The Garden of Weeden

It’s your scarlet grape- 2fast… The nose from stem rub is earthy, spicy- and a bit like furnature polish? Not as lemony as others- but lemon is there… My nose is still in training. :laughing:

So- foxtailing- I have had people tell me it’s a desirable thing- but you make it sound negative, maybe I just don’t understand the phenomena yet… I was guessing I had no more than 2 weeks left- nice to have that confirmed. I have some of your hotcakes started as well. It seems I have decided to keep growing for now, nobody gets into my house without a warrant. :angry:

As for this plant- I’m just amazed how the color faded out of her the last 2 weeks, She was bordering on N overload until 2 weeks ago ( look back at the pics) then, just as the stretch was ending all the fan leaves started washing out- till now- that was why I tried the liquid boost… Maybe my flowergirl topfeed was too little too late- either way I think this girl did alright- thanks again for the opportunity to grow her.

My stunted little blackjacks yeilded between 14- and 25 grams per plant- This one plant is at least 4-5 times that average size- I’ll be very pleased with her output.

I really did not like what 5 gal buckets did to my tent- I like the way I can manage the 3 gal squares- I can one arm them and move them around easily- I also like the way I can drill holes in the rim for LST, and still move em around with one hand- makes me think I will never go SOG or use a net… Just going to keep working on getting enough nutrition into the base of the container. I also have no interest in trying to grow monster sized plants-- This little scarlet is almost perfect- she could still be a bit bigger, but I just love that I can put the pot on my knee while I sit in the tent, and then just reach out and put her back into her spot- for some reason that makes me happier than seeing a huge plant in a 5 gallon bucket. Besides I think two 3 gallon plants should outperform a single 5 gallon with auto’s?- well- maybe not outperform you! :sweat_smile:


It’s not about huge plants, I don’t grow huge plants imo, it’s about having the mass available for organic growing. I may have to fertilize 1 time, it’s straight cruise control with organic soil and large pots.


Foxtailing isn’t a bad thing volume wise per say. It’s mostly looks and ease of trimming. That and the foxtailing will not be mature when the rest of the bud is. Beautiful grow.


The fade is perfectly normal for her.


Ahh… good to hear that :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, seems like I know what I’ll be sowing next! :smile:
Thank you very much for the updates!


Well, no argument from me, an excellent selection my permaculture guru friend​:wink: In fact I will show you another reason… the below seedling is 2fast°s "hotcakes’ at about 36 hours above ground…very, very vigorous :smiley:


I got one that is about to start flowering, still stretching.

I think it popped above soil around the 1st of December.


Very nice. :sunglasses:. a healthy looker

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So, this one is all about the scarlet grape. She’s almost done… we had a power failure here a out a week ago…we have backup. But the grow did take some damage, in particular, some seedlings seem stunted. It’s helped me figure out that if an autoflower isn’t growing every day, something is wrong. It also seems like seedling in particular have zero tolerance for sub 65 degree temps, even for an hour or two…just my observation…
So here is the lady of the day…trichs are showing some amber creeping in, it’s on the top buds but on lower sugar leaves, maybe 2-3 percent so far… She’s on nothing but water… she smells dank and musky

in the foreground is the little hotcakes seedling - growing fast- @Going2fast

Bud porn

Still lots of white pistils… foxtailing too
Wonder if there is another week left?


Looking gorgeous!

My experience of autoflower seedling temp tolerance has been widely varied between different genetics. I stuck a pot with three little seedlings on the porch a winter or two ago when nights were low 30s maybe even upper 20s. They were there a week. Didn’t grow while out there, but no other damage. I was planning to just turn the soil and plant others but was so impressed I let one live. It grew normally once back inside.
I ran my grow with nights down below 60 for a while with no issues to some seed banks’ plants. Just had an accidental dip to 58 a couple nights ago and nearly killed some other seedlings that were just coming up, whereas the home bred ones didn’t even seem to notice. I am more and more impressed by the adaptability of cannabis - it’s earned the name “weed” I think. :wink:


Huh…that’s kinda encouraging…I have 2 pineapple rain seedlings that appear stunted by that cold shot…they haven’t grown in about a week now… whereas the hotcakes seedlings that were planted after are growing like mad…also a couple of new pinapple rains seem to be thriving too…but dammm those seeds from 2fast grow like speed demons…

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I’m sure you are right about genetics. I was in Alaska in the 80’s… I saw outdoor growing there…they called it thunderfuck…it must have been cold tolerant…

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Interesting. I’ve got to start writing down who I sent exactly what cross to. The pineapples I’ve been sending are all likely to be highly diverse and are very much not a stable line yet. I grow about 1 in 4 girls to completion right now. Highly recommend you kill those two and any others that don’t grow well, or even just look at you wrong. :wink: I’m always happy to send you more test seeds if you run out and want more.


this seems like maybe it was meant for somewhere else… if not then I’m confused :woozy_face:

Interesting observation. Thank you for sharing that. I have noticed that anything I run in auto flower from 20/20 Mendocino they tolerate more than just temp swings but ph swings to. Must be in their auto stock. Their plants get huge and so will hotcakes.


Good to know…I just searched it up here on OG… so big plant, long grow for an auto, 95+days … it’s matched up with the 2 hotest pots of soil I’ve dared to concoct…:laughing: Added rabbit litter, a bit of a 10-10-10, and some lime to fresh compost and soil ;all that in the bottom half of the pot… the top is miracle gro organics mixed with my recycled soil, planted with mycos…I have 2 hotcakes going bout a week apart

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Bug shots!
The centipede?

The jumping spider

Mystery bug… I have no idea what this is…it’s like an inchworm coming out of that shell?, larval pod?. It carries it around like a house or like a hermit crab with it’s shell… it can also hide in there and make like a turtle…Anyone know what this bug is?


Maybe a bagworm moth?


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I’m going to look into that… Here the scarlet grape at 75 days…The last 2 to 3 days it seems progress has halted…She has tricombs mostly cloudy…but still some shiny and clear, some amber mixed in, but not yet even 10,% yet… took a sample nug…drying… I guess I will wit 4-5 days to hit the sample. I think there is no harm in waiting…If I see an overnight ripening I can go sooner, but I think she’s still doing something…still using a lot of water.