The Junkyard awaits

Alright alright new total is 6 above soil 1 straggler throwing a tap root so looks like 7/11 seeds germinated(lot better then first thought to be) just a bit slow to start being almost 10 days for a few :joy: but where off to the races will be posting weekly updates

@SCJedi thanks again for this opportunity :pray:t2:


Just got mine going and finally above soil will be stoked to see what someone else finds @Tejas :grin:


Getting the show on the road today :grin:


That AMFO mom is nasty. Have fun on your voyage!


What a looker! You got any photos of your nyc piff 3 cut ? @SCJedi

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I do not have pics of the Piff cut as my mom was no very photogenic. I will note that with topping she shrubs up nicely.

Edit: I just scrolled through pics from this pollination and nearly all are of MAC1, Duct Tape, Wedding Pie, White, Runtz, Cereal Milk, etc. Mostly the ones that were the most visually appealing


I didn’t take any pics, not much happened yet. Just 18 hour soak and into the coco. Most are already split and one even dropped its shell during the soak. Can’t say I seen that before

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Kids are in the pool!


I had two pop immediately, the remaining 9 I manually cracked. We will see if that helps. Were you able to get anymore to pop?

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I had about 60% germ on my test for Piff which is far below what others are reporting from the other crosses. One report on wedding pie and papaya already report “all but one” for germination. I may just pull the Piff out for some small tests but not share it much due to poor germ rates.


I’ll know more tomorrow.

I left out that minein a shot glass of 50/50 water peroxide and went about 72 hours before I stopped. It’s possible more would have cracked if left alone or pit into moist towels or soil

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I let them soak for about 6 hours in a water/peroxide solution, then moved them to moist paper towels in a warm drawer.

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Hey folks, I was 3/6 germination so I made sure and waited. Today I put 3 more Mac1 x grape stomper og in a paper towel, let’s see if we can’t get some more to pop.


I got 100% germ rate on both the fatso and animal mints crosses. All animal mints are up and 7 of the fatsos are up. I think I might have damaged some of the fatsos when planting so I will blame the last 4 not popping up on me.


7 of 11 have produced tails so far. These definitely benefit from cracking the shell.


@SCJedi nine out of eleven germinated, so 81%.

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Mine germinated lot better after I cracked them too got 7/11 of my nyc piff x gsog


That strain sounds killer

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It’s definitely a tough nut to crack.

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