The Grateful Head LLC

Here’s is the only list I’ve seen. Good luck deciphering it though


Need a code breaker for this stuff. Haha. A few make sense, but no clue on most.

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hmm doesn’t work :laughing:


Anymore info in this? I see the website changed. But nothing really yet. I’m personally excited to have access to these things.


August 6th was supposed to be the initial drop, but then I got busy and stopped checking in. I see the website reverted to just a splash page, and a few days ago Jodrey said on IG the first drop will be in the coming weeks.


I don’t think the drop ever happened

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I dont like when people use the grateful dead name to sell seeds. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me, cmon be more original lol. Bob and phil should sue over that shit, i wouldnt want someone profiting on my namesake would you?


New Potcast episode with SkunkVA May address it. I’m just starting it now

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I hate that “Gen 0” terminology. You don’t have Gen 0 unless you got it from seed. You just have clones. Maybe Tissue Cultured. No need for any of these “Gen” bs in the description, it’s 100% just marketing to make it look/sound better… I don’t have high hopes here…


I was hopeful when it was announced but the longer it goes with nothing being said and a blank website the more I worry that they put the horse in front of the cart. Gen zero is hype branding. Are all the clones going to be 250 per? I imagine they haven’t released anything into public at the behest of lawyers. I don’t expect a 300 page report of the business but more transparency wouldn’t hurt. What do you have? What are you working on? Who’s stuff are you going to be running? Can we expect to see Jodrey’s and SkunkVA’s work? I would think they would want to announce that. What heirloom varieties are going to be offered? So many questions so much silence.


Jodrey wouldn’t answer any direct questions. He’s acting dodgy.and nothing about this group is trustworthy at this point. It’s not a good way to start if you want to be taken seriously


Wouldn’t be the first time (yes phylos).

When you see the time it takes to big players to TC nurture something, they may have underestimated what it takes to run such a business. Speaking about a several month, in a good setup, with the right recipe per cultivar.

Making a buzz to stay relevant why not, but you have to back it up or it’ll shoot you in the foot. Maybe they did so to raise money and had nothing really.

I give them 6 month (from the initial announced release date) and it will be an official joke :smiley:

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Hes a career scammer, what else would you expect? Seems like people are unaware, but he was known as “The King of Russet Mites” for his terrible wonderland nursery spreading so many dirty clones. Dude has spent his whole career in weed failing, yet advertising himself as some kind of big mover and shaker.


I’ve read only negative things about Jodrey. I liked him at first listening to his Potcast interview but by the end he was sounding like a fast talking bullshitter more than anything.

Contrast this with SkunkVA who seems universally adored and comes off very genuine in his many interviews. So I was very surprised to see Grateful Head attached to his name on the latest Potcast. Hoping to listen later this week. Is he involved with that project? Anyone know what’s going on there?

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Jodrey comes off as a snake oil salesman…
SKVA is part of the project. I really like the beans of his that I’ve grown and I think he’s a genuine good dude.


Just finishing up his Potcast episode. Pretty interesting stuff. Basiclly they are cloning from nodal tissue cultures which then they are able to clean and make sure there are no viruses/parasites present in the clones they produce.

Unless there’s some new fangled tek, the way they know they’re clean is growing out said tissue cultured stock and running tests. Haven’t seen any way to clean inside the plant, no matter how small. It’s snip the meristem node and pray, plus a bunch of time and said testing. Might be what’s delaying the release :thinking:


From what i understood he was saying they can grow out the cultures on a nutrional media and if there is a virus present it will also show up on that media. Much like growing mushroom tissue on agar to identify contaminations. From there they can take clean samples from that and make the clone. He does a better job explaining than i do lol.


Im no TC expert, but I have done nodal culture a few times for fun. The agar growing on the media is contamination, not a virus showing up. Unfortunately, seems like SkunkVA is spreading some real bad info on it.

Meristem culture was supposed to be the trick to “clean” cuts. Then after a bunch of people spent 5-10k and no cleaning happened, it just became a shady sell point. Nodal culture is literally just growing/rooting plants super tiny to be able to clone at massive scale. You can adjust the hormones for sure, but then the cut can also come out a lot different than it went in.

I was listening to the potcast episode too, and was pretty shocked/bummed out that the whole “amazing tissue cultured clones for a great price” very quickly became half assed TC you could do in your bathroom and premium prices for mostly modern cookies junk clones.

Potcast is nothing more than a weed infomertial these days. Sooo much bad info gets spread thru it to make a sell to folks who dont know better. Its a bummer SkunkVA has started getting all shady too. But thats the weed game these days. Gotta sign a deal with the devil to try to survive.


I seen some lista being dropped on craftmedicals IG, wonder when its gonna go online, hope soon …for what i seen it looks like their merchant services have been troublesome to take in payments online…