The Future Is Now / So Much Drama In The LPC

The lack of customer service and a company that doesn’t stand behind their products are NOT cool with me. I have 4 of their in-line fans and filters and a plethora of bulbs and lights from them.


I could go on a long rant here but.

What good is automation if it doesn’t work? You’ve got to babysit the fucking thing which is the opposite of the point.

But I’m very lazy.


Now this sounds interesting
Bro I have a chocolate rain that may be a good cross for the choco latte I can spare a few
If you do make seeds ( shock please let me know
The amnesia I’ve got from underground seed collective when cured has an intense chocolate smell and is a bit narcotic
It’s indy leaning

Sorry to hear, I feel those fans are meant to break down
I do like the built in fan on there lights it’s great for the small tent ( less crap in the 24 x24 tent )
But I Wish I had the 150 watt light instead
When I won the light, they never said you needed to buy the controller
That was disappointing

Good luck with the new set up brother
Stay green



I feel I have to disagree here for a moment. Fans in lights were standard for cooling purposes and more modern lights don’t need them. Adding a fan seems like a step back, but maybe it’s just me.

Plus the fact that their fans do not have a good track record, in my opinion, what happens when the fan quits. Replacement fan? Buy another light kit? Sorry Buddy. Not a fan of the fan.


I just realized we highjacked @Slick1 thread. Sorry brother. I thought I was on my thread.


Yes, exactly. Am I left with a fan that works and a light that doesn’t? Do I need to buy a new VCR because the attached DVD died? Combo shit like that frustrates me in a general way.

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@slick1 gets what’s coming to him.

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Yeah he’s amotherf,…a motherf…mother…you know what I’m tryna say.


Please enunciate more clearly I’m having a hard time understanding you :joy:

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Ah! I’m just messing with Kid Bukake.


It’s not meant to cool the light it actually is made to blows air at the canopy


I appreciate that it just seems superfluous.


If you had some pollen I would take you up on it and dust a branch or two but with the LPCs going too I’m not going to have room for anything else for a minute. I do want to eventually do a seedrun on the Choco Latte though where I’ll grow much smaller and a bunch. When I eventually get to that I’ll let you know.

Hey guys I get the frustrations for sure but it’s only fair to mention that not only did @vivosun reach out to me quickly but they helped me sort out the issue and the fan is synced again. You can dwell on why it worked and all of a sudden didn’t and had to be remedied, or you can dwell on them responding with a solution. I’m personally just happy to have it up and running again.


Great to hear that they helped and took care of the issue quickly

Great job @VIVOSUN


Good for you brother. Glad you’re back up and running.


I thought you Jersey Boyz might find this “News” interesting, or at least offer the rest of us some “Context.” :rofl:


Sadly, @Nagel420 hasn’t been around in ages to argue about it. :frowning: That, and he might not technically be a Jersey boy anymore… was thinking about Florida, last we talked.


So, nobody’s gonna pick up the gauntlet here? I was hoping to stir up some witty repartee regards the Taylor vs. Pork Roll divide. Last I heard it was still an Open Question… lol

PS, I miss Nags too. I hope is FL divemaster plan worked out. If anyone hears from him pls convey my best wishes.


Sorry, I usually don’t even eat them… I suppose I can celebrate 4/20 by going out and getting one today, though, I’m hungry anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna call it a pork roll when I order because that’s what everyone else calls it around here, but I can’t honestly sit here and say it matters to me. A rose by any other name…