The Gauntlet 2023

The Gauntlet is really kicking some ass out there dude, do you got a chainsaw for harvest?:wink:


the only saving grace is the summer is the stability we enter now makes climate controlled light dep easier. its hot but predictably so and no rain for the exact length of a bloom cycle.

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My Wet Trim.


No doubt. :100: In 2021 we got 3 days of ground and pound mid Sept. Last year. Beautiful was able to pull off an Oct 19th pull on a 10 week min cut of Indiana Bubblegum. I’m keeping it real this year 8-9 week. Expect some rain in fall. 50/50 odds. None last year. Probably this year.


Serious weed growing weather. Makes me love the coco. :coconut:


Nice here too, minus the damn haze ! :weary: every time I step outside I think of the people living close by the fires, gotta be absolute hell ! My one friend went out 10 days ago or so and said it’s like nothing you could ever imagine, like end of the world type stuff , especially once you see the size of the devastation


It was smokey all summer here last year. Camp creek fire. 20 miles east of me. :fire: Different times we live in. Time to take shit seriously. :100: We may be to late. :grimacing:


Unfortunately this is becoming all too common in general, but all of us in the western US are all too familiar with forest fires. Growing up as a kid in Northern California in the valley, smokey summers were very common, unfortunately now the fires are happening much closer to towns and cities.

My grandparents were residents of Paradise, CA for over 30 years before everything in the town was burnt to the ground in 2018. Thankfully they were able to safely evacuate but unfortunately not everyone was that lucky. Fire is a very scary and powerful thing and it’s hard to fathom how dangerous fire is and how quickly it can spread.

Hopefully everyone in Canada, the midwest, and New York stay safe. If the fire isn’t an immediate hazard but the smoke is, get an air purifier or two to run inside your house. My wife and I have a few decent ones mainly for this issue. Good luck all!


Sucks. Everyone keeps moving north. Fires in Canada like what is happening now. Serious as a heart attack. We need to wake the fuck up.


I am disgusted to live in country with a high court such as ours.


I speak out very freely about how I feel when it comes to others being marginalized and targeted by hate and discrimination. All though I am a straight white male. I do know personally what it is like to marginalized and discriminated against due to disability and mental illness. My little sister who is two years younger than I am is a Lesbian and dresses like a man. She played on my little league baseball ball team when growing up and out batted me-out played me. Going on to play varsity soft ball. We knew she was gay before she knew she was gay. We grew up in a very conservative home. My father and sister have not spoke in 30 years. Just because she is gay. She has been married twice to a woman. Both of whom I cared for very much. Gay and Trans partners that have children and families are some of the most kind and loving open minded individuals on this planet. Most of which adopt more troubled youth and small children than most. Providing loving nurturing homes that some of these children have never experienced. Vote for Love not Hate. :peace_symbol:


After several days of great dry off. I bumped nutrient TDS today.
I gave each pot a gallon of tap top water.
First gallon of nutrients 668 tds for a 2 gallon mix
2 Gallon mix
4 1/2 grams Meg A
4 1/2 grams Meg B
1.5 grams Sweet Candy
4 tsp Gypsum
1 1/2 tsp Big Bloom
1 tsp Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp
Second gallon of nutrients
4 1/2 grams Meg A
4 1/2 grams Meg B
1 1/2 tsp Big Bloom
1 tsp Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp
@Bobgrows 90’s Kush to your far right

Thanks for following. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Check them out.
@ColeLennon I’ve got a question.
You know all this weed you end up harvesting?? It seriously can’t all be for your personal use is it?? :rofl:
Your a weed philanthropist ain’t you?? :v:


Yes, I rarely smoke and use very little oil. My preference is gummies 10-15 MG a day and I vap. I do gift about 90% of my harvest. :sunglasses: All my neighbors get holiday gift bags of fall flower and gummies. My closest friends and family the same they also get spring and summer packs.




Awesome Brother. Thanks. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Cool of you to do that :100:


It is nice to give freely. Feels good. What am I going to do with it? :rofl: A lot of people here plant these 1-foot nursery clones on July 4th and say they finish the perfect size. They may be on to something. :rofl: Dripping sticky colas the size of my leg can be very seductive. :yum:


She’s looking spectacular! They are all nice and full!


Thanks Bobbi. Going to be beauty. :sunglasses: