The Forest Treehouse - CannabisSequoia's Growing Again :-)

stardate 5/27/20 :comet:

coping with 103F these days, cooling 25 by next Sunday.

will transplant the 3rd batch of seedlings soon & update with who all made it through my butchery.

dyna-gro is working nice but almost too nice :thinking: (trace PGRs are on my mind).




Your grass is still green! I’ve been letting my son just play wild in the water to keep it somewhat green.

Plants look great. Stay cool man!


Diggin the plants. I used those grow bags this year also. Very cheap alternative to pots or fabric pots.


Oh BOY the heat! One more day of it, supposedly, and then, like you said, 80’s for a little bit! But the triple digit soul deteriorated days are here till the fall, I reckon


Thanks folks. :sunglasses:

@MidwestMover - I’ve been watering HEAVILY for a couple of weeks & have fast draining soil. :roll_eyes: Tons of glare too. Living here a decade+ has been learning about insulation & humidity, hands-on…I grew up near the Golden Gate bridge, so, not exactly the same… :laughing:

@hewhocoruptz - double-bagging is essential! :cry: I have re-used the same ones 5-6 times now & wash them by hand. :blush: They work a lot better than fabric pots in my hot/dry climate. But I think SIPs or “earthbox” will work even better, & outdoor organic hydro? Daaaaaaamn. :pray:

@randrobertson522 - yup. my A/C is holding up but the fan bearing is shot & SCREEEEEEECHing…& my old man won’t let me de-tarp the black plastic because he thinks it might rain. :unamused: :-1: I may just end up doing it & risk eviction. :unamused: nutter. :peanuts:

And FYI @zephyr will be doing a OG seeds fundraiser in a few days & I’ll handle the logistics this time, so stay tuned…



Hey, I dont know if this would help, but I have in my garage a window AC unit with a little remote, its an LG, so decent company, and it works real well. Was near new when stored it away. When me and my girl lived in our apartment up in Auburn we used it to stay SANE, its good It was hot as holy hell and we had one window unit in front of apartment and the LG in the back bedroom. Anyways, we dont use it anymore now and its wasting itself out there in the garage…
DO YOU WANT IT? If so, let me know and Ill bring it to ya! Ive got 5/6 plants done and either jarred or still on dry rack, point being, Ill bring some weed to smoke! Like I said, its yours if you want it


I believe the industry refers to that as the double douche bag technique. Classy move my friend.


Were you in Alcatraz? frech|nullxnull


Made a similar mistake around 2010 but with ghost peppers and it wasnt the face…girl I was with at the time we made some dish from the Philippines and had forgotten about using gloves while preparing the peppers and later we were having a bit of fun and she suddenly jumps off me says something about a sudden burning and darts out of room to shower…about 30 seconds later yours truly learned a whole new meaning to "feel the burn " lmao





Was Definitely a learning experience. :rofl:

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Human stupidity, herd behavior, cowardice, disinformation soup from every media orifice. These things concern me much more than the ‘worst cold ever’, that I almost certainly had in late February. The CDC recently announced :face_with_hand_over_mouth: the bug visited L.A. the same week I did :roll_eyes: and that about confirms it for me.

Had I been offered a test for it in late Feb, I’d have said ‘please’ but in the present I’m not so eager after watching the vortex of ass-hattery. :toilet: :books:

Television advertising was nearly immediate in responding, faster than most gov’ts. :laughing: / :cry:

'In these uncertain times…

Excuse me, but when the f ck has the future ever been “certain”?!?

:fu: :arrow_right: :newspaper_roll: :tv: :speaking_head: :clown_face: :fearful: :mask:


The # of deaths from the 'rona in the US is about 100k, & the 2017 flu season was abou 90k total. 6 months out, :thinking: I can accept “worst flu season ever” sure, but the global dumbf ckery & associated acts & consequent suffering cause suspicion in the tree.

But yeah. I had 1/2 a banana a little bit ago. :laughing:

:evergreen_tree: :smoking: :sunrise_over_mountains:


It’s resulted in an alarming level of uncertainty and mistrust. Who are those people and what the hell are they trying to do?
These so called protests are a global event with everyone from anarchists to middle eastern operatives. The far right simple minded rednecks have been spotted as well. Armed of course. It’s a
fu king dumpster fire! George Floyd is dead. That’s what this was supposed to be about. Makes me angry and sad and cynical and suspicious. That’s all I have to say about that.



5/31/2020 update

Begin light deprivation on these clones. Probably just chop & clone Hazmat OG for a re-try.

3 batches of seedlings, will cull down to 24 total for 7/1/2020 transplant to the main garden.


Have a Dank Day :herb: :angel:



Man i wish i had that red cherry berry again. Is that crossed with remedy?


Well said, brother!


Looks good, man! Glad its not so fetching HOT around here, today! That heat spell was brutal to me! I know its gonna heat up again but I, personally, am enjoying the cooler day!

Your plants look well, man! I see you got that Herijuana going! Mine turned out REALLY nice! Ive got one more plant thats almost finished. Its a Oregon Huckleberry x PAC and due to me stressing it out when it was younger, (I guess) its going longer than expected as its gonna be at 13 weeks tomorrow since it got flipped! Crazy, huh,? Its smelling like cake batter or rotten fruit…mmmmmhmmmmmm! Yummy!


I made F2’s and only got 2 out of 40 seeds to grow, so they better be some NICE **$%*^&(*ing plants to make an F3 batch. :unamused:

But also, yes Remedy CBD x Red Cherry Berry & Sweet Wonder(CBD) will be my priority strains this year. Aiming to have about 1/2 CBD maybe 60/40.

Me too. I watched a 2 gallon plant use 1.5 gallons of water in one day! :astonished: :potable_water: :man_facepalming:

Probably going to need to use sub-irrigation with buckets or litter pans to handle the next 2 months for the light-dep plants or I’ll be constantly watering & getting anxiety. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I gave 4 plants to a neighbor & he killed 3 with that heat wave :roll_eyes: so now I’ve gotta get some other ones for him. :sweat_smile:






LMAO!! Getting hot already? I have to admit, other than too much wind and not much rain, we’ve actually had an almost perfect spring. One frost since about end of April. We’ve had lots of 80’s and 70’s and now been getting a few afternoon showers.

Oh, while I’m thinking about it, I saw the lady with the house for sale. They have to get it appraised to get a price, but she’s selling the whole lot. It’s 4 lots which must be an acre. I have 3/4 of an acre and i’m on 3 lots. Her place includes an old mercantile store building, another barn/garage out back and I think a small greenhouse, and a sun room on the back of the house for planting.

She offered to get me all off the pictures of the place if you’re interested. The house is about as old as mine, but they remodeled it 3 times over the years to get it right and it looks updated inside.

I’m curious how much they’ll want for it. It could end up being a steal. 4-5 miles from downtown (8000 people), A small Walmart a mile away and the state park lake is about the same. You’ll have a nice view of Fisher’s Peak like me, and it was recently purchased to create Colorado’s latest State Park.

You’ll have deer, turkey, bear, and an occasional elk wandering around about anytime. Lots of pretty birds come through.I have a feeder up, and a hummingbird feeder.

I’ll keep you posted. She was eager to get me anything I needed to give you, ha. The people here are super nice. We’re on a dead end road as well so traffic is minimal. People miss the turn to the lake and come by until they realize they have to go back.