The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

Looking great @GREANDAL! Any nice smells from the nanan yet? I see a little resin starting to show on mine but hardly any aromas so far so just curious how yours is progressing.



Mine had a carrots smell between wks 10-14 then just fell off. Even after harvest just smelled like green good ole school weed.


I’m gonna have to go cut up some carrots now as I always have a hard time imagining what a carrot smells like haha I just usually think earthy maybe. Thanks @420noob


Unfortunately I can’t really tell anything yet with them next to the BSHW, that reeks. :laughing:

I’ll try to get a good snort of them tonight.


Haha roger that! I do have mine sitting next to a PPP that is extremely fragrant also so maybe that’s why I’m not getting much either.

Asked the wife to sniff another plant that I didn’t think had hardly any smell and she reacted “whoa! stinks like weed.” Guess my nose might be a bit desensitized.


The smells aren’t strong and never we’re I did it all based on stem rubs!


I find the differences interesting. Especially the early start of flowering. Nothing ruderal about them at all, reminds me of Beldia that way.


Nanans at night…


To me the carrot tops is the smell I get out of some cannabis. Cut or crush tops if you have them and see if that isn’t stronger and less earth like.


They’re looking awesome! Especially the Nanan. I love that phat bud structure. :fire:


Wow @GREANDAL you are growing BSHW too? Somehow we must be picking from the same seed box or something. My BSHW doesn’t have much smell at all.


Thanks! :blush:

They’re just getting going too. I’m excited to see how big they get. Never had a pink pistil plant before either.


You’ll find that happens a lot here. :laughing:

I’ve been several years down the landrace rabbit hole and a few famous strains like the BSHW when I come across them which is surprisingly often. OG opened my eyes to the weed skein across the planet.

There’s a very small group of friends in my neighborhood who are similarly aged and we have started organizing our separate seasons to supply each other. One of us is a dank fiend, myself and another Satheads. I’m most interested in wild and landrace plants because I enjoy the growing.


Looking great @GREANDAL nice frost on that first one!

Totally makes sense @Cannabi5 and when I stick my nose up in the nana I see what you mean now. Though this one does have a hint of sweetness in there too. Very subtle aroma at this point though.

Nann Bouclou - Looks like the same pheno @GREANDAL has going, pretty in pink!

Colombian Black repro by Upstate via TheNatureFarm, package labeled “purple”. The lone survivor of the group I planted started to perk up. No sign of flowering though.

Highland Oaxacan Gold all derived from @Upstate’s repro. Several diverse phenos this season.

This one is a shorty that just showed some tiny pistils but looking like it’s going to be one of the longer flowering ones.

This one wants to grow tall and wide but also has a really nice open structure. Just starting to flower this week.

This one is medium in height with a more tightly condensed structure and seems to be a fast flowering one. Seems like it would be a good one for indoors.

Hard to get a good pic of this one but it’s medium in height and has the most narrow leaf appearance of them all. I see tiny pistils but no flowering just yet.

Two different string of pearl plants that are revegged from this past spring. One of them was pretty potent and the other I didn’t actually get to smoke. I kept them pretty small but they definitely want to grow and stretch tall.

Offspring from @Upstate’s 3 sisters. This one is shy and hasn’t yet reveled its sex yet but I think it might be hinting at male. Overwatered it a bit but should green back up after another day.

@TexasTea’s cut looking nice and already flowering.


Lol I had bshw going as well but they hermied early in season!
@GREANDAL beautiful plants
@deeez99 again amazing plants.
Hopefully this year some of my sativas have some umpf behind them mostly has been mediocre smoke at best. Probably grower error maybe I need to grab a clone of known fire cut :thinking:.

@upstate man did you call it! I don’t have a pic ATM but my Oaxacan string of pearls pheno you said uppot to 5 gal and I’ll end up with a 3’ bush. I just measured and she is at 33" but once top bud developes can almost guarantee it will hit the 3’ mark. I think you know the Oaxacan pretty damn well!


Is that the BCO?


Yes it is thanks I should have mentioned that part, same ones shared from Corinto group buy. If anyone is interested I see that thenaturefarm has these in stock right now and is also having a 50% off sale which is pretty awesome deal!

@420noob thanks man and I sure hope you get some more potent ones this season too. I can understand though, with most of these being unworked you do have to generally go through several plants before finding the special ones. I tend to enjoy most of the less potent plants though as they still bring on the feel good vibes but in a functional way and the hunt is fun :smiley:


I’m curious how the effects will differ between those Nanan. The smells are pretty much the same, I can get my nose down on them and that vegetal carrot thing is there in both.


It’s a challenging thing getting everything right with sativas so you get the best out of them. I certainly haven’t come anywhere near mastery of that. I’m currently satisfied keeping them alive and not too pissed off. :joy:

Thanks :blush: