The quest for unicorn gold!

well, honestly it has to be specially prepared. Those crazy fucking steps I took to make this puddle of hash that freeze dried into dust are all essential for it’s production. I could never make this from hash I took and cut into bits, then freeze dried.
The steps are:
make the hash like normal. Get it on a non stick surface and add water. Shake it until it is very very flat, as flat as you can get. Freeze it, and then once it’s hard peel it off and put it on a piece of parchment to freeze dry thoroughly. It’s got to be a thin pile of dry dust, and then you can take it out of the freezer.
Make sure it’s totally dry! Any moisture left at all will ruin the process once it’s out of the freezer.


Joe look out I think @ABushOfKush
Is Marcus "bubbleman"gathering all you’re scientific findings and plotting to use it against you at the 2023 unicorn cup …
Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you haha …
They know where dinner hangs :sweat_smile:


Unfortunately I will not be there but he shouldn’t be surprised if he sees some hash similar to his own. His hash making revisited thread was one of the first I found when I came here. No doubt it’s been seen


I thought it was funny lol
No doubt it’s been seen .
He’s not scared


I hope somebody brings him some competition. A repeat of last year would be disgusting. At least one other entry that doesn’t look like aged hash…


hah hah yah you read my mind about the competition part. I’ll pray to the hash gods that second place looks respectable in my eyes. I don’t care if anyone can figure out this latest tech in time to face off with me, but I do appreciate an even playing field.
The info I got from bubbleman will give me some more funtime playtime coming up here. I don’t think I’ve seen someone whip heated bubble hash before. I love telling industry pros my zany fucking ideas just to see their reaction.


Dumb question:

When and where is the competition & will they livestream or blog it?
Does the contest have a website?

-Grouchy :thinking:


I baked one of my first cured hash batches to decarb it and ended up whipping it when it came out of the oven. Was a big gooey blob. Definitely was still wet. Would be interesting to see with the live hash. I had baked it at 220f for 30 minutes in a closed jar

Eventually it’ll be updated for this year’s run. Wow! I can’t believe it’s been 5 years already. They keep doing little media things on IG, that’s where the action is. The entire thing was recorded, but I’m not sure who did what with the recording. Never went and checked heh heh.


I’ve done it with the dehydrator, and it solidified in 45min at 60C. I didn’t whip it though! Never done that, but I will try it out.

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I’ll try to whip some up too. I’m thinking a small Mason jar for the hash and just dunk the bottom of the jar in a pot double boiler style and start whipping.


My whipping skills need some work. This was some nice light hash with a slight green color to it. Went super green when it melted. Was able to scrape most of it out of that jar.


I’m gonna do it with a pin, just like solidifying the rosin. Did yours harden when it cooled?

Sure did. Like a little rock. Barely squishes. About to rip some

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My guess is it’ll cost some terpenes. That’s what happened in the dehydrator. Even though it was really light colored, the volatiles had evaporated somewhat.

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Still tasted great. Can’t say I noticed much of a difference. I think getting the hash dried into a powder is a good enough end product for me.


heh heh good, I can’t wait to give it a go and see what happens. Sometimes curiosity ruins good product :wink:


hah hah you’d swear I was just posting the same photo over and over. Three days left and it’s unchanged!


I’ve been sprinkling the hash dust right in the banger. Melts perfect and super quick


It looks really good! This might sound stupid but you could make a career out of it, if you wanted. Anyone really, with this information could become pro in short order. Yep, people have used the crap I type in to launch their careers as high tech hash making motherfuckers, lol!