The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

I’d be clipping some of those lowers to test out with the cloudy trichs.

Hadn’t seen that one before but am quite curious how it turns out. Have you tried Ace of Haze on its own before?

@allotment looking nice! have those shown sex yet?

These will be moved to the greenhouse in Nov and hopefully finish sometime Dec. I’m sure you could do a better job growing them indoors than I did. Whenever I moved them indoors they started getting the rusty leaves and then when I moved them back outside it would clear up with new growth.


I had four, all girls. I migrated two to a sunnier place and started the last two seeds I had hoping for a boy. :crossed_fingers: @deeez99


Wouldn’t I still have to wait for 3 day dry and small cure to find out? Do you have a faster way to test? I don’t have a microwave lol.


Stick a few nugs in your car. Put them in there in the morning and they’ll be dry by lunch in your heat.:grin: I keep them out of the direct sun.
This time of year at any given time I have at least three different plants buds drying in my car🤣 I grab a few buds in the morning, And i’m smoking them on my ride home.


Yes, no light dep. These were the first to show by over a month now. Pleasant surprise. The one Huixtepec threw some pistils yesterday and two of the Guerrero are female.

Will be bringing them indoors to finish this year.

The BSHW are both flowering too, maybe a week behind but they’re slow growing.


Again the Nanan



Guerrero male

Ace GT @Panamajock

Willy G. X Leb

It’s not the raspadura PJ but a little molasses in the water two days ago already shows!


Nope - first time running their gear - will update after a lengthy veg…


The Nanan Baclou are fast in Veg
All looks great…Molasses are a good feed now and then, especially for Sativas and trying to grow as organic as poss.

Ye GT coming on…yes Sterling job in your garden



I am avoiding salts this year. A little sugar helps the :microbe: do their thing in turn making nutrients more available to the plant. So I have read/heard.

Thanks! :blush:


I had a bit of herming on one plant just a few so I plucked and thought was all good. Nope had a few nanners apparently after week 10 I’m guessing cause I have little seed pods growing on the lowers. The buds grew so tight together and close to mainstem made it almost impossible to keep checking. The other female no problems.


It’s not worth f*king around with if it can’t make a few seeds on its own. :rofl::crazy_face:


Sometimes a bit of extra nitrogen is in order after giving some molasses. The microbes eat nitrogen and that molasses really gets their population humming. As a result they can burn through nitrogen quickly. Looking good!


76 or 78 Panama Red. Week 13 now. Looks like it will go another three or four weeks or so.


Guadalajara redhair pheno


Deeez99, Would you be open to a trade? Your girls looks sweet. I’ve been looking for the holy grail of cannabis that was more like back in the eighties.

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Sounds like @Upstate’s hot car tek is an option :rofl: If your oven goes low enough that might also be an option or a dehydrator. I do typically just wait the 3 days or so since our climate dries it out naturally in that time frame.

Lovely looking garden there @GREANDAL!

@Upstate Nice chunky Panama. Have you been hot car drying samples of this one? How do think she compares to the 71 Panama so far.


@Il_medical Hey welcome to a wonderful thread with lots of great growers here. I’ll be honest with you as it’s a little dubious when someone with a 3 year old account has zero content/activity starts private messaging me about seeds/trades.

Stick around a bit and interact and share some pics of your grows with us. Also if you haven’t already done so drop by the “Introduce Yourself” thread and share what you are into. Thanks and look forward to getting to know you.


Thanks for responding. I opened this account three years ago and deleted the app. I also deleted Facebook. I started growing six years ago and started pollination this year.

I get the hesitation to trust. If you could keep me in mind with the seeds. I am currently on an open pollination of purple kush. I would post pictures, but I am having a little confusion with this app, probably why I deleted it before.

I’m just began an open pollination of a mauw wowie strain. I’ll be patient but I get too focused, that’s why I smoke weed. Stay high


Right on, we appreciate the info and welcome back!

Yea please share some of the Maui Wowie pics as I’m sure many would be interested to see the progress.

Also for help with the site check out this thread as it contains everything needed to know pretty much and feel free to ask if you have any issues.


Hot car method has worked great! Thanks @upstate I tried with a different plant and it’s not bad not harsh or anything. I’ll be able to comment on one of the nanans when I get home!