The quest for unicorn gold!

Some golden nibblets for my ripping pleasure, and the hash in a jar. I’ll be keeping track of it every day for the next 2 weeks…ish.


Joe, thank you for getting the freezer tech out there. Finally gave some good shit a rip in a quartz banger. Tastes like a gumball out of a huge gumball machine you’d find in a shopping mall with added sweetness. This was from a mixed batch so not to be repeated again.

Damn you, now I need to get a peak or something easy to use. I hate using a torch.


My travel kit is a puffco proxy pipe. I slip the kit into my inner pocket and I’m out the door. It doesn’t give a hardcore hit like the slurper, but you can slowly puff away. I always take it to my friends house with hash inside the case ready to rip. Flavor is really nice, almost like the slurper, but easier to handle. click click buzz buzz :dash:
That hash looks great!


So how much residue is left with your best hash? I’ve been trying to give the banger the least heat possible to get vapor and the best taste. Doing this I have been left with a decent bit of residue in the banger. I stop heating and hitting once the taste isn’t good anymore so maybe I’m just leaving a lot left? Not that I care about throwing out a bit, I’m making this stuff for the taste


I do the nuts protocol I learned from the terp slurper crowd where I heat the quartz to 350-400C and once it cools to 305 I use the dab tool to touch the hash to the bowl. When it cools below 80C clean it with the alcohol. I get a bit of char, but on the big bud I probably get the least residue. Not really sure why. I don’t think it has any less plant fiber in it than any other batch I made? Of course… I could go and see what the residue is actually made out of.


I would be interested to know. I’ve assumed what was left was waxes that don’t vaporize, and contamination. Along with unburned oil in my case that has been overheated and tastes bad.


I never give it another blast, I just flush that residue into the alcohol. Sometimes I just thermal cycle it again and get it all black. Really got to scrub that shit to get it off though. The terp pearl can get all crusty, which requires a sharp blade to scrape off.


wow! I had never thought to examine the leftovers in the slurper. I got some of the gunk and then used isopropyl to dissect the goo. What came out, is purely what went in! Minus some stuff that went into my brain. Those are darkened and shrunken trichome caps there. Fucking amazing.


Damn so they don’t even melt down they just vaporize off and shrink. Not what you’d think


I always feel like posting Jessie Pinkman memes when I read this thread


Fucking blew my own mind! :exploding_head: LOL


ok, what do we have going on there? First photo is the prototype, of course. Second photo is what happens when moisture touches the hash and then is left overnight to dry. Third photo is stabilized trichomes with a small section that moisture had touched and then dried up.
That is some really crazy stuff right there. Like… something to do with water. Water is doing something to those trichomes! I wonder if I can figure out what it is?


@JoeCrowe, you’ve given me a whole new perspective on bubble hash. What I’ve done previously was real good, but you showing the community how you won “Gold” is priceless.
I’ve got quite a bit to run this year, and you’ve provided some real quality info on the process.
Can’t wait to get a few runs in and heading for the freezer!!!


Thanks! I’m exploring the aspects of hash making to try and rise to the top. I’m going to really flex my hash muscle this year, and crush the competition with white powdery hash that melts when you squeeze it between your finger tips.
The deep freeze is my secret weapon :wink:


I took this pile out of the freezer.

Gave it a quick squeeze!

Aaaand ripped it.


Oh yah almost forgot about the hash in a jar. I’m starting to think this is it’s end form, and that it will require improper storage to change, now. So, if I leave it open in a box for a couple months, how long until it starts to degrade?


hmm marcus “bubbleman” said you have to keep those live extracts frozen or they melt. I’m starting to wonder if I’m doing something insane here with the stabilization of live extracts at room temp. I thought other people were doing it as well. I guess I didn’t catch that the other night when buddy showed me his R&D it was freeze dried hash that had melted in a jar. I should have brought some over to show it off. I guess now I know it’s some real unicorn shit lol!


I’d assume it might be different for each cultivar. Maybe some do melt at room temp

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I tried that already :wink:
I did it with one of my strains that makes a gooey hash that you can’t pick apart. Turns out, it makes a powder like hash just like this one. I DO want to try it with more strains, and I will. Once I do it with the PCK, I’ll declare it works for all of them. Of course, I’m trying to get someone else to try it as well and report if it works. That’s the best test of all.


lol marcus “bubbleman” seemed nonplussed by the idea, I don’t think he’s in. :wink: