The quest for unicorn gold!

I’m willing to bet that the majority of it will dissolve into some kind of goop! Great idea, I’ve got the next couple hours planned out, lol! Where’s my hypodermic?


It’s fucking amazing! I can’t wait to post this shit.


There it is! Wheeeeee!


You have outdone yourself Maestro! Awesome imaging.



Love it , spectacular : )


There’s the rosin!


Oh, I’m going to be making a hash batch today! Prize winning! Also, I’ve got to muck around in the hash freezer, looking for any hash just laying around. Sometimes I make some and forget about it underneath layers of parchment. I’m going to perform the waxing of some big bud hash combined with freeze drying. I was perusing the legends of hashish, and they had an interesting entry that looked just like it. mmm that could be some next level shit.


Is there any drawback leaving the hash in a big lump in the freezer? I’ve got limited freezer space and can only properly dry one batch at a time in there. Was thinking leaving it in lumps till I can microplane and dry.


Yah that should be just fine! It’ll slowly dry from the outside in as it sits there.


sheeeeiiiiiiiiittttttttt… Guess what time it is? I dunged out the freezer and found various odds and sods I brewed up into a Good Morning Burger™ … so I got wasted man! So much orange rosin covered in white sparkles. Shoulda taken a photo hah hah! So, now we’re on! I’m gonna go start that batch.


lol ok remember when @Jetdro said the waxing tech purifies it, and @arb asked how? I can tell you that answer now! Plant fibers have far less density than trichomes, so I used a non-stick cooking surface and jiggling as well as capillary action to extract the plant fibers and old hash bits from the hash batch I just made. It’s potentially the purest extract I’ve ever made. I took photos as well.


Well don’t be shy post them pics :rofl:
Yet another discovery by Joe!
Atta boy …competitors better look out behind them now here he comes !


hah hah I took some out of focus shots. Damned camera is giving me the gears. I’ll get some decent ones in a bit, but I have some to look at for now.

Magnifying photo of a concentrated vein of green.


So here it is, and I drew most of the plant fibers to the very edge of the hash for disposal. I even got out some chunks of older hash that came from the bag, as well as a dog hair that got in the batch.
I put the hash chunk on a piece of teflon, which is black. Then I poured water over it until it was a puddle with hash in it. After which I shook it around like I was panning for gold. The contamination floated to the edges, so I used a piece of paper towel to absorb the water through the edge. That drew in more green, until 90% of it was on the edges. The plant fibers are far lighter than the trichomes, so they are drawn along with the water as it flows along, but the trichomes stick around.


here’s where I concentrated so many of the plant fibers. There are several zones like this where most of the fibers gathered.


If you have ever looked at the legends of hashish and seen piles of trichomes, that’s what I am producing here. This hash will be freeze dried piles of white trichomes, not golden chunks, like in the past. I’m not sure it makes a difference, but my friends were impressed!


Panning for gold is correct on multiple levels…

It’s one of those hindsight deals… There should be a secondary cleanup after collecting from the bags.

A couple lab methods come to mind… A vertical flush column would carry away the green… :thinking:



I had never really put much thought into purifying it after the batch was made. Buuut, my stupid brain just keeps thinking thoughts. After that last freeze dried batch, then I saw Q’s plant fiber contaminated batch that had been mixed too long. I was like… you know… The density of the materials are different, so I just started fucking around. People told me not to use silicon because it absorbs smells, so I used teflon instead. It specifically won’t absorb anything, so they claim.


My favorite Mad Scientist!

You really are a marvel @JoeCrowe, the hits just keep on coming.

The other contestants won’t know what hit em.



Just trying to follow but are you talking about using alcohol to de wax your product?

I have done this and it works great but you will lose some flavor.

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