The Garden of Weeden

Looking great!

Hard to go wrong with rabbit raisins in the soil :+1:



! I think this is ready, any point to waiting longer? Both bud shots are from the done looking plant 8n the top view shot.


! Scarlet grape… my first unstunted plant, this plant is exploding with growth :smiley:


I think any day…maybe tomorrow?


I judge my final cut time mainly by smell and by trichome color, so can’t help you there. It was really fascinating to me to find after sniffing and then checking trichomes that they smell “ready” to me just about when the first trichomes start to gold on the buds. I’m usually trying for a very “head” high with little body stone, so I mostly use my nose now, and confirm with close up photos and general plant & pistil appearance. Unfortunately I can’t sniff your plant for you, but it’s looking generally in the “done” range to me. :slight_smile:


Well, my first tester was smoked, it came off about a week ago. The smoke is potent, mostly heady…I’m seeing mostly cloudy heads, some still clear and maybe 2% amber on the upper buds… I took a few more today. Guess its going to be a partial harvest type of thing… Maybe a progressive harvest😉lol is a better way to put it… The plant is,at 84 days, I think she’s given about all she’s got…but there are still a few new white pistil s growing…

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I have a new drying tent set up… It’s a little marshydro tent, set up adjacent to the big tent, connected directly port to port, with a black cloth to keep the light out… I rigged up this cool rotating basket…seems like it will be able to handle much more than I need

atm…total cost was under $60, tent included
Here is the key…a rotating disco ball motor. From Amazon about 15 bucks delivered…I went with the battery powered one.


Y’all soil people are straight up wild. I love you guys.
Keep that shit out of my house.


Bahh… that stuff is already in most houses, :wink::thinking:we’re just trying to figure out how to make it all work for us.:laughing:

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Except for the bunny poo :rofl: - I’ve been trying lately to figure out how to get that into my house without the bunny. :joy:
Probably not appropriate to post a Craigslist ad “will trade bud for bunny poo” :joy:


Tester nugs were sampled… The feedback was tremendous, 4 heads gave the blackjack autos rave reviews… Super potent despite what I would consider an early harvest… The shine, sparkle of the trichomes is phenomenal… almost too potent… some peeps reported some paranoia.

That was almost it for my grow, my kid got into some trouble at school, caught with a nicotine vape- dunno when our schools decided to turn our kids into criminals… so mandatory drug test and counseling, even though we refused to have him tested…

The whole experience made me question the legitimacy of what I’m doing. So… I killed all my skywalkers, and harvested almost all my plants…ready or not…but then I just couldn’t kill the scarlet grape! I paused, and am still deciding how to proceed.
51 days from séed.


Man, that sucks. I’d be inclined (after seeing red and stifling violent urges) to proceed with a call to a lawyer. Preferably one who works on an “I only get paid if you do” basis.

I think you’re in the US?
I used to teach US elementary school, and yeah, it’s easy for people to fall into the trap of seeing some kids as criminals, or “bad”. And everyone who works at a school is just a person in the end. Good, bad, and fallible. Science has got it well established now that our brains don’t fully mature until about age 25, and that teenagers are a hormonal trainwreck. Of course, if you argue that too hard then some folks will flip around and try to make you the criminal. As if most children didn’t spend just as many waking hours out of their parents care as they do it in, once they hit school age. I’ve seen the schools up close, and they along with larger society need to own up to not raising kids well, nor supporting parents to do it.

Also, watching out for yourself is very legitimate. If you’re not in a legal state I would put all the pot away, or hand it to a friend to hold. Could go buy some veggie starts or seeds or something like an orange tree and plant it in your tent instead if you’ve got a big setup. Around here its time to start early veggie seeds like peppers and tomatoes. You just need a plausible explanation. Don’t know about you, I’ve got a neighbor who I bet would even let me set up a little tent and finish a couple plants at their house.

Those a**holes could decide to call child protective services next, and you’d be in a mess. The system has dual standards too - you don’t usually have the same strength of protection against search and child removal as you do against search and criminal trial. I’m all for protecting our kiddos, but like any system with power, that power can get abused.

Okay, that’s my little rant. If there’s anything helpful I can do, just ask. If you were near Seattle area I’d finish your plant for you, but pretty sure you’re not.


Well she’s a beautiful girl. But she’s just a plant. Parenting is forever.


small but potent, chopped…a blackjack ( stunted early by cold)


Btw… that lil plant below the scarlet grape is pineapple rain3…the first was a male, one of yours😉


Aww!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: my babies growing out in the world! :heart_eyes::green_heart::heart_eyes:
Thanks for pointing it out :green_heart::v:


This scarlet grape keeps amazing me, granted as a new grower, prolly not that hard to do… This plant seems to be racing for the finish line…That main cola is bigger than a beer bottle… The other colas are becoming like soup can siZe… Frost is progressing, my only worry is that the plant seems to be fading really fast… This was grown in a 3 gallon pot, with fortified organic soil…bunny litter and 2 scoops of tomatoe tone in the bottom third of the pot, nothing but water.tap water… 60 days old…I think 2 more weeks max…does anyone have a historical harvest time for scarlet grapes (indica pheno)?

Wait …I’ve been top dressing flower girl, about a tbs every week since week 5…


Organics are harder to do in small pots, I run 7 gal and it seems to be much easier. When you top dress are you scratching it into the first inch of soil or just tossing it on top?


early on i scratched it in-- but now there are roots at the surface, so no- just on top and watered in for the last 3 weeks or so… but…I added some soil this last week-- just took back the last 2 inches at the top of the pot-- so maybe that counts as scratched in? I tried a very light bottom feed with a water soluable fertilizer about 10 days ago-- that made the leaves claw a little in places but it did restore some color to some leaves-- but I’m really thinking this plant is almost done and the leaves don’t matter anymore.

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If you don’t scratch the top dress in it’s not going to do much unfortunately. You’re not going to hurt the roots doing this. Its hard to tell but looks like you could have a few weeks left.


She looks lovely. The indica leaning pheno is good at 70 to 80 days. I would stop feeding her. Too much ferts late will make them foxtail. I see you got some scarlet to. Nice. How’s her nose?