The Junkyard awaits

Liking the Bubblegum.

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It looks like I got 2 more mac1 x grape stomper og to germinate, no pictures but i had one germinate in a paper towel and two other ones that still wouldnā€™t crack. I did the crack the shell first time ever and dropped one and couldnā€™t find it :cry: so I tried it with the other one and it looks like it worked, I can see the shell on top with a tap root. Itā€™s gonna bust outta the pot and grow like jack and the beanstalk. Anyhow Iā€™ll have five, heres the first three.


Last update on these before I leave for work, they are 9 or 10 days old. Green pots in the back are animal mints cross green pots in the front are the fatso cross and the black square pots are stuff Iā€™m starting for outside

Iā€™m noticing that some of the animal mints have a few mutations showing up. I didnā€™t bother taking pics of those because I find that most leaf mutations that show up on the first few sets of leaves usually go away after the mature leaves come in. Overall they seam to be pretty vigorous


Hey @SCJedi i actually opened the pack today to get things ready and unfortunately some of the seeds have already cracked open Iā€™ll run what I can salvage still though

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Oh snap! Sounds like I jumped the gun on some of these. Letā€™s loop back around in dm and I can get you some more ASAP.

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Updating the availability list since after two bunk addresses a package was returned for a 2nd time yesterday. I have a padded envelope with Fatso & GMO ready to go if someone wants it.

Grape Stomper x New York OG Kush (Joseph) Tester #1 Tester #2 Tester #3
Animal Mints x Face Off Ris Kushking902 BH (pH)
Cereal Milk Indoornesian Texagonian (pH) Maddawg
Duct Tape Schmarmpit huf Available
Fatso Kushking902 Cannabinoid ShiskaberrySavior
GMO Cookies Indoornesian Texagonian (pH) ShiskaberrySavior
Grandiguava Blueridge Bodean (pH) Available
Ice Cream Cake Indoornesian BH (pH) Texagonian (pH)
Kush Mints joheimgrohen huf Available
MAC1 Indoornesian joheimgrohen Thatā€™s_bank
Mango Mintality Schmarmpit Texagonian (pH) Available
NYC Piff #3 DesertHeartGardens Tejas djtrip
Papaya Kold Kasiz (pH) BH (pH) Available
Wedding Pie Ris Kold Kasiz (pH) BH (pH)
White Runtz Indoornesian BH (pH) Maddawg

nyc piff x gsog chugging along going to put them all in 1 gallons tonight so should start to see more considerable growth the 3 leaf mutant is starting to grow normal too sorry for the delayed update fell Ill for a few days @SCJedi


How far along are you with these?

Little more then 2 weeks I wanna say 15-16 days kind of staggered due to the slow germ rates but all around that timeframe will have to check notes to be exact though @Tejas


I am about the same. I had trouble with a couple not releasing their shells, had to use surgical tweezers to remove them.


After 4 days I had only 1 or two show signs of life had to do some surgery on the rest and crack them slightly had the majority crack after that got 7/11 and I think I would of got 8 but my clumsy hands messed up one while cracking them :joy:

I am curious how many of the germination challenges are due to the beans being too green. IT seems rather likely in my mind. Opinions?


I very well think that might be the case might be a little greener and more fibrous causing them having harder time getting rid of those shells the ones that sat in my fridge for a week later or so seemed to go a little faster then my initial germination of them might just be a thicker shelled as a genetic wild survival thing to prolong and delay germination out in nature as Iā€™ve heard on a few potcast that is a thing with different regional cultivars like some afghans :man_shrugging:

How long did you let them dry? I generally let my seeds dry 4-5 weeks before storing. I dropped the one you sent the same day I got them.

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I cut those plants down around 12/21 and hung then in a cold dark room without thinking that I didnā€™t really care if I desiccated the flower material (hard habit to break). They definitely didnā€™t dry for very long before I began passing them around. Certainly nothing like 30-45 days I normally aim for. Mea culpa


The good thing is they are viable, stubborn but viable.


I imagine that these will all improve with some drying time. I have still only shucked 100% of the seeds from 4 of 15 cultivars. Trim Jail and Shucking Jail are evil twins


I canā€™t tell whatā€™s happening with these mac1 x grape stomper og, im hoping they grow out of whatever funk it is. Ive let them dry out thinking I over watered them but I donā€™t think so. Nice and green with that little purple but the leaves are twisted. Anyone?


Iā€™d take the fatso and gmo if itā€™s still available Thanks


I saw that weird crinkle on the first post of pics. Its a strange one for sure. What kind of food are they getting?

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