The quest for unicorn gold!

For sure, I’m on the hunt for the specific conditions that make the trichomes change color. That’s what the crazy tests are about! I think my finger is almost healed up completely. Definitely healed enough to make a hash batch! I stabbed a toothpick into that sucker 1cm deep. Fun times! I better start cleaning the bags!

There’s my boo boo.

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Well the moisture evaporated, but the color remains! I like how the trichomes on the outer layer stayed white.

See the green bits in this pile? When I hit them with the dab tool they don’t crumble, so I can just scoop them off the hash pile and toss it out.


I wonder why they dry white after being through the water hash process but when you wet them again they don’t dry white. Did you wet it with cold water and put it back in the freezer?


It got wet from melted ice, and I just left it out. The moisture is actually still trapped inside! I took a dab of it today and it sizzled.

Brewing up a new batch, I’ll use my shockwave generator on it :wink:


I noticed it got really really flat when it was vibrated! The green floated up to the surface for sure, but there is hardly any. This batch should dry faster, I think it’s spread way thinner!
ok the problem with the cone box was the surface I had to work with was flat and there was danger of water flowing off the edge. It should probably be deeper for the fiber floating part. Once the fibers are floated off then I can flatten it out and make sure the layer of trichomes is really thin then freeze dry.
After that test run I’ve got more ideas brewing, but we’ll see how this one turns out!


lol! Hey which one of you fuckers is trying to get me in trouble with the unicorn officials, bah hah hah oh my I laughed so hard when I heard that. Shit disturbers. Don’t worry my reputation is solid gold up there.

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So here’s a idea for you @JoeCrowe
Dunno how well it would work but just putting it out there
Sticking with the cone idea…
Could you not somehow make up a very thin tapered plastic cone that could be filled with the hash slurry then tied //sealed off-
Similar to how confectioners do delicate icing designs on ice cakes.
Once sealed hang it with the pointy end up -would the green leaf material not gravitate up to the top where you could then just snip the end and gently squeeze it out?
Or even perhaps in a syringe :man_shrugging:t3:
I dunno
Early morning brain fart

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Unfortunately the fibers will float on top of the trichomes. If you did a centrifuge on it, the green is on top and the pure hash on the bottom. That can be used for differential extraction where you spin it then scrape the top off, and save the bottom part of pure hash then take the top part and spin it again. Keep doing that until the hash in the bag is only green fibers, then toss it out.

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I’ll stay tuned…
Watching the show and learning :call_me_hand:t3:

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Is an ice water extraction plus the centrifuge more efficient than a dry sift?


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There will be less contamination in a bubble hash extraction. Dry sift can’t be made into live extracts.


What about something like a sluice box that they would use for gold? Or if you watch the gold shows a slowly rotating angled wheel? Probably be easier to just use a centrifuge but won’t look nearly as cool.

Fyi you can use the suns rays to “bleach” you product for aesthetics but of course you will be destroying some of that sweet sweet THC and terps.

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heh heh light is one of the enemies of hash. My friends are still working to stabilize trichome piles that won’t melt! I told them what the secret is. Lots of cold ass freezer time!

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This is the tech I’m going to be using for the unicorn.


reminds me, I spilled some 99% alcohol on the piece of hash I had that turned sort of golden as it dried. After a couple of days the alcohol evaporated, but the hash was translucent. Also… there was still water trapped inside lol!


I’ve been thinking about possible secondary cleaning methods & I think I have something that might work…

Picture a speaker (any old stereo speaker) driven by an audio oscillator.
The speaker is ‘face up’ and a saucer (or large watch glass) is sitting on the speaker.
Sweep the frequency to find a natural resonance and you should get quick separation of trichomes and misc. organic flakes.



That’d be a cheap setup for sure, it would impress people more than a cardboard box with a piece of teflon on it :wink:
I just tell them it’s integral the hash be made into a really really thin layer, but with no pressure applied to make it happen. When I reflect on the rules of the process, it’s amazing a tiny change makes such a difference.


hah hah you know… how did I come up with that nutty process? I was doing the waxing and put one of them in the freezer. Also I had noticed that when I was freeze drying the hash there would always be white powder left on the parchment that stayed that way. Once I had the method of reaching the end game, I start refining the process by doing this and that to see what happens. Eventually I had “the rules” of the process.
That’s why I’ve been looking at the process where the trichomes change color. If I don’t know how that happens, then how am I ever going to prevent it?


I’ve got all bubble hash freeze drying in parchment now. Once the puddle hardens in the freezer, I just peel it off and wrap it up. Then it sits on the shelf until it crumbles!
I’ll tell you something eh… in the “LP hash making industry” they put it through a screen after it’s dried to break it up. That’s interesting! Settings must be wrong on the freeze dryer - it shouldn’t come out like that.


I’m keeping an eye on the trichomes in a jar. I have to be absolutely sure there is no change for 10 days before I call it a success. Why 10 days? That’s how long it took to stabilize as chunks, so if something is going to happen, that’s the time frame.
The second image is the big bud batch, which is really crumbling. I should give it a whack! And the final image is the mixed bag of meat breath and big buds! I’ve ripped little bits of it. It’s still got quite a bit of moisture inside.