The Garden of Weeden


BJ (44)PXL_20231121_135833694

Bj (edge curl?)


So-- I guess I need to wear my glasses every time in the tent… No signs of hairs on the oldest plants. (confirms they are not autoflowers, misreported in the past)…here are some labeled pics


lables didnt work-- the little plant is a blackjack auto at 39 days…


I’d really look at switching to photoperiod plants until you get a few grows under your belt, I fear you are going to be very disheartened with those autos.

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Yeah those autos aren’t going to do much more. You are just chasing your tail at this point. Your planters are too small to do organic. And I would guess bad watering practice on top of to hot soil and low temps. When you water saturate the entire container not just around the plant. Just to where you get a little run off. Just don’t drown them. Wait till the planter feels light to water again. And always ph your water. Don’t get discouraged you we all have botched a grow at some point. Maybe yank those autos, up pot the photos and finish them out.


So…I have a plan…but more on that in a bit. Here is my little flower girl… She may be petite, but she’s my first…an she didn’t die yet…I’m counting this as a win


The plan… I agree that my pots are too small for organic. So my air pots are gone… I have plenty of 5 gal pails around… 5 skywalkers will be up potted to 5 gal… I will try cloning and let all of that stuff keep veging… I’m going to let my autos finish, and keep starting more, but probably just in pairs to see if I have soil and nutrients and light and temps right… Not so sure what endstage for the skywalkers will be.yet…


Well, the plan is being worked…took bc a few be snips today…just trying a Rockwool/ shotglass clone technique… Let’s see how that goes… Then I moved onto up potting, one cool thing was how the air pot just unwrapped, and left me transplant ready

The 5 gal bucket effectively doubled the available soil over the air pot…I used my soil but amended with dry fertilizer on the bottom


Looking good! I bet the transplants green right up with the fresh nutrients. :slight_smile:

That airpot result looks epic for transplant!! Never knew you could unwrap one. Makes me want 1g air pots for my veggie starts in spring…

Hey Hey… Your care package arrived today! :smiley: So many choices, I don’t know what to plant next… any suggestions? Right now I wanna go slow- and see if I can get a good/great start with the auto’s, so I’m thinking one or two beans at a time, gonna roll with my 3 gallon square pots- (2 left)- but I want to play with the soil, I think my soil needs amending with some fertilizer-- looking for a 3–1--2 ratio for the bottom half of the pot ( I really like this idea and wanna test it)… I think with my early stuff I panicked and overwatered/ flooded the pots-- I think I washed out alot of the nutes-- my rev 2.0 soil is better ( seeing better results now)( water discipline is better too) and rev 3 is with a good mix of tomatoe tone in the bottom half… Used up all I had as leftovers from the outdoor veggie season. So now I need a new dry/ organic fertilizer.? anyone gotta favorite?>.-- That damn wildling sunflower is the happiest thing in my tent so far, gotta change that-- or change the name to the tortured/bonsai garden of weeden… cheers!..

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they are airpot knockoffs-- from Amazon like 10 or 12 for under $20 delivered-- some crazy sale-- They crack if you one hand tug them-- but great price and performance otherwise

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Hey if you want someone to grow those scarlet grapes with, be sure to let me know when you start them and I’ll do what I can to start at the same time. (Assuming it’s within 6 months). Good job on the first journal though! Good reading in here. Keep it growing :purple_heart:


hey well thanks! :wink: I have one Scarlet grape remaining I’ll post a picture soon- one damped off…(never came outa the soil)… I’m thinking I wanna work out my details with some of these new beans from @RainToday , maybe I’ll even get a recomendation ( the pineapple sounds cool) for what to start next.


Awesome! The pineapple cross is pretty great, so far all the progeny (I’ve grown out a couple dozen across 3 generations) have that lovely smell, stay fairly small, get nicely frosty, and mature in 8-10 weeks. I’m very interested to see how they do for other folks!

The others I sent are more just testers for whatever you want to try on some beans that aren’t precious. They’re likely to be a fine smoke, but totally random traits, mostly larger plants & likely a longer time to harvest, like 12-16 weeks.





What kind of tobacco you got there in the corner?


new scarlet grape from @Going2fast
wildling sunflower…no clue
whole family with clones/rooties?!


