The easiest way to bx?

imma keep this short.
use an ABC male as an “y” chromosome donor, then eliminate all ABC looking seedlings in the bx process. good idea, or nah?? :grin: :grin:


why?? it wont just be the looks


eliminate abc seedlings then you will have only seedlings with dominant Mother’s genes to choose for the backcross. obviously you still have to choose the male with the most potential to backcross. but since the two plants are so distinctively different. it would be easier to see which seedlings are more Mother dominant.


I am confused. Wouldn’t you use a Mom with the pheno you want and back cross to the Dad that produced them.

:green_heart: :seedling:


you use the male from the F1 to backcross to the Mom with the pheno you like. then the male from the BX1 to the same Mom. and so on.

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Just because you eliminate seedlings that look like ABC doesn’t mean you’ve eliminated ABC traits. this is breeding 101


Indeed, and what’s more, if you are selecting away from the progeny that got the looks of ABC, chances are you will get the progeny that looks like the stuff you like but smokes like the stuff you don’t.

Cross with strains you both like. You wouldn’t date a girl you don’t like either. Be a good mathcmaker and you’ll get tastier plant than mommy. Or prettier, if it’s plant looks or bag appeal you’re after.


so my guess is that it’s not the method. yall just dont like ABC. ok im out :rofl: :rofl:

Nothing wrong with ABC.
I am just confused on what your end goal is.
You want a plant with ABC genetics in it, but you don’t want the stealth leaf?


What’s your problem, dude? You asked for info and I gave it.


so you breed 2 strains together and they share traits with each other?? oh noooo. i didnt know that. you learned that from breeding 101. ohh no i didnt learn that.
that’s my problem.

@chronix nothing man. it’s all good :grin: :grin:

Yeah you’re making it sound like we’re dense or something but you’re the one trying to cross in a plant without crossing in any of it’s characteristics. What’s up with you?


Sometimes looks is the best guess.

As others have said, you won’t necessarily get the traits you like from the mother in the offspring, and there’s no way to test males - but other than using reversed females as the pollen donors, it’s the best you’re going to get. Using reversed females might or might not bottleneck out genes that you want. It’s tough to know without mapping the genome. Considering we just recently finished mapping the human genome, and there are a lot more people interested in that than the cannabis genome, which is also exponentially larger with 36 chromosomes compared to 23… that might be a while. :stuck_out_tongue: If you’re choosing ABC solely to identify plants that lean towards the mother more easily, that’s probably not going to be too effective, though… you can identify plants that lean towards the mother on that one trait, but the other traits you’re looking for are going to be just as invisible until after harvest.


go to Ethos’s site – Ethos “education” their you will find all your answers - F-1’s ,S-1’s Bx, ect , you can orer that magazine that has al that info - they have 2 nagazines at present (all information listed in their 1st mag can be found on their site - so save some money ($20.00) unless you want a printed mag (just xcame out with these about 3 months ago


Kind of confused about the goal of this, like why do you want to get ABC involved in the first place if the plan is just to select away from it?


I have never smoked the ABC, so I don’t know about its qualities, but Freakshow is definitely nice smoke, I wonder if it would also do the trick you are looking for.

Although since it is sex-linked to the X, maybe not as all the F1 males would have the freak gene ( Xf, Y) and all the females would be (Xf, X) provided you used a Female Freakshow in the initial cross.

Thinking about it more as I type this I actually am starting to doubt the utility of my musings :point_up_2:

Also I ran across a paper that did DNA analysis on various strains, and the ABC is actually the closest thing to a separate species of cannabis of everything they tested.


the point of backcrossing is to create regular seeds for a clone only, or a cut with a specific pheno. thats why you use abc just for the y chrom and then breed away from it in backcross.

@Cormoran i did said it the easiest. not the best. if one cant see the different between abc leaning vs indica/ sativa leaning, then i dont know how what else to say :joy::joy:

@Dirtron you see the vision. i appreciate you :grin::+1:


The point of backcrossing is to attempt to lock in traits of the selected mother. Usually takes several to actually accomplish that.

I’m not trying to hate on your idea, I just don’t understand why you need to get ABC involved. You’ll need to run so many of the F1’s to find a good male bx candidate. Presence of ABC leaves or not doesn’t tell you how the rest of the genes have recombined :+1:curious to see how it goes though, I’ve never done these F1’s I’m just imagining more headaches than “traditional” breeding for a bx


thats the whole point of backcrossing. you just keep the y chrom and discard everything else from the father.