The Junkyard awaits

Their looking good, can’t wait for the close-ups.

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@DesertHeartGardens, not much to add that hasn’t been said. You’ve got some shrubs on your hands and I hope the stretch is wrapping up.

I defoliate on days 22 and 45, typically so it sounds (and looks) like yours are due.

Like Tejas said, looking forward to some close ups as they mature


My goodness she hasn’t stretched at all BUT she smells amazing :star_struck: I mean I really don’t know how to describe it but I really like it…like I really really like it

I think it’s grape I’m smelling but it’s something else too


I always find suggesting a terpene wheel or aroma wheel to folks that cannot pinpoint scents helps. (I often suggest this to myself too)

It helps narrow down particular smells.


GOT DAMN! Wake up, Junkyard! ROLL CALL!!!

SORRY TO YELL. I submitted all seedlings to sexual testing shortly after my pic last month. I ended up with 3 MM girls and 3 DT. I’m growing them straight up, no bending or whipping. The guys were tossed…then discarded. The runt DT will likely get PUT TO SLEEP, and I ain’t talkin’ 12/12. More like 0/0. The 5 remaining girls will have about 5 weeks longer before I flip them over.

Now let’s talk about that flavour wheel! As a purveyor of stank, I’m embarrassed to say I’m unfamiliar with about 50% of the words on that cog ring. What kind of coterie came up with that? I’d love to see something as detailed but maybe more cannabis focused, and slightly dumbed down. I feel like “gas” or whatever you might call that could be split up into many different scents, not really represented anywhere above.


Careful with that Mango Mintality if anything leans toward the mom it tends to have a hard stretch in flower.

As for flavor wheels I think that I googled something like flavor or aroma wheel. There are often kits that one can buy to describe wine flavors or smells.

If I google cannabis terpene wheel here are a couple more or less in our language. The idea is to start in the center and work your way outward.



Thanks for the pro tip about the Mango Mintality! That might help me identify them over the Duct Tape as well. 50/50 chance I have the two sets labeled correctly.

Thanks for those new wheels. The 2nd one especially I like a whole lot. Now if they could somehow show what terpenes went with some of those scents. That could get messy.


My wife sent me some pics since I’m away with work but the fatso cross is taller then she is and the room is smelling great.
It’s hard to tell in photos but she said the leaves are all a nice green. The tallest pheno has a lot of leaf curling at the top closest to the light so I’m assuming it’s a heat issue being so close.
I will be home next week to make the needed adjustments for them to perk up but all in all they are looking great.

I forgot to mention yesterday was the beginning of week 3


Nice! Those tall ones are Fatso leaners. The dad doesn’t stretch like that at all.

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I’m really liking how the tallest one is stacking. Pretty excited to see how they fill out. That tall one is by far my favourite pheno out of both the crosses.
It’s going to drive me nuts until I get home and can deal with those curled leaves tho lol

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Been a minute since I last updated the nyc piff 3 x gsog been progressing wonderfully today hits day 30

This girl has a sweet berry smell that I almost wanna say grapey with a hint of a sour funk really nice smelling so far thinking it’s the most loud of the tent tied with the sour diesel bx3 f2 pheno im running in the tent too

The stretchy pheno is starting to stack up a bit I think based off what I’m seeing thinking it’s going to most likely run abit longer then the others thinking it might be closer to a 12 week pheno who knows once it gets going time will tell

not as far progressed as far as the rest of the tent but starting to get some frost going smelling musky with some sweet gas like notes so far @SCJedi checked both pretty good no signs of intersex :crossed_fingers:


Their looking stellar DHG!


Heck yah, those look great! Thank you for the update!

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Thank you hope I do them justice :blush:Been some stellar plants to grow thank you for the opportunity can’t wait till I can get them into a jar and smoke them :grin: out of curiosity what smells where you getting from the grape stomper og male and how about the nyc piff 3 cut is it more churchy or a sour piff?


GSOG male has a very strong pungent aroma of dank gas with grape undertones. The NYC Piff #3 is not sour but more church incense


Fatso x update. Lots of stretch from these 2 ladies. Used what i had on hand to spread em out and try to tame a bit. Removed the lankier lowers a week ago. Filling the 2x4 nicely. 18 days since flip.


Looking great! Nice full tent :grin: @Cannabinoid

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Thank you @DesertHeartGardens. Yours are lookin mighty fine.

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That must be why the mac1 x gsog smells like grape bubblegum. Not really getting any gas but the grape is all you smell when I open my tent. Too bad that little mf will probably only yield under a half oz. It’s still THE best smelling thing in my flower tent


Nice canopy!