The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

Im gonna have to try this sometime… for real. I tried a bonsai mom for like a month. Then i had a vacation planned and needed to flip her. No helping helpers in my neck of the woods to water for me (and im not hip to fancy water-er stuff yet). That little gal was capital C-ute :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Im sure ill get there though. For now i dont mind playing the small stakes seed lottery. Pretty much a winner every time :sunglasses:

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I’ve grown in similarly small spaces and sometimes I’d get lucky with a plant that stayed squat and sometimes I wouldn’t. But this was a long time ago and I didn’t know anything about it really.

But rooted clones might be the move.


CBD genetics from seed is also a crapshoot of its own. I think I told you this but when we all tried to find the Cannatonic 1:1 CBD pheno in seed none of us did, the commercial clone had the right ratio. I can’t even find a CBD clone on any menu now and nobody from here wanted the one I bought which isn’t in stock anymore so I sent it to people who admittedly only care about money.
You have those pure CBD flowers to mix in so maybe the variation in ratios works for you, and I think for the most part seeds are going to be the way to get those genetics given current supply dynamics.
I just think the time and effort you’re putting into it deserves quality genetics and I’m sure there is someone here with a quality CBD line for you.

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It’d just be nice if THC and CBD could play nicer together in higher concentrations in one plant. But i aint complainin’ :grin:

If i can get Sophia :custard: to harvest, and she comes in over an ounce, i should be set for a year on 1:1 (or ish), together with my last girls (python and lenore) from this spring.

Id be two years out, easy, if Monty my big bushy plant in my first post didnt get bloused in the dry. Been curing for months and months now and still smells like grass. 1.5 oz of garbage tasting plant i wont smoke.

What had happened was…Supposed to be 0% blower, circulating fan only, no light in my dry box on that one. Installed a new ceiling light in another room, killed the breaker, turned it back on. Didnt think anything of it. Many hours later, realized my box was o that circuit, and when it came back on- lights were full blast 100%, blower 100%. For so many hours :roll_eyes:. Some unexpected bug in an old controller firmware i now know to watch out for, even though it shouldn’t ever happen again (remember kids- always leave a note, wear your seatbelt, and Update :clap:Your :clap:Firmware :clap:)

But! When life hands you edmonds… make edibles! (Or something like that!)
Finally going to decarb the lot of her tomorrow and throw it into a tincture. See how it do. Make some more candy, gummies, breath spray and more :dragon:


What kind of cannatonic ratios did you all end up with? Ive heard much about that strain over the years but could never get my hands on any.

Not that i get bud from dispos anymore. Last few bags have been… underwhelmingly poor quality. Yes im a weed snob now, but im also a tomato snob since i’ve been growing the straight dope stuff myself. So i think im just a grow snob lol :sunglasses:🤌 :tomato: mwah

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they dont actually tell you anything in the log file, nitpicking through updates is for people who can build their own OS.

we never tested them, but the effect was just off. this was maybe 2010-2012 so we were just idiots in the dark. it did well under vertical if that means anything but the effect was always super weak or give you a headache and put you to sleep. if it were just me it put it to user error but it seemed sort of consistent, people were putting big $ into it and getting bud that was not the same. when you smoke the real cannatonic it puts you in a calm peaceful place, we had plants constantly that were anxiety inducing. without testing it seemed like they were not the same.

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I’m just happy to be so fortunate i can be an idiot bumbling around in the light 🪴 :bulb: :sunglasses::bulb:🪴


maybe if you measured the air flow youd find something but i doubt it. just seems totally genetic man, luck of the draw. you get back on the horse and it gets easier to ride, but your last pony was too wild and i dont think thats your fault at all.

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:cowboy_hat_face: giddyup my dude

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we live in a rough and tumble every man for himself society, sometimes your only option is to be the cowboy.
plants might just get that energy and stand in line.


A for real update :leaves:
D87 F34 FW5

The divorce final, Rose :rose: is living her best life in her too humid, assisted living apartment. She is getting the daily checkup from doctor Not Josh, chopstick, headlamp, sayings of ahhhh :tongue: the works. Costs a little extra, but we go extra for our pals and confidants (when their hearts are true :green_heart:) She is starting to get a smell of blueberry muffins (a cross of blueberry obama x rotten peaches) :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

I’ve been opening the windows when its been lower rh% outside during the day when i can, so they arent swimming quite so much in their separate areas. Also thinking about letting the res go dry dry before refilling for next fill to keep the humidity down somewhat until they look like they need it (or until the dehumidifier is up and running). They are both already to the bottom of the sprout floaty, and the pots are still moist (which i swear has ony recently started happening, i know i just said they’re never damp like a week ago :man_facepalming: ).

