The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

Thanks for help


That was a Glazed P.R., what a Beautiful plant @Upstate


That looks tasty!!! (Felt like Gollum saying that :joy:)


I started some Acapulco Gold, wish me luck.:blush:


Best of luck! Whose/Which version are these?


Much luck !! :crossed_fingers::+1:
Curious too to know the origin of this AG


Never Give Up and Never Lose Faith on these plants. Hera and Hebe almost fully recovered.


Here’s my 3 Punto Rojo really enjoying growing these they all have a slight lemonyness with their own unique smells
#1 quickest sweetest smelling

#2 not to much smell on this one yet just on stem rub

#3 odd smelling 1st pic has all three #3 in back

All have been pollinated with the only male which smells good would say it’s a quicker pheno @US3RNAM3


so spear of destiny isnt the best grow design for me.

no loght can get through wtf! what can i do the higher buds cant pull away.


Thanks for the update! Really appreciate the description!! Personally, I have experienced more minty/menthal forward phenos with a petrichor quality paired with a slight jungle spice/astringency. What kind of light intensity and type are they under, what about hours of darkness? Can you comment on your soil make up? How long have they been flowering now?

Here’s an overview of the phenotypes according to satva:

Light-Green with red stems - Punto Rojo -1, gold. The high I like est so far.
Punto Rojo - Green with Red Points - Long flowering ~ classic Punto Rojo with droopy leaves.
Green good resin pistillate flowering structure - corrugated leaf earlier flowering dense flowering- leaves pointing upright
Maroon - Red - Purple- looks like its on fire. Probably what SamS called Burning bush- Rootbeer aromas
Dark Green - Purple - corrugated leafs calyx flowering
Punto Rojo - 3 “Marron Bells” Green -Maroon ~ Rainbow - Rootbeer aromas
Green - silver - methane - petroluem aromas. Very long cure to mellow out into a pleasurable high. Intense cerebral high.
Green - Sweet Tropical Fruit
Tree Resins - Frankincense, Pine, Cedar, Sandalwood, Black Pepper
Wintergreen, Citrus, Rose, herbal, Carrots

Curious how the scents/aromas will evolve further into flower and potentially through cure - if you left any branches un-pollinated.

@420noob perhaps you can do a bit of training of the plant side way at an angle so that the lower parts of the spear can receive light more easily?


These are from Lambchopped, sorry for the late response.


Lovely Oaxacan @Arnold ! have a taste yet? Bet you have plenty of pollination plans for these


The lowers are fine it’s the buds going up that are tight to stem like break them off trying to open up!


:sunglasses:green with envy…

I have some snow high gold and purple and bodhi gonna be pretty sweet ride


jungle spice/astringency with slight lemon under tone does describe #1 as for lights they have been under 2 65w led and 2 110w led and as soon as the weather breaks I will be finishing under a 400 mh or to with the LEDs. They have been really crowded with about 15 was 20 females sativa’s in a 5x5 been slowly deciding my least favorites and putting outside to finish these 3 are staying. They where germinated end of May on 12/12 and switched to 11/13 jul 10. I mix my soil peat base little coco perlite castings compost greensand roots organic foundation kelp meal espoma plant tone lime gypsum oyster flour. I only pollinated a few branches.


I had 2 samples, one of which is from the extra resinous loose bud pictured above. The others from an early plant pulled due to some mold issues. This is a good one, nice and potent… The best so far i think. I just pollinated yesterday. Hoping the pollen was still good, because the males are spent i think. I’d been hemming and hawing about seed or no seed, And had other stuff going.I couldn’t risk pollinating. This is a hybrid…which is the reason i hesitated. But, the conclusion of my 4 Panama’s journey is that Panama Red is a hybrid. I see similarities with the 71 Panama and smells are reminiscent of both SnowHigh and Ace Panama, with perfume and lemon vanilla galore.


Even though the bud is white it looks like it still has resin… I have had them where the insides are completely garbage and just the perimeter of the bud is smokable. I attributed that to low light levels myself. Don’t be afraid to snap that plant in half. Well maybe just a little fear lol. Squeeze the stem real hard where you intend to fold it. That will often help a fold occur rather than a snap occurring. Get your self a forked stick of the proper length to prop the top on, keeping it at a ninety degree angle. Push the stick into the dirt of the container or duct tape it to the outside.


3 Old Silversides
3 Huixtepec
Michoacan last plant harvest photos with another Silversides Daughter photo in there.


Nanans chugging along



GT @Panamajock


Nanan …is pretty fast, all looking great.

The GT looks fem …and growing well. I think you got the tall lanky Pheno there.

Great job…