Welcome to the Freakshow

Hello friends. I figured I’d post up a bit about my garden. Been growing 16 years now. I think I’ve made about every mistake a person could make in this journey. With that being said, I am a bit more adventurous than most in trying new and different things growing styles, nutrients, etc.

I IN the flower room I have a 1K watt LED COB fixture from BC Blondes. Got it on sale as it was a model being discontinued. U run shorter plants under it. I also run a 4 foot cool tube with a 1K HPS in each end, and the whole thing is mounted vertically. I can run 5 foot tall plants placed around the vertical cool tube - indoor trees if you will. The room is cooled with an 18k BTU fujitsu mini-split and exhausted through 8 inch ventilation that runs out of the room and through an inline ozone generator (Uvonair) and then out of a basement window. smell tends not to be an issue.

Veg room holds a Mammoth Lighting 6 bar LED, a Mars Hydro LED, and chinese made Apollo 8 full spectrum (my favorite, honestly - thing is a beast and the plants love it,. runs about $300 on Ali Baba), and an 8 bulb T5 fixture and a 4 bulb T5.

Curent Nutes:
Veg: Heavy 16 Veg A&B, Prime, and Finish, with Voodoo Juice, Azos, Sensizym and organic Molasses. Feed every time with 10% runoff.

Flower: Sensi Coco Bloom A&B, B52, Big Bud, Sensizym, Organic Molasses, Signal (TPS), and then Flawless Finish at the end. Note; I use ONE, only ONE dose of Flawless Finish. I’ve heard nightmare stories of folks giving it to their plants for the whole end of flower flush and things being really screwed up in the final product. I use ONE dose at the beginning of flush and I can quick dry some buds at the end of flower, grind em, roll them up and smoke them and the smoke is so smooth and tasty, ridiculously so in fact. I don’t smoke chemmy buds, period, which is why i generally won’t smoke other people stuff.

strains: I have a bunch.
currently in flower - Berry Noir, 1988 G13 Hashplant, Blueberry Yum Yum, Mad Martigan
currently in veg - LA Confidential, White Lotus, 1988 G13 Hashplant, Blueberry Yum Yum, Tokyo Snow, Hippy Slayer, Shit, and a few others I cant remember at the moment. I’m a stoner.

a coupe oither notes: if you are going to post in my thread about how much you hate AN or my lights or me, please don’t bother. click click click past me. I’ve been doing what I do for a long time and guess what, snowflake, it works very very well for me.
The 2 most important things I’ve learned in growing cannabis are this:
1)You have to be in your garden every day to grow excellent buds.
2) When you find something that really works, run with it. Everyone is different and things work differently for different people. You do you, I’ll do me.

My cloning method is stupid cheap and simple. I’ve tried the aero cloners, blah blah blah. I use 9 ounce clear plastic cups from Walmart, filled with veg nuted coco, trim the cutting, dip in Clonex, put it in the coco, place a 16 ounce clear cup on top for a dome. Then i take the domes off every couple days for fresh air and I usually get roots within a week or two. I get as close to 100% success as you can without being 100%. I can post a tutorial if you want. And yes I reuse the cups until the UV makes the cups brittle and they break.

A little bit about me: I’m a professional waiter. I work in a fine dining steakhouse. I know food and wine like the back of my hand and I treat cannabis like a fine wine - all the different flavors and nuances in buzz are amazing. I’ve been married twice. That was enough of that shit. My 2nd wife ripped my heart out and I’ve been pretty numb for a lng long time. I stopped dating when i started growing and have been celibate for 16 years. Honestly I love it because my life is beautifully drama free and I do not even miss being with a woman. Like I said, my life is beautifully drama free. So for any snowflakes out there that think i’m some sexual deviant, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Get over yourself. and yes, i can be a bit blunt at times.

anyway, I’m happy to be here and to gain and share some knowledge. I can’t guarantee I’ll keep this thread updated in a remotely timely fashion - i’m a busy guy basically working 2 full time jobs - weed and my other job. I’ll post some pics when i figure out how to do it here. I’ve been on quite a few forums in my time and hopefully there’s a few folks here that i know and I am looking forward to making some new friends as well.

be kind, be well, be strange.


ps - my screen name comes from the plants I would grow out that were something of mutants - strange leaf configurations, growth tendencies, etc. I had quite a collection at one point


Sounds like it’s gonna be a incredible freak show!

I’ll be watching.



We snowflakes will move along


I’ll take a seat right here.


I would also prefer that the term snowflake isn’t used.
Not aimed at you @Foreigner just where I hit the reply so it replied to you

We have people here that grow with miracle grow soil, GH or AN or Jacks… Coco, soil, hydro, someone did an aero grow once… there are all types of lights here from build your own bridgelux, to solstrips, to Mars hydro and spyder…I’m pretty sure someone is using a phototron…

Also, thus isn’t RIU, there won’t ever be outright belligerence or disrespect based in what you grow.

This is like a big family and we aims to keep it that way. We welcome everyone and try to bring them into the community with open arms.


Would love to see some weird and wonderful plants and no judgement here about nutes or lights :+1: if it grows the plant im here to sit n learn.


I’m only here for the plants. I’ve grown a couple of freaky ones, I wanna see what you got.



Perhaps you could lead by example?


