The Huckleberry OG show

Soaked 3 strains in straight H2O:

Dragon Milk F2 (X4)

WOMO X Black Poison Skunk (X6)

Epoxy OG X Huckleberry Soda F2 (X6)

-The EOG X HS all dropped in 24 hrs and all popped w/in another 24 hrs in a wet paper towel. Into the soil they went.

-The Dragon Milk 3 of 4 dropped w/in 24 hrs, last one took 48 to drop. All popped w/in another 48 hrs in wet paper towel. And to the soil.

-The WOMO X BPS 2 dropped w/in 48 hrs, last 4 took 72 before dropping. Only 2 of 6 popped. One being a twinsy, so far only 2-1/2 into soil.


Anyone have thoughts on twins?

Also I know some people use Hydrogen Peroxide for soak. I’m curious what this does? Is it a cleanliness thing? Keep out other living things?


H202 (peroxide) oxidizes the shell at much faster rate. It also keeps clean. But oxidization is main thing. It corrodes the shell fast and gives 02 from the jump. Its not magic though some still wont pop in it. Some ppl scuff seeds in a sandpaper roll just roll paper grit inwards put finger over bottom the drop seed cover other end with thumb n shake. It scuffs em. But usually thrle h202 gets em popped without sanding


And ive never had twins. Seen a few but never had em.


One is usually male the taller one and the other female the shorter one

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Ok, interesting, thanks!

Nice! I have some tomatoes and peppers in sub irrigated planters this year to see how they work out. We will have an ipm. The mites got our tomatoes last year.

I want to see the cats fly tbh :crazy_face::joy:

Welcome to OG. What’s in your living soil?


I have my first set of twins currently from a berry freak v2 seed. From my reading it sounds like 1 is made by pollen, the other is a clone of the mom. Pretty cool!


I did plant them into soil last full moon…


I need to tweak my slingshot design a little first, not yet ready to share w the world.

I mix all kinds of stuff into my soil. If I’m not mistaken the current babies are in a very clean/empty soil. I’ll be putting them into a more nutrient and microbe dense mix. I use Kelp meal, fish meal, crab and oyster shell, gypsum, dolomite, compost from my yard, ewc, epsom, and then I water in w bio-force inoculate and spray foliage w WCA /epsom (LED; and they seem to need it constantly) I do occasional tea’s in bloom as needed. Im prolly forgetting some things atm. The bio-force and the Microbe Charge from roots organics are the two brand products I splurge on when I can.


I do lots of hot peppers! It’s a little hard to make out in the photo, but I think I have about 30 or so


Try some rice hulls and steel cut oatmeal to feed your soil fungi…


If you need a beta tester, let me know :wink:

I love peppers also. My system doesn’t take the super hits as well anymore, but I have a couple jalapenos going in sips.

I’ve gonna to using bio live. It’s got all good stuff in it, and it’s just so simple. A far the plants love it.


Ooh cool thx. I’m a regular oat eater myself, I should be sharing w my babies


had a twin that was th seeds MOB and subcools Jack the ripper here lately. they smoke pretty close to the other phenos. The Mob i cut off the twin the JTR I let it ride, both were good smoke.


Ooo made it just in time to watch from sprout! These are my favs. To see the grow from seed. Keep up with the update I’ll be following! Nice with the variety I love it, and I too want to see a cat go flying :smiley:


I gave em a layer of the whole oats I had around, maybe not steel cut. Is there a reason for using steel cut?

Topped over it w ewc. Is it better to incorporate earlier while mixing soil, pre-planting?


I just like the steel cut because its chunky, the rolled oats are gone in like 2 weeks.


A couple shorties next door that I been drooling over.

MA SS X Skunk 18

35 days in


Every once in a while I will give my young-ins a dusting w diatomaceous earth and then a few days later have a slight lapse in short term memory and give myself a mini-pm fright :scream:

Don’t worry this is de.