Sophia :custard: is clearly the front-runner for MVP this run

In other news, i found the Zoom on my phone finally :grin:


In other other news

I’ve been telling my self i would roast my stash of botch-dried Monty someday (a The Church CDB 1:1 from my previous run) and that day has arrived.

Pre mortem photo shoot :skull::camera_flash:

250F, 35 mins, on a ceramic coated tray with parchment paper. temp checked via IR laser gun thermometer pointed at the tray.




Into a mason jar and right into the freezer. To meet the freezy shaky boozy strainy demise tomorrow. Whole house stinks like lemon pledge :sweat_smile: wife home soon, sure ill hear it :innocent:


Blueberry Obama?? How did I miss that juicy detail before… she’s going to give some pretty nugs for sure.

I haven’t noticed a difference in RH based on res levels personally, are you thinking about trying to get them to grab moisture from the air instead?

Musta left that out… Betty White OG from Evil Jester, a dude from the SGL discord server, ton of tasty looking crosses he’s been cooking up for years with fun names :grin:

Not trying nothing fancy with humidity, just trying to outsmart budrot :sweat_smile:
Box is low 70%s, trying to get it like high 50%s but in this exact climate lately with no AC and a dead dehu, im hailing mary every day here 🫣


So the Obama is reversed pollen thrown on a fem seed maybe? I gave away all the ethos stuff I had this summer, but it was super stable. Never smoked any of it though.

But you’re thinking the RH issue is coming from the intake (source) right? Because there are ways to macgyver the humidity out of a room but messing around like that inside the fridge could go horribly wrong.

Maybe…. I don’t pay attention to Fs or Ss or Bxs or how the delicious sausage is made yet because I’m still too dense for Breeding and Genetics 102. I may get there though :man_teacher:

Yeah trying to keep the house % down as much as i can in this dampy dead zone, so that ambient + the interior (of the little box mostly) dont stay in the red zone for too long.

New dehumidifier arrived today finally. Came on its side, so i needed to wait 2 hours for it to do whatever it needed to do to settle before i could turn it on. Smaller than my last and not as much power, but she already knocked the room down by 4% in 20 mins :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: so shes a keeper. Until she kicks (they Always do) :skull_and_crossbones:

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D93 F40 FW6

Ladies are happy as ever, despite my subconcious brain’s attempts to steer them otherwise… thank goodness for the mostly foolproof growing method that is the octopup :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sophia :custard: is fattening up daily. I pulled a few branches apart a bit to give some more light to the lowers, and noticed even the middle littles are stacking up most of the way down to the main stems!! So pleased am I :star_struck:

And Sticky and Sweet smelling, caramel notes really coming through on contact :yum:

Rose :rose: is going to be much lower yielding, but will end up pretty tasty anyway, if this blueberry smell keeps developing like this… 🫐:yum:

Even though i smoke everyday (dry vape really, but that doesnt verb as well), i dont smoke a Lot at a time, so ill probably still have this bud around a long time. Takes the pressure off each plant so they dont need to Be the best, they just need to Do their best :trophy:

She’s pretty up close though :wink:

I am starting to think that this bend/break i did on this Main Branch shortly before those nanners appeared might have been the trauma that spawned them (next time i run her i’ll refrain from such late stage shenanigans).

Still checking up on her regularly, but read my lips…


Nanners :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Mixed up 2 more gallons of 50/50 10-30-20 and 5-12-26, around 500 ppm (plus 1g epsom per gallon). Will switch to 500 ppm 5-12-26 once they hit week 8.

Dehumidifier keeping ambient rh in check, feels like we got this season change junk in hand.

Feeling pretty, pretty groovy at this point, hope that vibe rides along with us to the end.

Oh and i noticed the jugs i keep my blue nutes in are getting stained brown - apologies for any dubious doubts i had on your advice about root nute staining when you were just trying to help me pull out of my negative thought spiral @shade. Trying to work more on that stuff in my brain lately. Appreciate all the good info, vibes and support i get here on OG like a plant appreciates the sunshine :sun_with_face:

Peace out for now, Fridge Friends :v: :sunglasses:


Lookin good bud.:+1:
Hey, you ever decarbed inside a mason jar in the oven? You should check it out. It will greatly reduce the smells that linger into the house. :wink:

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I haven’t…. Yet :sunglasses:
Honestly for this batch i 100% didnt expect any of the citrusy-gassy smells to still be in this bud, thinking they got fried during the dry, but i was way wrong about that :clown_face:

Curious- in a jar, if they don’t escape, do those volatile flavors/smells (and maybe THC/CBD stay in the bud, to be available in the final oil/tincture?

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I usually get a pretty hefty dank smell after I open the cooled jar and toss into some butter.

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