The Leaking Bottle Scam

Everywere in the world liquids are packed in bottles…with caps that allow you to open and close it without spillage but…
The nute companies invented a new type of cap that looks like a safety cap, child proof but in reality is equipped with a tiny piece of paper that when the bottle is new it doesent leak but once you open it you will never be able to seal the bottle or jug properly , allowing you to make a huge mess when shaking, hence wasting product and ensure that the content get ruined reducing YOUR shelf life…so you can buy more…
If is a fertilizer…it will leak…
just made another mess shaking the fucking storage solution for the ph pen… :joy: :joy:
The more the time pass and the more is difficult to keep track of the scams and rippoff of the Clowns industry…hahahah


that’s a gasket & if you keep it in place(when possible) or make your own (:roll_eyes:) then problem = solved. :nerd_face:

vitamins & medicines, food, anything…



The real scam is the lids that require you to buy a special tool to open. Nah I just pry the lid off with my mighty strength (and some pliers).

I put all my nutes into bottles that have rubber seals anyway, pouring out of those canna bottles is such a PITA and leak everywhere because that foil seal doesnt fully come off so it disrupts the flow…


then use powder


Yessir!..former organic grower now i went full powdered salt…and looking to go coco
always hated bottled nutes but still i have a couple things around…like the ph adjusters…the pen stuff…etc…
yeah…they provide a paper gasket!!!Cmon!!!.A Paper gasket!!!And why da hell they dont make it with rubber or whatever material that doesent need a hack!..i mean…some others manage to bottle successfully their product…but some…no… :thinking:
Some are corrosive materials…they ruin things…no reason to go cheap on the gasket…
Whatevs…lemme go back to work i have still a fuckton of gasket to carve out :rofl:


I’ve had that happen many times, It’s frustrating.

We need to shake the nute bottles, but when you do, it gets everywhere… :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

Some brands are worse than others. All of the Canna bottles I used leaked like hell when shaken, it was the main reason I stopped using them. I’ve had good luck with Dyna Gro bottles not leaking at all.

If they do leak I put my nutrients into HDPE containers.

These ones by Nalgene come in many sizes and can hold pH down and up without issues for years:

If they come in real big bottles I put my nutrients into smaller bottles so they are easier to shake and refill them from the big bottles when it’s time.


You could always just switch to organic growing. The only liquid I use is FulPower. The cap stays pretty tight on that bottle :grinning:


and that is the one that leaks at the rim on me. Fulvex lol

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Another tip is to seal your leak-ier bottles with a few wraps of electrical tape; I had to do this for liquid dyes being shipped with bolts of silks & rarely if ever had an issue. :+1:



I’m with you! Only liquid I use is Alaskan fish emulsion. Dr. Earth gifted me some organic liquid concentrates but I haven’t played with them much. The one time I did I had burned tips. They aren’t lying when they say concentrated!


Understand your frustration. This is now turned into a pretty cool thread on some solutions. Party on animals!

Even with the powders there’s ability for spillage. I can’t get my diatomaceous earth bag to close worth a damn.

I do think the powders get a better bang for your buck. One of my buddies suggested Nature’s living soil.


They sell the DE in a plastic jar at Tractor Supply


I don’t seem to have a problem pouring my pHdown or Urban Farm fertilizer, but the CaliMagic bottle simply sucks! It doesn’t pour well and leaves a disgusting mess. I should transfer the contents to a container with a real spout and tight seal, but was wondering if another brand would have better packaging for next time I restock.

Haven’t the manufacturers received enough complaints to do something about this issue? I can’t imagine that fixing the problem would add much cost - esp. compared to losing a customer altogether.

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I just cover the bottle cup with a rag and shake it baby … cool1|nullxnull

giphy (5)


I got mine at Blain’s Farm & Fleet. They didn’t have it in the jar. Do you know offhand if it’s a plastic or glass jar?

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