The Future Is Now / So Much Drama In The LPC

Man I love pork roll (no such thing as Taylor ham) but I don’t know about in ice cream form. I never got around to trying that bacon ice cream either and I’m not super bummed about it.

It’s kind of like saying the “couch” vs “Davenport” divide. Were they once called Davenports? Yes. Have they been for like century? No. Is it cringey to stick to the antiquated term and even worse to defend the term? Oh yeah. Now if they came in boxes that clearly had the name printed on it and you still ignored what the company itself calls them to call it by some antique incorrect name what does that makes it?

Not sure if this was the witty repartee you were seeking, I’m running on fumes this morning :laughing:

Proper language and labeling don’t matter to you? Get a pork roll and cheese (no egg) on a hard roll with ketchup if you get one.


If you call my chesterfield by the wrong name again…


I was gonna say something punny, but I’m also running on fumes today and ended up just packing a bowl while I stared blankly at the screen… brain no work goodly on 6 hours sleep. :frowning: If I actually end up having the energy to go anywhere at all rather than just staying home and making a pizza for breakfast/lunch/dinner, it’ll probably be no egg, but no ketchup either. I’m a purist. Maybe salt and pepper, not that pork roll needs more salt; practically the main ingredient already.


I WISH I could get 6 hours sleep… last 4 nights, 4 hrs, 3.5 hrs 3 hrs and 4 hrs sleep.


A purist would do ketchup no salt and pepper!

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The LPC is going but the Choco Latte is being shy, shy enough it may be dead.


Come on little one!!! You can do it!


I’m rooting for it!
I currently have a shy EFOG auto from HSC. It looks almost identical. I fear the worst. :pensive:

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Hopefully they’re both just sleepers and come back to prove us wrong.


The best thing to do is get a good grow store. The one I go to they are very good to me. Everything comes with a warranty. I have several fans from Viso. Sorry for spelling. The lights that I got last year I don’t even see them being made anymore.

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I have a local one that’s great, except the prices compared to online!


They try to match online . I will get to say if I see it cheaper they will sell it to me . 600 hlg for 300. It is used but it still comes with a three-year warranty . Supposedly used it for one grow. They still try and hook me up . The more money you spend . Lol
That is the story of our lives .
Good seeing @Slick1
One Love


Well the girls have decided it’s time to go… except the Choco Latte who just couldn’t bare this world any longer I guess.

Also I thought to myself I said “self, this is a competition. Can’t go easy on these mofos”. Then I heard a whispering on the wind that sounded like an old familiar call…

Suddenly I knew what I was missing! More power! So then this shit happened all over the place

2 100W AeroLights?

A 100W AeroLight and then a 200W AeroLight with mofuckin wings on it?


Oh and the Octopupper still hasn’t found the reservoir yet the jerk!


Some fat leaves on these little ladies! The pup has finally started putting a few roots into the res. Looks I’m going to have to feed them something soon!

Also in the pot the Choco Latte failed to launch in I just have some random little plant popping up. I’ll let it go until I plant in there. I have a Black Triangle Kush x Og Kush from @Foreigner floating in a cup right now for it.


Sweet! Grow little sprout!


Damn it’s been 18 days?! I knew I was busy but geez.

LPC. Octopup vs soil has thicker stems on the pup (and has been topped) but poorer color.

Little guy plugging along


Lady on the right got beheaded immediately after this pic was taken to encourage her to fill out.

And the little Black Triangle x OG is getting her legs under her


What is the circled structure? I’m thinking about redoing my venting situation.

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That’s an 8" filter with ducting on top. I don’t have it run out the window yet but will during flower.

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