The OverGrow Podcast

Go have say in the poll everyone.


I heard many podcast makers say after doing a podcast they find the first 10 were horrible but continually got better. After 10 it was easier and smoother. Glad podcast is going well. Once you have the process down it should be a lot easier! Great job @heliosphear and to all contributors.


@420noob episode 6 OverGrow PODcast in the next 48 hours, looking forward to PODcast episode 10 :sunglasses:


Back before you mentioned an interview with @JohnnyPotseed , I told him I thought it would be a good way for him to thank the community for the outpouring of support. He said he thought it would be a good idea too.
Iā€™m looking forward to it when you guys get it lined out.


Thank you @MoBilly :sunglasses:


Thank you my friend. The podcast is a lot of fun. Itā€™s something my wife and I listen to together.

Brother, just know that it totally adds to the epicness of this forum.


Agreed :sunglasses:


Another great podcast brother. Got to listen to it while traveling between sites.


Howdy @Heliosphear, itā€™s great to see all the developments with your efforts in bringing an Overgrow Podcast to fruition. I think itā€™s great to have a presence that crosses platforms and helps others learn about the Overgrow community.

I was thinking about something that I thought to share. I was thinking how to increase viewers while having a solid success rate of those viewers, especially new and unique viewers, finding themselves here on the Overgrow forums checking it out. Lurking or possibly joining up as fellow members of the forum to become fixtures in the community.

I know seeds and such are seemingly frowned upon with respect to trading, gifting, or selling on YouTube. As a workaround I thought it may be possible to create some sort of token or currency that could be won or given away during the live broadcasts and then that token could be redeemed here on the forums for a pack of seeds.

For example, a unique Overgrow sticker or seed collector card is won during the live broadcast and that sticker can be traded here on the Overgrow forum for a pack of seeds. Possibly an effective workaround?

One thing the community here is flush in are seeds. Giving away quality seeds and genetics on a regular basis during the Podcasts I think would exponentially increase viewership and possibly help grow the community here on the forums as well. Just something Iā€™ve been thinking about. If thereā€™s room for help on this Iā€™d like to. Hope youā€™re having a pleasant day. Many blessings and much love


I gotta make another stop after this post and get out the door to work, @Sbeanonnamellow great idea I will get in on it tomorrow. Till thenā€¦

Have a great day yaā€™ll. :sunglasses:

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