The OG Battle Grounds! (GvG Competition Thread) ⚔

It just take her a bit longer. I got the cutting, unrooted, from a dispensary. My mother plant is getting old and woody, this doesnt help the cloning efforts. Replacing her now, once these clones root.

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In your experience, how long would be the most time they can put up with during shipping man?

Some people have told me days some people have told me weeks.

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Honestly, all my clones get hand delivered. Never sent one through the mail. From my reading its days not weeks. And temperature has a lot to do with it, colder is better.


So, let me get to work on the GM cut and we’ll see what happens man! THX


Ok @SuperiorBuds, I think Im about 5-7 days from being ready to start the C99 seedling. There are a few more things I want to do with the victim currently in my system, but that should all be wrapped up by this weekend I think.


Battle Grounds Update-October 24, 2018
@Jellypowered fires back at @Roux with an update!
The Trichome Dome: Roux VS Jellypowered

things are heating up now for this competition, so let’s take a look at the up and coming battles:
@SuperiorBuds and @anon32470837 and a root war! - accepted TBD
@MadScientist and @ReikoX - EZ cloner vs TurboKloner - accepted TBD
@I_thewindcries called out @ReikoX to a 12/12 auto comp - accepted TBD
@Beerus vs @Jaybeezy23 in a Nectar Nutrients grow off TBD
@anon58740919 calls out @toastyjakes for a 12/12 Citrus Freeze 50w Max grow - accepted TBD
@TheJanitor challenges @toastyjakes to a tote grow - accepted TBD


I really can’t wait to see how the 50w grow goes. Make sure that post is very flashy and noticeable so I don’t miss it.


@Katz When it starts, I’ll tag ya if I remember lol.

Love the GvG action in here.

@Mr.Sparkle and I will be having one soon, will post up the details tomorrow as soon as some I catch up on some sleep!

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:tongue: “pH water blind taste testing” has always been a Growlympics idea i’ve had.

:ocean: that and the 5 gallon perfect-pour/no-spill competition.

:scissors: :herb: :scales: :stopwatch: trimming is an obvious but tough one.

:smoking: :airplane_departure: joint-rolling is almost an event in itself; from the creative to the efficient to the monstrous…

less wacky/more nerdy is the Compst Tea total living CFU competition(e.g. who can brew the most :alembic: :bug: :stew: microbes.

:recycle: a “no-spill” hydro competition could be tough…(closed loop, no drain to waste-- the auquaponic :fish: :busts_in_silhouette: crowd could shine here)

that’s a productive wake & bake post. :thinking: :banana:



Ok, I guess Im ready to start the new thread. I soaked one of my C99 seeds for 12 hours and then stuck it in my tent for 12 hours and it popped! Should be ready to put it into the HPA system in a week or so.


@anon58740919 it’s on sir!!! bring your best skills and


Sir yes sir. Let me know where to send the citrus freeze. I’m going for a single strip 2700k @48w brother


@toastyjakes Baby… I’m gone buttah yo bread.


:couch: bump :wink:

@HappyHemper @Badfishy1

I hereby challenge both of you to grow any weed plant with success in any bark-based orchid media of your choosing, because I have already bowed out :grin: and am struggling with it. Mostly just want to figure out the problem, so I’ll appeal to your egos! :thumbsup:

:herb: :imp:



Oh @cannabissequoia, you…

Couple of clarifications before i can fully evaluate, and likely accept, this challenge:

  1. Is cork considered a bark medium? It is made from bark…
  2. Is charcoal, made from spruce or fir bark, considered bark medium? It is also made from bark…
  3. What percentage of inert amendment is acceptable?
  4. Any restrictions on size/grade/processing of the bark?
  5. Seed, or clone, or dont care?

“yes”. :joy:

Sure, cork is wood bark, why not. And charcoal you need for a “binder” or oystershell i guess. So it’s all open… I just would like to see the folks who’ve kept an orchid alive give it a go. It seems like it could work as a natural hydro media to lil ole me, but i’ve never done either heheh.


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Well, when my mom decided to keep an orchid I set her up with hydroton and perilite :wink:

But I’m all up for giving bark a shot. I’ll see what j can get around here. I even have a rooted cut ready to go in. Might be male, but if I get pollen it will be totally classified as “successful growing of cannabis” :wink:

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Give me a bit to think about how to go about this. I’ve stated in the past that keeping an orchid is ALL environment. I’m ‘blessed’ to have an almost perfect environment to maintain. The orchids I posted in other plants thread get watered 4x/ year and that’s all I do for them. Have a couple plants to cycle out at the moment, but I WILL grow in a bark media in the near future


@HappyHemper @Badfishy1

…what got me started in this direction was having organic soil with pH’s that would always climb, climb, climb. I figured the bark would negate it… but it may be very “localized”(?) in it’s effect on the overall container causing wild variations…which is what I think i see in my own experiements. it definitely needs Nitrogen right away, i figured out that much. :grin:


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@HappyHemper @Badfishy1

My “orchid” mix plant is actually happier than my regular media mix. I can’t be sure of the exact recipe but it was about 60% orchid bark, 30%peat/perlite, 10% charcoal(bbq grade, smashed with :hammer:), a dash of great-white mycorhizzae, maybe some worm-shit, but i think i skipped the oyster-shell, can’t be sure. It’s responded well to MegaCrop in the last 2 weeks or so.
