The Future Is Now / So Much Drama In The LPC

Sometimes I put them in an intermediate bag or pot like that for a couple weeks.
One thing I have noticed. Transplanting is 1000% easier going from a plastic pot than a grow bag. I do like my large grow bags for their final home but for some reason the roots seem to get attached to the nonwoven fabric in those small grow bags. I hate transplanting from them. Plastic is easy as punching a giraffe in the snoot.


Agreed I find grow bags a huge pain unless youre going like 30 gallon in which case they make sense.

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I’ll third the grow bag transplanting hassle!
I only use them for my final up pot, and actually that’s not true anymore because I fully switched to air pots.
I will say that I’m really liking the biodegradable non-woven mesh bags that you don’t even have to take off. Just plant the whole thing in the next size container. I’ve got 3 inch ones for seedlings, and 1/2 gallon of I need an intermediate size before the 1 gallon air pots.
Zero transplant stress because the roots are never disturbed. :bear::+1:


The guy who taught me a bit on my first grow had said to transplant at least once and that he preferred twice. I followed it at first and then somewhere along the line just started going directly into the pot it would live in. Can’t really say I’ve noticed any difference overall but I do get the concept for root building.

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For me it’s a space issue. I can do X+ in small containers, make my selections, and then move up. It has very little to do with root health/binding.

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Makes sense. I only attempt as many as my space will fit so I don’t have any culling decisions.

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I deliberately start more to account for males and freaks and hopefully some structural selections.

The goal is to end up with 4 beauties since that is legal.


Well yeah if you want it approach it all intelligently :roll_eyes:


(Or more than 4 but we don’t talk about that)


Signs of life today!

Leading the way is the more vigorous tailed LPC in the octopup

Followed by the LPC in soil just peeking

And lastly the Choco Latte is just barely coming through. To be fair I went deeper with this one so it’s probably the size of the others if not actually bogger under there.


Got good news and bad news. Good news is that the LPC both want to live!

Bad news is that @VIVOSUN fan in the back left corner has gone rogue. It no longer syncs (or even turns on) with the fans in the lights. If I unplug it then it turns on full bore and weirder if I turn the exhaust fan on the controller treats it as an exhaust fan and turns it on, full bore. Pretty disappointing and hoping I can get it synced with the light fans like it’s supposed to be.


I have had three Vivosun fans. All three took a dump on me after about a year and a half. One of them was under the Christmas tree and was left in the box until May. I rigged it up. It worked fine. Until early August. It did just like those two that each lasted a year and a half. Most awful clattering noise ever. Sounded like the motor was going to fly apart. Contacted Vivosun. They would not make it right. I even sent the a sound sample of what I was getting. I got crickets from them. Now if I see that name on a product I look elsewhere. Fuckers!


Looking good.

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SO SORRY for the inconvenience! We have dm you and our customer service will deal with all the issues you have with our products. Please check your dm~


Sorry for the bad experience you had. We have always been trying to take the lead of indoor growing manufacture and the quality of our products have been proved by many satisfied feedbacks from our customers. But every bean has its black, we will listen to every customer’s feedback, no matter from our genuine customer or our competitors, and keep improving our products. Thanks for your feedback!

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As a fellow consumer, I’m watching and noting that you’re thanking the grower who paid you to be your beta tester for his feedback, but not stepping up and offering any money back or even replacement products. It also seems you’re implying that you’re not sure he’s genuinely your customer and might be your competitor. Interesting dynamic. I’m sure it’ll help you sell new products in the future, people knowing that they’re paying to beta test. :stuck_out_tongue:


One time a vivosun fan told me I was ugly and I couldn’t read good. It hurt my feelings.


I’ve been running it less than 2 weeks!

In this case like I said the fan runs when I disconnect it from the controller or turn on the exhaust fan so it seems more like a communication error with the controller.


I have spent thousands of dollars on Vivosun products, I may just have to re-think spending anymore on them if this is the new standard on how customers are treated.


I do have two 4x4 Vivosun tents that are pretty good for cheap tents. Those fans suck, tho. In my opinion. Also not a fan of their PPM checkers either. That’s just a preference tho. They work. You have to calibrate. A lot. But they work. I have some trimming scissors with the V brand that work well.
It’s mostly just the fans and the lack of Customer Service.
But it’s cool with me.