The dankest dank

The Exodus is definatly more cheesy than skunk in the taste, I have been mixing a small popcorn of the cheese with others like Goblin, Mazar, Maui to see how they might cross. Have a bunch of older Skunk strains I’ll be running this year “in search of”. @Craigson15 I agree the skunk has been bred out over the years to a sweeter version. I enjoyed your thread on the Skunk Search as it helped me in my selection as to narrow a few strains down that I would have been duplicating. I was talking with a member that claimed to have a original Skunk 1 Humbolt that they were looking to pass on? Always looking in trade for cultivars.


Blockquote[quote=“Instg8ter, post:10, topic:41839, full:true”]
Exodus Cheese UK is the dankest thing I have in jars along with the closest I’ve found to an original Skunk so far. A few surprises are Green Goblin has that RKS burnt tire after taste and Full Moon (indescribable Dank and it hits you behind the eyes like a freight train by the third hit.) which I’ll be preserving with two pair I have going if anyone would like to try a tasty hard hitting SEA.

I’d love to give that a go! Always looking for the funkiest strains on the planet, and if you say so, I want in…lol


Love the cheese I’m looking for some


I’ll try anything once lol, believe we are both in the southern part of MI as well just different sides of the state.

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When I ran Mr nice NHS a couple of phenos were like pure skunk

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Wouldn’t be looking to trade some Mr. Nice beans for the search, would you? I have a Mazar I believe from 1975 farm seed from @Pawsfodocaws. I know others have dropped some. It is straight on fresh tanned leather. I think the the terp could be pushed into dank skunk with something sweet.


I have a few S1 beans of the Exodus Cheese If your interested for a few Mr Nice. If you get near Metro I can take some cuts for you. …should have the Monkey paws in circulation in January…:metal::sunglasses:


I just harvested some death bubba and Id CHallenge anyone to find a ‘gassier’ plant.
Absolutely what I was after.

Buds dont look like much but shes potent as anything too.


Death bubba is a great strain!


The buds look good to me. Besides, if it’s all about bag appeal, I’m out! :joy:

We got plenty of bag appeal around here. It tastes like crap.

I’m glad you found what you were looking for.

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Gotta love that big bud hash though…thought it was more of a European strain. Never had it, always with an interest though. Is it worth the time, me growing it out?

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