The Junkyard awaits

That mac1 mom is a dominatrix from what I see lol

Is anyone growing the fatso or animal mints crosses having trouble getting the nutritional needs nailed down with these? I’m having a hell of a time.

With the Fatso I’ve got 3 of 11 above ground at 3 weeks from initial soak. The 3 that have sprouted are slow so far.

Ill have a little update today. I haven’t given up on these mac1 grape stomper og, two are still growing and I put the last two seeds I have in a paper towel. Im determined if nothing else😜


The last two seeds have short tails, heres the other two. Slow motion growth. Im not giving up :+1:t2:


How old are they?

Lol couple months, the plants in my veg room are same age, it’s not like im new to growing.

im determined to get some buds off these if it takes a year.:rofl:
The smaller plants are testers I started after. Cripxmas A n B and my grape krush are the bigger ones. Heck Johnny’s fem frankenstien are gonna pass them. They’re the little sprout’s, im not ragging on them just an example of how slow they’re growing.:peace_symbol:


Fatso x GSOG update. Had a heck of a time getting these to crack or they fizzle out when planted. Out of 11, 2 look to be duds, didnt crack after 3 weeks even with help, 1 cracked then turned balck, and looks like another 5 died off or never sprouted, 3 took.

Didnt water excessively, humidity steadily around 65-70%, temps 75-81f, didn’t drown em or let them dry that i could tell. Maybe something with the mix, dont know but my autos loved it. Still leaving the 5 go another week because why not.

I did go ahead and move the 3 into 3 quart pots with FFHF and @ 20% more perlite added with some Dynamyco. Soaked my last 2 seeds (Monster Banner) Saturday, already cracked, to tag along for a bit.


That sounds like the beans to me.
Sometimes crosses produce weak seeds. I’ve been thinking about how to track that as part of an overall ‘score card’.



3 of the fatso cross is all I’m left with too. I only have one confirmed female out of those 3. Hope the other two are the same

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I’d say the GSOG male may be wonky but there is a dude growing the Grandiguava and the Animal Mints x Face-Off crosses and they are both doing fine—10 of each from 2 packs. At least someone got good germination and healthy plants.


piff x gsog 4 piff x gsog 6 starting to spread there wings in the 20s started heavy training on them looking good so far figuring about 3-4 weeks till flip @SCJedi


I’m also running the animal mints x face off cross, I think there’s 7 of those left with one confirmed female. There’s a few wonky ones in there too. The issues I’ve been running into are showing with both crosses. I’d say definitely coming from the male.
Have you used him in many other crosses or just the list here for testers?

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Last update for 3 weeks. Heading off to work. Can wait to see what I return home to. The fatso cross is the 3 in the right rear and the animal mints x face off cross are the 7 in the front right.


Welp MAC1 x GSOG 19 days

So I’m assuming they want ph’d water. I went into this blind I got to admit. Decided on mac1 because I hear it smokes good I NEVER heard the troubles of growing one until I noticed something wasn’t right with these :joy:. You know what here’s another one of my seedlings for comparison

This mac1 cross is really gonna make me work for it


I have a couple seedlings acting the same way. Two different strains than the Mac 1 cross. I been adjusting nutrients, light, humidity, and ph. Nothing seams to make them happy. Oh well as long as I get something new and nice to try out in the end lol. Some plants are just finicky as hell.


I feel your pain my friend .:joy:

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Ok, I am working on the list of what seeds went out and what strains appear stunted, germinated poorly or not. If you have testers and see this post please re-post the following.

Strain Cross
Stunted Yes or No
Germination success rate (ie. 7/10)
If you want to try more now that they are less green Yes or No

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Cross nyc piff 3 x gsog
Stunted:slower growth beginning growth but grew out of it fine now on the 2 females 5 males grew out of being stunted
Germination 7/10
Currently have my plate full for now wouldn’t be able to start more for awhile @SCJedi


Thank you! I want to make sure that I did not saddle folks with the burden of trying to grow green beans. the offer to replace stands, whether you use them or not.