The Garden of Weeden

Things “outside the box” can provide a decent nitrogen boost too. I’ve used these and my cannabis plants liked them:

  • If you rinse out your milk jugs for recycling, then pour that rinse water onto the plants instead of down the drain.
  • Leftover coffee. Cream and sugar is fine. Do mix it at least 50/50 with water.
  • Coffee grounds, I top dress with with them, or you can mix in if mold is a worry.

The milk and coffee are also both acidic. I water with my tap water too, and it’s around pH 7, so a bit of acidic is nice for the plants.

I used to have a saltwater aquarium too - so awesome, and so much work :blue_heart:

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You can topdress with finely chopped up kitchenscraps (could make a smoothie, the more diverse the better), grass clippings, nettles, dandelion leaves, …
In a matter of hours the fungi will be all over it and make it available to the plant.


No need to throw more words around and confuse you, but these folks know what they’re talking about! Keep it simple and straight.


Huh, Lots of great suggestions, I do indeed have some of that stuff around here-- this mornings coffee grounds are available… I guess I 've thought it would be too slow, like a top dress in general is slower than liquids, and I ve always thought you need to water in the top dress to get anything out of it at all…

I have been a composter my whole life, grew up with a pile, fed a pile as a kid etcc… I know that grass clippings can deliver way way too much N to fast for many crops- I used to mulch a veggie garden with grass clippings-- The tomatoes would grow incredibly fast, huge, tall, towering plants that would grow like demons-- only problem was they were not such good producers-- I had an agricultural college grad friend tell me it was probably too much N from the clippings making them so huge and fruitless… Now I just add all the clippings to the compost pile in season- I have a 6 x10 foot pile area that has been at this house for 50 years- thats what I was hoping could become my secret sauce for growing cannabis… wait,… I also have bunny poop and (gag) urine- mixed with wood pellets- that goes into the compost too for the last year or two as well… maybe bunny poop is secret sauce?

Hmm I like being confused by a nice word salad every now and then. And I really do appreciated all of this input-- I will boil it down into an action plan- and we can see what works best together! yay! The plan is to get all the skywalkers healthy before they go into flower, and come up the a soil that makes the autos thrive from the get go… Thank you everyone. :grinning:

You really think it happens that fast?>



You may be joking but rabbit poop is the best manure you could use in my opinion. Can be used immediately usually and isn’t too hot. I’d avoid the urine, but I understand that’s tough.

And yes, the leafy and not so fruitful plants were probably from the excess nitrogen. You should limit/eliminate nitrogen from your feed schedule around week 3ish(I say that loosely) of flower to emphasize fruit production over leaf production. Nitrogen isn’t used much to make flowers…but leaves? It’s a necessity. Cheaper products like Dr earth fertilizer, fish emulsion(if you so choose), or blood meal can also be useful, but be cautious adding too close to flower. It’ll take them 1-3 weeks to break down.


I was only half joking about the bunny manure… I did notice that his food greatly resembles a lot of organic amendments… and the poop pellets, nuggets, droppings…scat ( what the hell is the right word?) They are easy to grab, the urine is absorbed by the wood pellets… the other just lays on top…hmm… top feed? Mix into soil batches directly,?


Btw bunz enjoys cannabis leaves. So he can’t go direct into the tent🤣


I’ve seen mycelium grow with my bare eyes, the hairs were moving, waving in the air in all directions to check if there’s anything more to devour. It grows lightning fast, it’s just so thin it’s hard to see in the beginning. Every cubic millimeter of soil is a galaxy of life… and mold/mycelium/fungi have more in common with animals than plants, they absorb oxygen and shed CO2 like us.
They’re intelligent organisms that play with molecules the way kids play with toys, they feed bacteria, absorb water and distribute it to where it’s needed, they’re the nervous system of the soil and so much more. Do not underestimate fungi!

If you wanna have your mind blown, read Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets. :nerd_face:

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You are reminding me more and more of my reef tanks…corals are neither animal nor plant…they are their own thing… seems like there may be a version of the same in soil with what you describe. always so much more to learn…


Damn if I had that money back. Beautiful when everything is right but a nightmare when it ain’t. Had a 250 gallon reef for 12 years.


Yeah… it did cost a fortune. About a decade playing with that thing…b4 kids…ahh well…:laughing:

I may have stumbled onto the secrest sauce— Its the bunny-- bunny poop may be magic for growing cannabis, several experiments are already undeway… Here is some preliminary re-search info- it’s quite a deep rabbit hole.


Yeah, bunny poop is epic! I wish I was allowed a yard bunny here, and chickens. :slight_smile: You’ve made me think - maybe I can find someone local here to trade a bit of bud for bunny poo… :face_with_monocle:

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Rabbit shit is great and can be used immediately unlike hen shit.


little scarlet seems thriving
blackjack bud porn
more blackjack bud porn
I have never seen a Skywalker this happy in the tent…feels like things are getting dialed in.
got roots and growth… everyone is happy…Friday!


This man knows what’s up! Keeping it local with that Espoma


Blackjack flower, getting closer.
Overall, lots of flowers, clones rooted


flowers everywhere


I think my soil has improved, again… this is a pic of my scarlet grape… Exactly 3 weeks from seed. The soil was amended with live bunny litter ( including wood pellets) and some finished compost and a bit of coffee grounds…my happiest youngling :smiley:


She looks fantastic to me!!