The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

I would definitely snip some test samples now. If everything is cloudy it should be ready. Would be a shame to blow by the moment.

Don’t ask me how I know… :joy:


lol you really rooting for rescheduling versus descheduling? I’ll take one glass of tyranny to go please :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’ve done a bit of that and you can get away with it when the pot is fairly large. But in most cases I noticed that one usually does better than the others.

I still do it with auto regulars though, and keep it below three plants per pot most of the time.

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I trust you guys, and did harvest these same clones that early the last time. But why so early? Do ambers just make it too sleepy? Unhappy?


Yea I have had a couple
Of experiences where I let them go too long. My pineapple this from shaBud was rocking along our doors the pistols hadn’t even changed color and it starts dropping seeds everywhere so I cut it and it was a bit on the sleepy side
My Oaxacan is much didn’t finish until late
Fall for some was overdone by October and had the same issue
The plants were so
Big I couldn’t get them all cut in one weekend and wound up losing some


Always someone with a bucket of water when I get fired up :sunglasses:

Usrnamer got an opinion on just how Full Legal comes before Schedule three?

I suppose you were dead set against Medical weed and protection for home grower

Schedule 3 protects research and helps making seed preservation possible

This isnt really a political forum …I was just make an Exclamation

You like to Argue…

No need to elaborate


Haha no buckets here, just glasses! I’m not allowed to make a counter exclamation that challenges your perspective?

It’s not about politics, just observing the truth of the matter…let’s call a spade, a spade. The current construct and what you’re proposing support for is constricting our rights versus descheduling. Not that it matters much bc it SEEMS the community at large is too disorganized/coopted/indifferent ,the MSO lobby is too powerful and the pols want to keep using it as a carrot they can shave off pieces for during election cycles.

People often get what they’re willing to accept, set higher standards and you may surprised by what you receive.

To circle back on topic, i’d like to mention to anybody seeking to try out some Central/South American flavor - there’s a giveaway ending soon over here for some Red Snake(Cannabiogen’s Oaxacan x Punto Rojo) seeds selected & reproduced by High Tech Beans:


you grow some incredibly awesome plants brother. Surely that heart of yours can do magic that no grow medium can hope to do.

So sorry that only 2/6 germinated, the seeds were old n i didnt store them properly… I’m sure if not for you, not even those two would have made it.


Okay, I nuked a branch and smoked a doobie. It’s like strong coffee, so I decided to chop one and let the other two spread out for a couple of weeks. This is probably the largest plant I’ve ever harvested, though I’m sure it’s not taking any weight records.

My method of cleaning involves removing all the large fans and 80% of the other leaf vegetation. What I’m left with is doobie weed.


You are lucky enough to be growing a spectacular sativa that most will never get to touch. Have to treat it like a sativa not an indica.

I promise you will never regret it. I made that mistake once with a much lesser valued sativa.


These are clones of plants I harvested early this spring. It’s great smoke, but I’m trying to target the perfect time to harvest. I’m notorious at going early.


Howdy @Elchischas,

I’ve seen this comment of yours in the past regarding your contributions to the Cannabiogen Destroyer work , specifically the Verde Limón. I was wondering if you or others reading who might also be familiar with the Verde Limón can help me better understand the scent profile associated with Verde Limón plants:

I ask because a buddy made a cross with a DJ Short Velvet Krush x mixed pollen where the pollen mix contained almost half Cannabiogen Destroyer pollen, so a lot of the resulting seeds should be Velvet Krush x Destroyer. The other pollen in the mix was from Blue V-2. The idea was to create a mix of seeds so that the outliers of each could be fairly easily observed in the progeny. For example, tall vigorous thin leaf types probably have some Destroyer influence whereas the short squat types are probably mostly Blueberry types. That’s the idea at least, definitely not ideal for tracking pedigree and provenance but buddy doesn’t seem to mind occasionally making hybrid seeds with more than one variety of pollen at a time.

That said, I’m hearing of a potential Destroyer type in the progeny. Buddy first said because of the thin leaflets and vigorous growth compared to other plants. So morphologically it was already thought of as being a potential Destroyer hybrid. Here’s where it gets interesting, buddy mentions it smells like Lemon Starburst candy. An intense juicy cerebrally pleasing lemon Starburst candy scent that lingers in the nose. So I’m trying to think where the heck could the lemon Starburst candy scents profile come from, wondering if there had possibly been pollen contamination from something else until I thought, could this be a Limón Verde attribute from the Destroyer expressing itself in the progeny?

What type of lemon is Limón Verde supposed to smell like?

Buddy says the smell is intense lemon like Super Lemon Haze can be, but it’s different. It’s not especially sharp or metallic, no distinct haze scent profile to it. Pure lemon Starburst candy. Strong and intense yet light and agreeable to ones olfactory system. No astringent or sharpness in the nose. Instead more like a rose where one whiffs deeply, slowly and intentionally. Pleasurably. Candy lemon! Is that at all close to the original Limón Verde? Pleasant lemon Starburst candy? I would enjoy learning more about the Limón Verde traits and attributes. Many blessings and much love


Nice weather and things progress!


Guerrero looking Mexican

Casey jones x leb reaching for it


Thanks for the input on my Acapulco gold, I’m gonna treat them similar to the Oaxaca and put these in flower in another week or two. Thanks again my friends.:peace_symbol:


Not sure how helpful this will be but the ones I grew from hyp3rids this year all had a common background of green herbal, smoky incense, and rubbery skunk, in different levels depending on plant. The three citrus dominant phenotypes were #1 male, which was like bitter green lime peel, #6 male, like slightly unripe meyer lemon , #9 female, flowering now, like key lime but a softer less cloying sweetness.


And yet we’ve still got 2
Specimens doing incredibly well!

Starting week 4 of Veg today @vinu58ster

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Thanks for that dbl AG link, I see what you mean by Filling the tent lmao :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m just not there yet.

And I like bending @herbgreen; just so You know, things are changing!!! - earliest flip: Oct 7~ 6 & 8 weeks then tba :white_check_mark:

Establishing a foot-print and letting them go. Acapulco Gold left, Kashmir right


Very nice :sunglasses:

I like bending too …Im not a bonsai master like you

Mr Miyagi


Yes this is helpful thank you @holygroveseed for taking the time to share your experiences. Many blessings and much love


That’s awesome! Its the same pheno i had round one…the tall pine pheno. Like the Silversides line I’ve been working with, the bud size has either grown with the new generation…or we are getting good at growing Oaxaca. Either way, what a change from those skimpy Indoor Oaxaca plants i had back in 2020 or 21. I love seeing all these plants! I’m happy for you that you’re beauty will finish. I thought so…but phew! I’d have felt like a dick if i was wrong.
I just made my 2024 Oaxaca football. Should be ready in a week or two. I nearly forgot how good it is. This will be the first time i freshly harvested both a Silversides pheno and the @TexasTea cutting for a side by side smoke off. In two or 3 days the latter will be dry and i can put them head to head.