The OverGrow Podcast

Wow, @Heliosphear was down for the count. :grimacing:
But you canā€™t keep a good man down.

Get well soon @Heliosphear


Ugh! Take care of yourself. Your health is first priority.


You-Tube is a finicky animal in itā€™s self. shadow bans, bans, channel cancellations.
pending who is in office, all that. I think they work under the they are as liberal as the state the content was shot. they are just weird is all I am saying a preemptive measure to understand and work with in their quid lines yes but they change minute to minute. My point is upload across platforms. Rumble, X , there are probably others. so you are still up while working things out with you tube or even having to re start youtube channels. you can at least tell off forum site watchers.


@Heliosphear so happy your okay!! Damn that was some serious stuff your recovering from. Be gentle with your recovery


This was and still is an amazing idea and if you need any help with anything just let me know, seriously. Hope youā€™re feeling better manā€¦


I know this is an old dead idea. but I feel like yapping to people who may or may not like PodCasts and YouTube. I have a YouTube channel, but nothing to it, a couple of low-budget rap songs, little animation, and one video that blew up of Bill Burr making fun of Bill Meyer, I say all that to say this. I met a Part-time animator who created a programming thingy, that automates the mouth movement process, above my understandingā€¦
The bottom line is he asked me if I wanted to do an animated show with him.
Two guys who smoke and have high conversations called ā€œHigh Conversationā€
Of course, I will ask Joe if he wants to run an ad and whomever else.
I want it to kick off, so I will make a page and most likely do a contest.

so we wrote the first one, 100% banter, organic, dude sent me the word Salute? and from that, we came up with the first bit. we are designing characters in the next couple of weeks. I may need a voice actor or two until I get a better set up so if anyone has a good home studio who may want to lend their voice for a few episodes.

B: Salute?

A: Yeah, it means ā€œIn Good Health.ā€

B: But alcohol isnā€™t exactly healthy.

A: Well, some doctors say a glass of wine with dinner aids in digestion.

B: Wine? We made this drink with a five-pound bag of sugar and old orange peels we let rot and ferment on the radiator.

A: Fine then, salute to your healthā€”ironically. Salute!

B. ( like a moron he brings his hand up to his head and his other arm dropped
to his side and salutes like a soldier does a captain dropping his glass.)

A: Do you even know the origin of ā€œsaluteā€?

B: You mean what the soldiers do, right?

A: Yes! It originated in England. Knights in armor would lift their visors to show their faces to the king before going into battle.

A: Okay, but thatā€™s for people wearing knight suits. What about us regular folks? Why would we do the salute pose?

B: Maybe itā€™s just a tradition that got out of hand. Like a medieval inside joke that no one stopped.

A: So basically, weā€™re all just lifting invisible visors for no reason?

B: Like drinking this questionable concoction?

A: Exactly! Salute to our adventurous spirits and strong stomachs!

B: And to the hope that we donā€™t end up as medieval cautionary tales.

A: Cheers to that! Salute!

B: If we survive this, we should knight ourselves for bravery.


Like this?


Yes, cartoon, self-voiced, some body movements and normal animation but not full-blown run-around dynamic cartooning. whisperX is what he used. and python.

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more like this and less AI filter apt thingy, this is one of the guys Channels.

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would it be alright I just go around hittin up breeders I like cause thatā€™d be a big draw to myself and probably other people. :joy: :wink: I donā€™t know any of them or anything but I figure it canā€™t hurt to ask, they might appreciate the free press. tho I dunno if you want people selling their shit
tryin to think how I could help make this the success I know it can be

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Go for it, OverGrow can never be seen as selling seeds so stick with breeder that wanna be known on OG that are sponsors. :sunglasses:


@Heliosphear brother great pod cast. Stay up. Get better. Wow, I wish you the best friend.


Sorry I didnā€™t mean literally selling anything, I meant them promoting their latest work or brand. bad word choice for this convo my badā€¦ I forgot the word promoting lolā€¦ og sponsors would be first up on the list for sure


How do you make sense of YouTube? every ad I got for a year on YouTube vids I watched was for a Canadian dispensary, I do not even think it was a legit one, it seemed more black-market. so if they are running weed ads how can they restrict grow channels from monetizing?


I have never seen an ad on YouTube for a dispensary. That said, I started paying for YouTube premium ages ago and never see any ads. Never again will I have to meet the Chopras, lol.


I am on YouTube all day off and on, and not as premium just normy. cable is awful but at least t.v shows wrote the shows in a way you knew the ad was coming. You YouTube is like a random baseball to the head.


If you use it so much I would suggest looking at the premium account. I am on YouTube quite often and itā€™s worth every penny to me to not have those annoying ads popping up all the time. My time is worth more the the few bucks a month it costs me. Thatā€™s a personal preference though.


They seem to get better and better with each new podcast

Great job :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


I look forward to watching these tomorrow. Iā€™m beat and calling it a night.
You never disappoint brother. Always bringing it.