The Junkyard awaits

@Seamonkey84 Nice. I’m interested in watching you grow these out. @SCJedi Do the two females on the left look like Blackwater leaners?


Nice work @Seamonkey84!


Yes. If there were males that looked like that I’d be all over a cut for a BX candidate.

One of the unique things about this genetic pairing is the Blackwater has very short internodes and the Apollo has very long ones. This makes it very easy to identify the different genotypes and which way they’re leaning. The short internodes.and the fat leaves are a solid giveaway.


Hell yeah! Looking good!


Ah, so the two I the middle are the like the real hybrids of the group. So in the group of males, the second one in from the left, still more a hybrid structure?

Full disclosure, there is a very slight possibility that there is a mixup on those two females on the left. Those two have the same branching structure as the other girls, but I transplanted those two on the same night that I transplanted two fem seed plants. Well one of the fem seed plants is showing male, and very different than the Blackwater x Apollo males. So unless I beat all the odd and would up with a feminized male, I could of screwed up. But I’m 95% sure I didn’t mess up going from one labeled container into another. Plus the pictures of the plants pre transplant match up.

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The girth on the bottom leaves of those two ladies to the left is a blackwater trait. If it’s a mix up it’s uncanny.

That male is still a hybrid. A blackwater would never have nodal spacing like that


Like I said, I’m 95% sure I didn’t mess this up, kinda ocd with this stuff. But either way I’ve marked the three “questionable” females with a separate tag as well, to keep track of them.just as a comparison of the other female. All three up potted the same day.

Branching at the base on the two are like the rest


The one in question


I’ll take a pic of one of my Blackwater moms and you’ll see. Anything with tighter nodes would be leaning toward BW. Apollo is great but has a wild internodal stretch


The pink labeled one is a bubblegum cross, she doesn’t have the same branching that all the others have. I really don’t think I messed up, but that’s not good news for the other breeder…

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I’m getting a lot of stretch on #14, and #17 the #19 hardly none at all.


And of those three #19 was the least like any of the others. After her first go she just sort of hung out and didn’t grow the same as the other kids. The fact that those aren’t stretching indicates to me it is more like it’s mom.


I cloned 2 from each, to see it better. I’m also starting my second batch of seeds to test again. I’ll go with 4 of each again. I’ll keep posting here my results from the flowering plants, the clones, and the seedlings.


The Blackwater cross I have are giving off a very sweet aroma, can’t really put a name to the smell, just sweet. Especially noticeable when I chopped the males.


Sweet would be the Apollo side


Duct tape x gdp and Col x gdp testers. @SCJedi


Man I hate that I missed this

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Hey Donnie, I have some new seeds to test using my grape stomper og male. You want first dibs? I’ll give you pick of the litter if you’ll pop them right away and post pics

Ice cream Cake x GSOG
Wedding Cake x GSOG
Duct tape x GSOG
Colombian x GDP x GSOG
Nigerian Sunshine x GSOG
Sundae Driver x GSOG


That’s quite the line up I know what I’d pick .


Sc coming through with that fire :fire::fire:… would love to run the ice cream cake and sundae driver. I heard some good things about them.


Holy shit!!! That sundae and wedding cake both are surely top notch! And it’s all mixed with the grape stomper!!