The Junkyard awaits

Thanks for the love everyone! Always means a lot to me.

@SCJedi thank you! No worries! I’m still very happy with the outcome, I always take responsibility for nanners lol I’m still working out noob kinks after a year and a half and I do blast the lights pretty hard, could’ve been sensitive to the top dressing as well. Honestly, I will run it again and do a better job cleaning up underneath, I definitely think it’s worth another go.


If it isn’t in the genetics, the plants can’t express nanners, no matter how ‘mean’ you are… so don’t be so hard on your self :laughing:

I understand the temptation to keep and breed a great plant that occasionally throws some but folks need to develop a ruthless streak (Jack the Ripper class ruthlessness) when breeding. (I’m still working on this :grin:)
Otherwise somebody will use your genetics in a project and pass along the good with the bad.
This case seems to be becoming more and more prevalent and I find it disconcerting that folks seem to be accepting it as the status quo.



100% what you said!


Please excuse me for my noob’ness, I’ve seen this word thrown around quite a bit lately and was wondering what it meant… “nanners” … anyone care to help a brotha out? Lol TIA


Little banana shaped pollen sacks, unlike male ball shaped sacks. Bananas or Nanners is the term used for female pollen sacks.
They are found in buds during flower. If allowed to fully open they can and will pollinate itself and neighboring plants.


Got it… thank you brotha… so is it basically a herme?.. and why would anyone want that? I heard Hermès will pass that gene down to any seeds they produce.


I may be mistaken but it sounded like someone was actually wanting nanners?

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Appreciate you man, I just assume I must have fucked it somewhere along the line. I’m the best punching bag I got lol.

Just to be clear though I don’t make seeds, I only grow to smoke.


Mistaken for sure.

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This is a good read on the subject.


I appreciate the read.
According to that article, unlike pollen sacs, bananas don’t need to burst open to spread pollen. They immediately start seeding buds that are close by.
That is knowledge I didn’t know. So, there’s pollen released immediately, however, it might be sterile pollen. That’s good to know.


Not always sterile tho. Pluck em if you see em.


Duct tape cured and ready to smoke so sticky it literally sticks to the inside of the bag and the buds all stick to each other . My grinder is having a tough time might need to break out the coffee grinder for this girl.
Thanks to @SCJedi for giving me the opportunity to sample some incredible bud .
Looking forward to your next run of tester strains when available.


Thank you for testing that one out! The Duct Tape is a great cut and provides a great yield of crotch kicking potency meds.

You did a great work knocking this out of the park! Thanks for testing these for me. I’ll have another round to test out soon.


Please explain what you mean. I see the zip lock but???

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It spend a month and a half in a vacuum bag stored in the freezer.
Yesterday I cut open the bag and threw some buds into a small zip lock and headed to a family get together .

Everyone that tried it commented on how smooth the joint was no coughing or hacking. Nice clean white ash no cotton mouth or dry throat was another comment I’d heard from people .

Nice uplifting buzz that lasts a couple of hours with no crash and burn at the end all in all a great day time smoke for the more experienced toker lightweights need to take caution though it’s got some kick !


And the flavor profile was on point as well? That’s interesting. Thanks.


She’s a smelly girl that’s for sure needed a double bag for the trip out even then after a hr in the hot car it totally reeked in a good way no chance of sticking a roach in your pocket for later without getting noticed .
I should also add solid rock hard bud that once ground up create a fluffy huge pile of sticky goodness that won’t fit a single paper


I’ve heard about the freezer cure. I plan to try it if the Grove Bags don’t pan out. Some say that they are cheaply made. We’ll see but I hope they do as well as advertised. I know a lot of people that are thrilled by them.

Yes I’ve heard they work well , for me I’ve done the freezer cure for a few years now it’s idiot proof providing the initial dry down is correct and you seal the bag with little to no air .
Once you perfect those steps you won’t be disappointed with the results I’ve yet to mess up doing this and will continue to cure using this method .