The quest for unicorn gold!

If I knew someone willing to pay me to make hash I’ll be there in an instant. Oh the fun that could be had with a real lab, real equipment. My garage does a fine job but I’m really not taking it seriously. You’ve found a method that is pretty dead simple


I will throw in my application too if you are hooking people up with good opportunities to do lab work for trustworthy people.


If it’s not simple, I’ve failed.
By the way younger version of myself, I figured out where I had failed in the past with the waxing technique. The layer has to be thin, and very very thin. I was unable to achieve that with large balls of hash, because I could never get it thin with the technique of stirring it I posted on youtube. Definitely a failed concept there, so what you need to do is use vibrations instead of stirring, to make it really thin. Practically see through if you can manage.
lol, hey I’m not handing out jobs here, just information. Most of them are corporate, you have to work your way in. They don’t pay much for entry level!


No worries. I wasn’t going to pass on a chance to work in a well funded lab because I was too shy to speak up.

I’ll going back to learning from your latest testing of your methods.

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@JoeCrowe you going to whip some up tonight? I’m excited to see what you can produce

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I could whip up some meat breath, I have wet hash I can toss in a container and whip with a pin. Whip the shit up at 60C, I think that’s about as high as I want to go, as I press the rosin at 64C. I’ll use the dehydrator to generate heat. I could use the press, but I think that could be overkill.

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I made a batch of live hash earlier today that was total shit. Probably 300 grams of fresh frozen and got maybe half a gram of really dark but very nice smelling hash. 220-25 micron. I whipped it up like the stuff I did this morning and it actually was dabable with a only a tiny bit of sizzle. Good taste. Was cool to take wet hash out of the bag and dab it only 20 minutes later

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I have a side question, not sure how long you’ve had fresh frozen sitting around before you’ve gotten around to processing it. The batch I made today was with fresh frozen from November. Have you found a difference in washability depending on how long the fresh frozen has been in the freezer? I’m sure the plant wasn’t a good hasher but I also wonder what the long term freezing might do to yield or quality. I have been using regular freezer zip bags that definitely aren’t air tight and experience freezer burn after a while.

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It should be good at least a year later. I even had some sort of partially thaw out and refreeze and it was still good. I would suspect the plant was a terrible hash producer, and probably not very many trichomes. Do you have a microscope to check?

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No microscope. I’m sure it was terrible as well. Just a thought I’ve had a few times since starting this whole thing and thought I’d ask.

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I think I fucked up the process? Or… It worked? Whatever I did was fucking nuts.


Wow. Yeah I need lower heat. That’s what I expected mine to look like. Today is a new day. I’ll try it with the not green stuff


Damn this hash just wasn’t white enough. The really white stuff I have is in tiny supply. Still a better result than yesterday. Put the jar on a heating pad while I whipped


Are you using a needle on it? I always whip my extracts with a needle when I’m whipping. Sewing needle, I mean.

It’s like some kind of hard lump that I could fucking pass off as rosin. Glad I went and picked bubbleman’s brain, he’s got some good ideas :wink:


Wasn’t a sewing needle but a very thin piece of wire. I can tell if I use the Caramelicious hash it would be more similar to yours. Its soooo light and clean. I just have next to nothing left of that so I’ll wait until I get a good crop.

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ooo baby!

There’s some c99 hash that’s over a year old. Still tastes great!


shiiiiiit! I didn’t whip that batch long enough. Next time I’ll do an extended whipping! I was suspicious when I noticed it had changed color over night and was more cream color than white. I was like hmmm… no likey. Sizzle sizzle fuck there’s still a drop of moisture in this shit.


My friends were impressed by the hash prototypes I made. They were shocked the whipped hash was hard and not sticky, and they were scared they’d snort the white powder hash up their noses while sniffing it. Tomorrow I’ll whip up another batch, I’ve got to get that tech perfected. Why? 'Cause I can.


After trying the whipped hash a few times yesterday I definitely prefer the powder. It is a lot easier to handle, melts just as well and hasn’t gone through any heating. Others may have a preference for the glob you can pick apart but it’s just messier than scooping up some powder real quick and dumping it it the banger.

The whipped does look impressive though