for the rest, so if anyone wants to trade… It’s got the great Mexican structure and vigor, but the colas are insanely frosty and have a tight, gooey kind of bud look that I saw in TK x NL5Haze. I don’t have room to reveg, but it would be fun to chuck some different Mexi pollen on this great shower. I wad out of town the first two weeks of flower and my help burned her up, but she’s still finishing fine just pardon my rust.

Some shots from less crispy times for structure.


That’s the Escobar Jalisco??


Maybe, I got it from @Pigeonman who did a repro recently and shared here. I believe it was Landrace Team?


I was taking a shot from the front of the greenhouse and realized how big this pot fulla Oaxacan F2s is getting. I couldn’t even see the pot. That’s a lot of pot! :clap:

I went in and took a couple of closer shots, but they disappeared. Can’t trust digital.

Edit: They haven’t sexed yet and because of the other stuff I have going on, making seeds will be a doable challenge. I plan to let some pollination happen before getting rid of the males.


Mine is from the repro by @pigeonman as well. I think we have a girl!:crossed_fingers: Its a pretty plant great structure on this particular one.
Also quick shot of my cryptic labs Oaxacan dealing with 111° in the shade.

repro by @upstate
Santa Marta Colombian gold by @YoBigdaddy


It was The Landrace Team.



North Michoacan. Roger that. It does look different than the other Mexicans. Branches start rather high but fill in with secondaries rapidly.
@420noob look at the new Mr. Sativa​:grin:. Its fun watching you get hooked on the longflowers. Looks like you’re beating the Heat. 111. Dang! My wife was complaining how hot and muggy it was here the other day and I started cracking up and walked over to the thermometer. 55% humidity. 76°:sweat_smile::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
@ClassicGenetix and @Pigeonman nice Jalisco! She’s chubby!
@rasterman that’s awesome. Hope you get a female!



My last
Nanan Bouclou x Candyberry

The last plant is going longer than the others…14 weeks in :hibiscus: another two and she be there…

Her and her sisters have been a great grow …and a learning curve.
Very stable…

Ye they defo enjoyed there grow on the mountain.

Thanks YBD



@Panamajock Does this mean you harvested? Have you smoked any yet?? Plants don’t look like they experienced any learning curves to me brother😁. They look great.


Michoacan Momma.

Topped Guadalajara


Ye I been smoking it…that’s the last one…though I do have a re veg…I reckon the late plant is because of tenor as much sum here as we in the rainy season ( though that don’t seem to bother the Corinto it’s turning into a Jack plant Lol

I’m always learning upstate …and I do owe a lot of that to this thread, yourself and all the guys who pass genetics and offer great advice,and O G in



Man, that Corinto is a beaut.
How’s the Nanaan smoking? Good when dry or needs to cure?

Same here buddy. Learned more on OG in 4 years than i have in any other 4 year period. Great place!


It’s a great smoke…and will be bettter when cured…I need to stop smoking it.

I got bills to pay and seem to not wanting travel into town,just want to wander around the garden, tend the plants. Then I get kinda couch locked with it…but most importantly it’s helping my back pain…that tells me she is ok,maybe medical as well…I find Sativas are better for nerve and back pain…

Also good for chatting on social media as you may have noticed.

Ye be better with a cure …shame your not able to share a smoke with me LoL

Ye the Corinto is going great guns…im so glad we got them…they are loving it here and now they are flipped…be a wee bit of manicuring needed.

12 weeks veg on 16/8 first stage over…exiting time to come .



This is going to be a good show. I’m shocked how much faster flowering begins and how much less stretching with a veg first. I need to re calculate my potting schedule its so different. How big a plant are you looking to have?

My wife calls me chatty Chuck when i smoke Oaxaca :joy:


As I said in a earlier post…I’m around the same altitude as Corinto, more or less the same climate…

As I want them to grow as natural as possible.

TLT recommend it should be vegged for 15 weeks.
So 12 weeks at 18/6 veg isn’t far from 15 weeks, plus I think they will at least double on the stretch……I got 12 ft headroom in the greenhouse…so should be ok, been big plants ie. Colombian gold ( old Ron’s) have all done ok.

The first phase is over….Chatty Chuck LOL



Makes sense. Even my Northern varieties veg for that long. You’ll have a hog on your hands come harvest time.


nanan bouclou at 38 days I believe. very similar structure in the 2.

my spear of destiny! :exploding_head:


@420noob look at those stigmas! How long you figure they are? An inch? Looks like a Spruce tree. I bet that’s a knarly one. Top one