The Dogs' House: La Perrera

Wow! Looks like something from another planet. Have you tried smokin’ it? :crazy_face:


Mama Thai#1 lleva 12 semanas de flora…flores algo compacta…aromas cítricos,madera.

Mama Thai #2 11 semanas de flora.Flores airiadas,aromas idénticos a mama thai #1

Todas resistentes al moho y a la botritis.

Saludos a todos los del hilo.


…al final las mejores junglas tahilandesas van a crecer junto al desierto de Atacama, je…

En que ha consistido la selección de Truhán, @Yaxu ?
Salud y mil gracias por las fotos!

… in the end the best tahilandesas jungles are going to grow next to the desert of Atacama, je …

@Yaxu : Mama thai, of seedsman selection Truhan. There was a lot of talk in other forums of this variety that according to some say skunk leads without even having cultivated: loco2: I’m with the experience of 20 weeks of my friend Truhan…

In what has been the selection of Truhan, @Yaxu?
Health and a thousand thanks for the photos!


Primera etapa la basó en las plantas que bananeaban :grin:


La Perrera reabre sus puertas a la temporada de exterior 2018

The Dogs’ House is opened again…

He cavado cuatro agujericos muy majetes, de entre 100 y 200 litros de volumen de sustrato. A saber, de Este a Oeste:

I have dug four very “majetes” holes, between 100 and 200 liters of substrate volume. Namely, from East to West:

Agujero 1 y mas lejano en panorámica
(the last one in the panoramic pic):

Agujero 2:

Agujero 3:

Agujero 4 y más cercano en panorámica (el menor y peor iluminado)
(The nearest n’ right hole in the panoramic pic, the little n’ less Sun lighted one)::

Cada agujero lleva una mezcla aproximada de entre 1/4 a 1/3 de estiércol de oveja local…

Each hole has between 1/4 - 1/3 of locals sheep’ castings…

…más cerca de un kilo de guano de murciélago local…

…plus near of 1 kilo of locals bats’ guano…

…y ceniza de madera de palmera, olivo, encina, frutal…

… and wood ash from palm, olive, oak, fruit …

Cuidado; La Perrera siempre esta fielmente custodiada…

Watch out; The Dogs’House Kennel is always faithfully guarded …

!Todo en orden, amig@s!
All in order, friends!



man you need some yo yo on them plants today what a good problem to have to much yield good job.

King Congo, (Congo Point Noire X SouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands), Tropical Seeds Company , recién nacida esta mañana :

… newborn this morning (29-May-2018):


By the way, @TropicalBiophile, here ya have a piece of an interwiev with Kaiky, one of the CannaBioGen & A.C.E. founders n bredeers, where he talk a little bout his work with Colombian’s Landraces in Spain & Colombia :


Thanks brother. Indeed, Kaiki has done very important work with our Colombian strains and other sativas. Just this weekend looking at my Golden Tiger I was thinking about spanish breeders, and wondered how you have been my friend. Un abrazo!


I have another candidates in order to grow inna the other 3 The Dogs’ House’s holes:
Durban Poison’70 by Tropical Seeds Co; Mextiza [ Oaxaca’79 X (Jamaican Blue Montains’86 X Nepal Highland Sativa)] by CannaBioGen; Alice aka Princesa [Congo X (Spain X Congo X Reunion)] by Original Delicatessen; Dragon’s fly aka Fliyin’ Dragon ( Golden Tiger ACE Meao Thai Cannabiogen’s geno X Punto Rojo Cannabiogen) by Nachillo&Guanche for Bredeers Lab; Mexica Haze [(Afrutado Mexicano X Amnesia Haze HyPro) X Malawi ACE Malawi Killer geno) by Psilocybo; BubbleHaze (Raco’s Tom Hill Haze #27 X Leocadio’s 2001 Bubblegumn Serious Seeds) by Jeep…


I offered some of your Colombian blacks to Ace seeds thinking they would like to preserve them ,but they were not interested because I did not have enough proof that they were actually Colombian blacks… Oh well I was able to give some to another Spanish breeder that was happy to have them to preserve them… Hopefully they will be able to make good use of them… :slight_smile:


Actualmente, una nueva ola de clombiana llega a costa rica, desplazando a lo importado de Jamaica, la gente le prefiere al ser un poco mejor tratada y por supuesto son híbridos comerciales.
Acá dejo algunas muestras de lo que está viniendo de allá. La talamanqueña ahora mismo es difícil de encontrar, he preguntado ya hace 4 meses acerca de la cepa, y aún no tengo respuesta.


King Congo, (Congo Point Noire X SouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands), Tropical Seeds Company , a día de hoy 5-Junio-'18, con una semana de vida:

(…)to today 5-June-'18, with one week of life:


Contra plagas, aparte de Bacillus T. contra orugas, solo uso esta harina de neem diluida en riego, que tiene también buenas propiedades como abono orgánico para vegetativo:

Against pests, apart from Bacillus T. against caterpillars, I only use this neem flour diluted in irrigation, which also has good properties as organic fertilizer for vegetative:


…De cualquier modo, toda ayuda voluntaria para luchar contra las plagas en La Perrera es bienvenida…

… Anyway, any voluntary help to fight against pests in La Perrera is welcome …

…-Hey, tú!!!-
…-Hey, you!!!-

…-Sí, tú: quedas reclutada voluntaria para La Perrera…-
…- Yes, you: you remain a volunteer for La Perrera …-


That is hands-down the most badass praying mantis I’ve ever seen. You took that picture?


No creais que todo en Monte Adentro es fiesta, baile y cultivar cannabis: También solemos reunirnos para derribar el orden mundial, o para esquilar ovejas: aquí os dejo una foto de esta mañana que ayudé a un “vecino” a esquilar sus ovejas…:

Do not believe that everything on Monte Adentro is partying, dancing and growing cannabis: We also usually meet to bring down the world order, or to shear sheep: here I leave a photo of this morning that I helped a “neighbor” to shear his sheep … .:


Of course:


Hola amigos. Con tu permiso MIG vengo a colgar algunas fotillos.

Original Haze fenotipo Thai.

Punto Rojo Colombiana.

Punto Rojo

Ethiopian Highland x Original Haze



Y sin mi permiso, que es un gusto y honor poder seguir tus cultivos…
Son fotos actualizadas de tu cultivo actual? Tenias también la Mama Thai seleccionada por Truhán, no?
Salud y mil gracias por poder ver como evolucionan esas preciosas sativazas.

And without my permission, it is a pleasure and honor to be able to follow your crops … Are they photos in real time of your current crop? You also had the Mama Thai selected by Truhán, right? Health and a thousand thanks for being able to see how those precious sativazas evolve.

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