@toastyjakes, I do appreciate that, my friend. The snowflake thing was aimed at a person who thought I was talking about some deviant sexual practice when I was trying to accurately describe the flavor of one of my strains. The Hippy Slayer clone only plant I grow literally tastes like you’re sucking on someones toes. So I make that thought a bit more pleasant. I’m not here to cause trouble. I have, however, been on enough forums i my time to know that trolls are everywhere. So I try to head them off before the fecal matter hits the fan.


Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Here’s a shot of my very ghetto flower room from the doorway.

the short plant in front is the 1988G13 Hashplant - originally by Mr Nice, then redone by NDNguy, the bigger plant behind it is Berry Noir. mid-back left is Mad Martigan, mid-back right are 3 Blueberry Yum Yum, all the way in the back behind the vertical cool tube are 2 more Berry Noir.


As a mutant aficionado I hope to see some Freaks in here sometime! Currently have a keeper clone of BerryFreak and I’ve got (I think) 2 males and 2 females of Menthol Skunk (sister strains to Freakshow). Can’t exactly decide what I want to do with them.

Either way I’ve pulled up a chair; it looks like your experience shows. As someone who fully understands the pains of having a full time job and caretaking for your plants, I get ya. I’d roast one with ya if I could!

Be strange :wink: :smiling_imp: :innocent:


I’d roast one with y’all if i could. Anyone going to New Orleans for New Years? I’ve got tickets for Billy Strings for Dec 30 and 31.


took a tester of the Berry Noir in the back of my flower room the other day. Quick 2 day dry then ground it up and smoked it last night. They’re right at about 58 days. The smoke was pretty smooth, and tasty. Had a citrus berry flavor. The buzz took a minute to come on and was very heavy but then matured into a more head squeezing chill. Nothing hurt which was refreshing, I feel the plants need another couple days. Seemed like the chill indica buzz was fighting an under-ripe sativa high. Couple more days…

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Rewarding but difficult lifestyle, restaurants have all the humanity. I bartended four or five years after working corporate type tek jobs and learned a ton.

Probs my favorite thing I learned was from a great friend, I’m paraphrasing a bit but it was basically “the ten table principle”. If you’ve only ever handled three or four tables at once but then get CRUSSSSHHHHED on a day when people get called out you might have to take ten damn tables. Maybe you struggle, but you get thru the shift.
Guess what - after getting crushed by ten tables six or seven tables are as easy as three or four used to be. Huge direct lesson in personal growth, talent, time management, etc. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

Big time respect to you and all the other restaurant people on OG.


High Logangrowgan2020, thanks for stopping by. I haven’t always been a waiter. I spent 5 years in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. Did my sea-time with Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children (love my time with the Marines). Spent 23 years working in the Operating Room after. I also worked for an orthopedic implant company as a technical rep and later sales rep. It got to the point where i couldn’t stand that medicine had turned to being just about money, not helping people. A good friend at the time was managing a 4 star steakhouse. I grew up in my Grandmother’s kitchen and he knew I had a love for good food. So he asked me to help out when he was short handed and I fell in love with it. When people took my suggestions they were happy and that, in turn, made me happy, then they threw money at me. Pretty nice gig. The places I’ve worked and the chefs I’ve worked with really helped me develop my palate. My sales experience in the past really helped me guide people to have an amazing dining experience. I try to give people the level of service I expect when i go out. It’s rare if I ever go to Outback, Applebee’s, etc. I look for boutique bistro’s, unique , chef driven restaurants. The last dinner I had in a restaurant ran $340 for 2 people and the executive chef at that place was the Chef De Cuisine at the French Laundry in Napa (Michelin star restaurant). Food wine and weed drive my life. It’s more quality of service than quantity of tables I strive for. I served 3 tables last night and made $240 in tips. I do get crushed once in a while but rarely more than 5 tables at a time.

Harvest starts today. I’ll take one Berry Noir down today (8.5 weeks) and more this weekend (9 weeks) to try to find where i like it better. .


Wow you’ve done it all homie! Good luck with the harvest and taste testing

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well hell, things have gotten a bit screwed up. I was wondering why the plants were yellowing and the pots were drying out so quickly. My timer that controls my exhaust fan in the flower room failed. I walked in there about 3 this morning and it was in the mid 90’s. I’ll grab a new timer today.

I did pot up a couple plants this morning and put them in the flower room. I found 3 beans in a bag labeled Chemdog F2 BX. I popped them and have 2 males and a female. I put 2 of the females into the flower room last night. If, and that’s a HUGE IF, these are genuinely what the bag was labeled, the plants are Reservoir Dog’s chemdog. Not the Chem 4 but his original Chemdog. Smoking this stuff tasted like sucking on a skunks ass and the buss was like someone hit you in the head with a 2x4. But, I’m not exactly sure that’s what they are. We shall see. I will be flowering out the males and collecting pollen just in case.


the Berry Noir (I got this from Pacific too) is fucking amazing. Gotta be some of the strongest smoke I’ve had in a while. We started the evening with a j of Pink cookies, followed by half a j of C99. Went ot the show _ Saw Tauk last night - great show - then after the show fired up another Pink Cookies, then a Sour D then the Berry Noir. The Berry Noir cut through everything we previously smoked. Heavy heavy with a beautiful weird head. This ones a keeper.


I ordered some Casey Jones and Sour D beans. So good to have found Casey Jones. Cj was the second strain I ever grew when starting out.

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