OK so here’s a question-- in the above pics, all six plants in the middle are blackjack autos, Whats up with the single stalk, deep green, tri-leaved girl? Is she “special”… a throwback- a mutant? a re-cessive gene brought forward to face adverse conditions?> Or more of a just a stunted dud? Oh and how long should this bud building phase last>?

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Ah, it was a sunflower. I thought it resembled tobacco but a slightly weird one - because it wasn’t a tobacco at all :rofl: Whoops

You seem to want some advice/help, so I’m going to give some.

I’m not quite following what’s going on here - you’ve got 6 Black Jack Autos there in the middle? And you’ve got 5 Skywalker OG Autos which were started earlier kinda wrapping around the left and top sides?


Am I interpretting the thread right that the Skywalker OG Autos are about 10 weeks old? And the Black Jack’s are getting on about 8 weeks now? What’s your light schedule? I’m sorry if it was already asked just can’t find it if it was.

The Black Jacks don’t look crazy off-schedule in terms of flowering, although they are typically at that stage maybe week 6. One of them, the middle bottom one looks OK.

The Skywalker OGs don’t appear to be autos, and they also appear to be quite hungry in terms of Nitrogen. Both of your fertilizers are very low in N, high in P-K. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but not quite what they need right now. It could also be overwatering but your soil doesn’t look like that’s the case.

I’d worry that you are fertilizing with the wrong things at the wrong times. The 10-10-10 watered in as a dilute solution isn’t a bad idea but adding more of the flower stuff probably wouldn’t be a great plan. If I were you, I’d start watering with some nitrogen and not much if anything else. There’s likely plenty of other stuff already in there. I’ve noticed the autos really being quite content with low levels of fertilizer in general.

Maybe something like Plant-Tone (5-3-3) if you like the Espoma stuff. Personally, I’d use Alaska Fish Fertilizer to give them a quick blast and see if they react well. But, that shit STINKS. It’s in capital letters for a reason, I use it a lot outside and it’s fantastic but unless you are sure your exhaust system is on-point it may be risky inside. Earth worm castings would help quickly as well and inoffensive. If you aren’t opposed to synthetics, Calcium Nitrate is the ticket you are looking for - cheap, immediate, effective.

Regarding the three-blade spindly specimen, not sure I’d worry about that. I saw something similar on one of my autos outside, it was fine. I’d worry about the overall plant health at this point.

Just my opinions.


Your on point for the plant layout. I think your also on point for the deficiencies. The black jacks are from 2 hatches, about 10 days apart, group of 2: then group of 4… soil and water habits improved with each planting…
I think I over watered the shit out of them very early in the grow…when the real problem was cold… I thought I was maybe seeing nute burn…and flushed em…( maybe twice…just b4 I reached out on OG)… So i think i washed out all my available nutes…I also suspect my ph in the soil is acidic…my tap water neutral to bit alky… I want to avoid testing and ph issues like I’m maintaining a reef tank.( done that for years)…

So soil and fertilizer ill work, the tap water is what it is… I havent used a 10 -10-10. But the guy who does has some awesome plants… But yep. I think they are starving too…my re- potr into the 5 gallon is my test case… But that was the last non flower girl fertilizer I have right now… Hence me looking for a recommendation… Don’t really want extra stinky, thanks for the warning😂 but I wanna learn more about calcium nitrate…


I really liked Mega Crop 2-part it’s two parts and really complete. You mix the ratio based on how much N you want, which is provided by calcium nitrate. They also make a one-part that doesn’t give you the flexibility to address N deficiency directly.

Fertilizer recommendations are a dime a dozen. There’s nothing wrong with what you are using it just doesn’t look like the right TIME to be using them.

I’d find something with readily available N and give them a light-to-normal dose and see what happens. I bet they perk up and you see a fresh spark of life.

Now, why the hell are they not in full-blown flower is the other key issue here? How long are your lights on? I’m guessing you are running 24 hours or 18/6 because that’s what auto folks usually recommend.

It’s obvious some of your plants aren’t full auto flowers. It’s not really a problem, you can change the lights to 12/12 and they’ll hustle into flower.

NOTE, if I were you I’d fix the N deficiency and get things healthy, then get em flowering. 1 step at a time. Your farthest along Black Jack is looking decent.